Opacity and location overlaps with gradient bar (Gradient Panel) when expanded state of Gradient panel is docked in workspace
Gradient handles for linear and radial gradient are not responding to user input. Above the gradient input, disabled controls for setting position and opacity of stop are displayed (See screenshot).

I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 23.0.6 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App: https://helpx.adobe.com/in/creative-cloud/help/creative-cloud-updates.html
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
Matheus commented
you need to undock the gradient panel to get it working
Anonymous commented
Same problem... any solution???
Matheus commented
Same problem here. Any progress?
myrlo commented
Loki commented
Just to add, the gradient box window, resets itself to its smallest size, it doesn't like anything underneath it either.
Loki commented
Working on an iMac, 2017. (processor 4.2 GHz intel Core I7, 40 GB memory).
Gradient tool is broken, and when docked often reverts to the screen shot and is un-usable.
Further, the gradient tall won't show the annotator no matter if I set it to on or off. It's broken and I cannot use the gradient.
Tried re-installing Adobe Illustrator, its all up to date, tried restarting computer... nothing seems to work.
Thanks for reporting , we are able to reproduce this bug ,send it to engineering team for further investigation.
Ankit Goyal -
Syncicia commented
See the image. You are unable to select the left swatch
Anonymous commented
When my gradient window switch this view, it prevents any further editing on the gradient ( changing color or adjusting the gradient )
Hi Ferdinand Kuchlmayr,
Thanks for your response , Please share you preferences with us at <ShareWithAI@adobe.com> in a Zip file. Please mention the title of this issue as the subject of the mail.
Thanks and Regards
Ankit Goyal -
Anonymous commented
Sometimes gradient window switch to this view, see attached screen.
Anonymous commented
same bug
Anonymous commented
Sometimes gradient window switch to this view, see attached screen.
er1k commented
Thank you very much for that little hint to take it out of the stack. Most certainly the only workaround there will ever be. Am I right, Adobe?...
Jonny C commented
Hi Ankit. I concur with Ferdinand. Once the gradient panel is undocked, it does seem to work - which is a perfect work-around while you guys handle this. I've uploaded a screenshot to show the panel in it's 'broken' state.
While the panel is docked/ grouped with others, I find the following to be the case:
The circular color handles at the bottom of the large gradient preview are not clickable or moveable.
The opacity and location drop-downs also overlay the gradient preview, and are unusable.
The upper handles (diamond shaped) for adjusting the spread of the gradient between two color points seem to work.
Also, changing the type of gradient using the thumbnails for linear or radial, etc. seem to work fine... including anything else located above the diamond shaped handles.I am using OSX Mojave 10.14 Dark Mode/ Illustrator 23.0.1 Essentials workspace
Ferdinand Kuchlmayr commented
Hi Ankit,
the bug is still present in the current 23.0.1 release, however it appears that undocking the gradient panel prevents the issue from happening. With the gradient panel undocked, selecting an object with a gradient applied shrinks the panel to its preferred size. The UI then remains responsive.How can I provide you with the file requested?
Hi ,
Thanks for reporting this issue to us, illustrator team really appreciate this.
I am unable to reproduce this issue in house ,
Kindly provide more information like your preferences
Win: <OSDisk>\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator <version number> Settings\<Locale>\x64\Workspaces\
<OSDisk>/Users/<username>/Library/Preferences/Adobe Illustrator <version number> Settings/<Locale>/<Workspaces>
so that we can investigate this scenario further.Regards
Ankit Goyal -
Anonymous commented
I have the Gradient palette stacked and on a separate screen. When I try to adjust my gradient slider, my mouse arrow gets stuck and will not allow me to use the slider. It takes a lot of frustration to adjust a gradient on linear and radial gradient. Does any one have a fix for this problem?
Anonymous commented
Yep… this is really stuffed and needs fixing! A dodgy work around is to select hide options and then show options again for the gradient palette. The palette is rebuilt and everything returns to correct position. But shouldn't be happening in first place! So many bugs with this release Adobe! Gah!
Mark Jayvee Calicdan Pabilonia commented
Still waiting for the update, for now I am relying on the gradient tool handles.