Rotation Handle Tolerance overrides scale and selection functionality while using Wacom.
Hiya. I have an issue with the Selection tool and the rotation handle functionality overriding both scale and shift+selection of other objects while using a Wacom.
Essentially, the rotation functionality tolerance seems to be 2-3 times higher than when using a mouse, which means that I have to zoom in far in order to either scale or select a nearby object.
This behaviour has been in every version of Illustrator since the original Illustrator CC - which behaved flawlessly.
I've also had it occur on 2 different computers with 2 different Wacom devices (Intuous 5 and Cintiq 13HD) and multiple versions of the Mac operating system (Yosemite through to Sierra).
You can see a video of the behaviour attached below.
- Version of Illustrator: CC2018 (but same occurs in 2017, 2015, 2014)
- Steps taken: Using the selection tool I attempt to shift+select a nearby object or scale the selected object.
- Expected Result: Shift-selecting the nearby object or scaling the selected object.
- Actual Result: The current object goes into rotate mode.

I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 23.0.6 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
Anonymous commented
This is not completed. I am in version 24.1.1 and use a Wacom pen tablet, and I have to zoom in a crazy amount to have size handles. HELP!!!
Anonymous commented
Agreed, this is VERY frustrating, trying to do letter page sized menus, and having to zoom in to make changes is a serious time waste, and inefficient. PLEASE fix Adobe, I'm paying $$$$ every month. Having this issue with just a mouse in Windows, no wacom.
Anonymous commented
This problem is happening for me using a mouse, on a Windows computer, with the latest CC update. It is driving me crazy!
Michael commented
Amazingly, this regression is still not fixed. I feel let down with every new update. It's a huge frustration and time-waster.
Illustrator CS6 was much more performant and stable. What on earth happens to our subs money?
Adobe, please build software for pros, not simply gimmicks that look good on sales material.
paula madrid commented
still not fixed...
Carl commented
Still a problem in 24.1.1. But I'm not using a Wacom so my problem is the opposite when it comes to small objects, the size handle overrides the rotation handle. I have to zoom in to rotate, or switch to the rotate tool which is annoying.
And when I use the line tool I only get the rotation handle, and there's no bounding box around the line. If I expand the line to get rid of the live shape I do get a bounding box. But if I want to reset the bounding box after rotating the line a bit, it can't be done. Nothing happens when I click "Reset bounding box".
So still some issues to fix...........
Chris Phillips commented
Try turning 'Live Shapes' off by default in the Library preferences file. I'm still using CC2018 until I'm forced off of it, but this solution helps in that version (I'm not sure about 2019/2020 but its worth a try). This gets rid of the issue with rotation overriding scale and if you want to turn it back into a 'live shape' for some reason go to Object > Shape > Convert to Shape. It's a bandaid fix but the only way I get any work done in this program.
1. Quit Illustrator CC
2. (On a mac) click on "GO" on the top menu bar of OSX
3. Click "Option" while on "GO" This will make the "Library" folder appear
4. In "Library" scroll down to "Preferences"
5. Go to "Illustrator CC (Or Illustrator 20 or higher) "Settings"
6. In the "en_US" folder you'll find a file called "Adobe Illustrator Prefs" >Open it with textedit
7. Once the file is open hit (Command "F") and type in "Live" (No quotes)
8. Look for the line of code that reads "CreateLiveShapes 1"
9. Change the value of this code from "1" to "0"
10. Save the file and close -
Bill K commented
I've been an AI user since the early 90's. This was not a problem in the past. I had to switch to CorelDraw for a couple years for my job. Now I am back in AI full time and I hate to admit, Corel is more intuitive, and easier to use.
Problems like this definitely slow down my workflow. I probably wouldn't have noticed them as much if I hadn't spend a good deal of time in another program.
If any one has a work around please let me know.
I never thought I'd say this, it makes me sad. I
AJ Rattley commented
This issue is INFURIATING!!!! It's slowing down my workflow massively. I have to use various workarounds after trying three or four times to get the basic feature to work.
Scaling objects swaps to rotation as soon as I click. It NEVER works with smaller objects, but now I'm finding this issue still occuring on larger objects and after I zoom in. Sometimes it refuses to work and I have to use Object Transform or direct select edges and change width/height one side at a time.
Live corners turn to rotation when I click.
And now - even when I zoom in - the live corners are still turning into rotation once I click. I have to direct select individual edges to use live corners.It's such a ridiculously basic thing!
Max Hancock commented
It's happening again with 24.1
brian stokes commented
As Adobe's unofficial spokesman, I'd like to respond:
F*ck all of you and deal with it.
Thanks, and keep paying us,
Adobe -
Christian Zagarskas commented
This bug remains a major problem. Unless I zoom into 800% I am unable to scale even simple shapes like a rectangle. The bounding box "resets to rotate" even though the VERTICAL SCALE arrows show up and the mouse cursor changes when hovering over the middle control point. Please fix this. It is a huge impediment to workflow having to zoom in just to scale an object.
Hassan Sherif Designs commented
And I am THRILLED to share that this bug isn't fixed in your latest release, and Ai have become even slower and crashes more often on windows while I'm simply working on a shape based poster, with ONE image, no gradients, no crazy geometry or anything, and using the wacom makes it slow as if I'm working on a 10 year old laptop. WHILE I designed TEN posters with gradients and Bitmap images and textures on ONE file on a 7 year old MAC 2 years ago.
David commented
This issue has returned, but a little different in that the cursor correctly shows the 'stretch' icon, but still rotates instead of performing as the icon suggests. Once again, this is on smaller objects.
MJ commented
I also want to mention that I think this issue might have something to do with UI scaling. If I change compatibility settings so UI scaling is done by the system, it no longer switches from resizing/moving to rotating. The rotate cursor will still show in some areas when I hover inside the bounding box, but at least the function of moving/resizing does not change after I click to do those things. However, this isn't a solution for me because it causes Illustrator to run at a lower resolution and looks pixelated.
MJ commented
The issue seems to have returned in version 24. I think it is a result of the "rotate" cursor appearing when the cursor is inside the bounding box. I also have version 22.1 installed, and it does not happen in that version of Illustrator. The rotate cursor should only appear when the cursor is outside the bounding box, but it is appearing when the cursor is inside the bounding box for some objects. In addition, when I click on the handles to resize or even click on the center point of the object to move it, it immediately switches to rotation. This only seems to happen with live shapes and I have noticed that if I expand the shape, it stops happening. I would like to be able to work with smaller live shapes without this being an issue.
MJ commented
This is still happening with small objects and I'm using a mouse. I am careful to position my cursor so that it shows the resize cursor, but when I click, it switches to rotation.
Anonymous commented
Not fixed
Kyan commented
Thanks for the latest update. The annoying problem for so long is finally solved. Thanks a lot. :)
Carl commented
You still have to zoom in to be able to rotate small objects. Doesn't have anything to do with the Wacom, though.