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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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159 results found

  1. File on cloud didn't save before crash

    I was editing a file from my cloud when suddenly it crashed. When i opened the Illustrator again , it says that the file was last edited 24 days ago , but i worked on it 7 days ago too.

    Windows 11 , Adobe Illustrator 27.7

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  2. ¿Estás conectado a internet?

    La función de compartir documentos no me carga en Illustrator, cuando intento darle en la opción compartir se queda el recuadro en negro y quiere cerrar sesión y me dice que no estoy conectado a internet, alguna solución para eso?

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  4. There's a problem creating a NEW link to share the document after the initial link has been created.

    If you open an exiting document that has been shared with a link, resave the file with a new name, make changes, then try to create a new link, you will get an error.

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  5. Keyword Search on CC Libraries Not Working

    Keyword Search on CC Libraries is not working. The input area franked by Magnifier icon above the asset thumbnails does not accept any input. Clicks on that area gives zero interface response.
    This keyword search is important for many users who has a project library contains over 300 assets like mine. Much more so when CC Libraries provides the order-reshuffling group-invalidating default feature for any attempt to relinking assets.
    The only functional part there is "Search In" criteria drop down arrow on the right.
    Currently, it's happening on Illustrator version 27.4.1 but this issue has persisted across previous versions.

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  6. Library not updating once stock asset is purchased

    I have had a recurring issue for at least 18 months now (and across several updates of Illustrator). I use previews of stock images on drafts of layouts and then when I purchase the chosen image - clicking on the cart icon on the image in the Library panel, completing purchase - the preview image does not updated to a licensed image. I have to go into my account via a web browser, navigate to licensed images, download the file and manually drag it into my library. The cloud icon at the bottom left of the Library panel says it's…

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  7. PMS LAB swatch in Library changes to CMYK when used

    I’m having issues with my Pantone swatch in Adobe Illustrator’s Library. The swatch is saved to the Library with LAB settings, but when I select it it converts to CMYK forcing me to change it back to LAB and reenter the values every time I use it. I have hundreds of files that need Pantone colors which makes it a waste of valuable time. I’m attaching a youtube link of my screen to show what is happening. Is there a setting I need to use to solve this problem? Also, I’m using Illustrator 2023 (27.3.1) and Mac OS (10.15.7).

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  8. Libraries stops working randomly

    Libraries stops working randomly. I can navigate between my library folders but selecting items within the Library does nothing.

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  9. After the latest update v27.3.1, I have issues opening files from my library. After few minutes of being able to open, it will suddenly stop

    So before the update, i am able to open files in my AI Library freely. But now, when I double click a file, sometimes it doesn't open.

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  10. Problème de synchronisation avec Google Drive

    Je travaille sur 2 imac, l'un chez moi, l'autre à ma société. Tout se synchronise parfaitement à Google Drive, mon cloud d'entreprise, sauf Illustrator, qui me créé des fichiers tmp ! ça marche très bien sur Photoshop par exemple. Que dois-je faire pour synchroniser mes fichiers illustrator sur mes 2 ordinateurs ?

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  11. Illustrator is always disconnected from Creative Cloud

    Illustrator refuses to load my fonts and color library. It doesn't sync with the creative cloud until much later if at all. I'm a design intern and it's extremely important I use our specific font and colors so not being able to access this really sets me back on my projects.

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  12. Library Disappears

    After I use Illustrator for a while, the library disappears (seemingly without provocation). The library comes back if I restart illustrator (but then I have to close all the files I was working on and open them again).

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  13. Cloud Documents Do Not Open (Urgent)

    There is a bug that I have been experiencing for some time with my cloud documents in Adobe Illustrator. Like any other day at work, I'll open up illustrator and go to open one of my cloud files that are accessible on the home screen under 'your files'. However, these files for some reason have become unresponsive to my clicking on them. Double-clicking on them to open results in absolutely nothing happening. I can move the file around to new folders and other functions under the three dots, but I cannot simply open the file by clicking on it. This…

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  16. CC Libraries Convert "/" to Groups Popup Prompt

    CC Libraries Convert "/" to Groups Popup Prompt will not go away when "back to libraries" is selected after a click on anything in libraries pops back up again preventing any access to library. After much frustration, clicked "Convert" and has now destroyed the organization of my library by creating many empty groups and arbitrarily grouping other items.

    This was a huge library that took a lot of time to build, so I would love if it could be restored to its original stated before this "improvement".

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  17. Font Missing from Library Asset: Infinite Loop

    I tried to place an asset from Materials Library. A dialogue warns of a missing font, but I cannot recover from this as it infinitely appears with no option to cancel the attempt to place the asset.

    There really needs to be a way to recover from errors / faults, UX 101, had to use Program Manager to kill processes.

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  18. Some process, probably library syncing, overwrote graphic updates

    Almost lost half a day's work. Though I lost a bunch of time and productivity figuring out how to get it back.

    A library graphic got overwritten by an older version of that library graphic by something other than a human being.

    I was working in Illustrator 26.0.1 and Photoshop 22.5.2 at the same time on a Windows 10 machine. I had the graphic as a Smart Object in Photoshop. But since it's a graphic it was being edited in Illustrator.

    I also had Illustrator 26.0.1 opened on my Windows 10 laptop cause that's where I do my pen work,…

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  19. Images not appearing on shared link

    When I create a shared link for review, the image do not appear on the link.

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  20. Inability to add graphics in libraries

    This is a bug. This is where Adobe informs me to report a bug. For the record this must be said right away.

    I made a library and could initially add graphics to that library, but all of a sudden graphics wouldn't add itself whether I dragged or specifically selected "add ...".

    It added an irrelevant fill color instead.

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