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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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710 results found

  1. 下揃えに設定したエリア内テキストを途中で改行すると上にスペースが十分あるにも関わらずオーバーフローする

    Illustrator 28.5






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  2. 保存後、再度開くと文字スタイルがリセットかつ適用できない箇所が一部発生


    1. 適用していた文字スタイル(標準文字スタイル)が解除され、再度どの文字スタイルを選択しても適用されない

    2. 適用していた文字スタイル(標準文字スタイル)の部分が文字化けし、設定していないフォントに書き換えられる

    正直、保存→ファイルを開くだけで、こんな不具合が出るのは非常に困ります。尚且つ、1.の再度文字スタイルが選べない = 復旧できないは致命的です。

    1. 選択箇所のように、サイズ10級にしていた箇所が、フォント種、サイズなどめちゃめちゃになり、スタイルの再設定もできない

    1. 1.と同様の「標準文字スタイル」箇所が勝手に他のフォントに設定され、尚且つ文字化けを起こしている
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  3. Type on Path Characters vanish and appear scattered / exploded on far edges of canvas (when zoomed out) if outlined / expanded

    Started in in version 27.7.0
    Reproduction procedures:
    1. Create type on a path in document.
    2. Save the document and close it once.
    3. Open that document and select the text on a path.
    4. Execute command “Outline Text”

    The above procedure will make it all disappear and disappear.
    This phenomenon is not reproduced in Illustrator 2022 or earlier, so it seems to be a 2023-specific bug.

    Support Community Reference Threads

    1. ドキュメント上にパス上テキストを作成
    2. ドキュメントを保存し、いったん閉じる
    3. ドキュメントを開き、パス上テキストオブジェクトを選択
    4. アウトラインを作成


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    The issue is believed to be fixed in the latest Beta build and is expected to be pushed into the Global Availability build at the end of July.

    To ensure this indeed fixes the problem, please install the latest Beta build from CCD app and try to reproduce it, following the steps provided by Ton in a comment within the report.

    Please reply back if Beta works for you or not.

  4. オプティカルカーニングのテキストにタブを設定しても揃わない - Optical kerning text does not align when tabs are set


    MacOS Monterey(12.7.4) + Illustrator 2024(28.4.1)

    1. テキストオブジェクトに文字パネルで「文字間のカーニング:オプティカル」を設定する
    2. 「タブ」パネルで「タブ揃え」、「タブ位置」、「リーダー」を設定する





    ---Use translation tools---

    When "Tab" and "Leader" are set on optical kerning texts, texts are not aligned at the tab position.

    Steps to reproduce:
    1. set optical kerning to the text.
    2. set tab alignment, tab position, and leader in the "Tabs" panel.

    Expected result
    Text is aligned at the specified position.

    Actual result:.
    Text is not aligned at the specified position.

    - Set kerning other than "optical" only for tabs in text.
    - Use kerning other than…

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  5. 縦組みテキストの行末にある、縦中横の括弧類のアキが不均衡




    • macOS 12.7.3(Apple Silicon)
    • Illustrator 2024(28.5.0) この仕様がいつからあるのかわかりませんが、少なくともCS6では再現します。


    1. 縦組みポイント文字に「100gの水にとける物質の質量〔g〕」と打つ
    2. 〔g〕に縦中横をかける






    • 文字組アキ量設定をなしにすると各アキは50%になり、ひとまずセンターには揃う
    • 行末に縦中横でない文字を追加すると各アキは50%になり、ひとまずセンターには揃う
    • 行末にカーニング500を追加すると各アキは50%になり、ひとまずセンターには揃う


    • tcy_paren.jpg
    • expected_result.jpg
    • actual_result.jpg
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  6. Text wraps differently in Illustrator 2025 compared to previous version

    Encountered a very frustrating bug after updating to Illustrator 2025 today and opening an existing file. It turns out that text within type areas wraps slightly differently in this new version, causing overflow errors in several places throughout the document.

    The file I discovered this in was created yesterday in Illustrator 28.5.

    Interestingly, when I hover the affected text area, the blue preview rendering shows the old, expected wrapping. There is no way to get it back in the actual, rendered text, though.

    Zero changes have been made to this file since yesterday—only the Illustrator version has changed. I checked…

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  7. Ligatures button not working

    Ligatures button is enabled but not working, i'm testing with ra re. ri ro ru and with a font i know contains ligatures and turning it on or off dont do anything with the text

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  8. 2 votes

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  9. Font Selection Panel Stuck on top of the Artboard/Application

    Selecting font panel is stuck on the screen. Tried 'Reset Essentials' but the font panel does not go away. Able to work on the artboard and its contents like normal but the font selection panel is irresponsive to attempts in moving it. When going in Properties panel and changing font of a text there, the dropdown is bugged out (can only change font if you type font name).

    Only after quitting application did the font selection panel disappear.

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  10. Braille fonts are displaying incorrectly after latest update (29.1)

    After doing the latest update, one particular font I use is displaying at a different spacing to what it was in the previous versions of illustrator and is incorrect.

    Its a slight difference but I deal with braille on medicine so this is required to be very accurate. I have attached an example but am unable to upload the font, which is a unique braille font for our company.

    I have gone back to the previous version of Illustrator for now to resolve this.

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  11. 段落の文字揃えが正しく行われない


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  12. Illustrator Beta Font Selection Panel Disappearing Problem

    When the pop-up font preferences panel opens, which is an easy selection area, the window that opens to select a font disappears when hovering over it with the mouse. The font preference preview panel closes before making a selection. It occurred after the last update.

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  13. 箇条書きテキストの不透明度が勝手に変わる



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  14. Why the the FONT i used are NOT LONGER AVALIABLE in Adobe premiere pro?

    Hi Adobe community, a few weeks ago I updated a new Adobe Premiere version and since then the font I was using has changed and I can no longer find it among those available. The fonts I need are: Algerian, BlackadderlITC-Regual, Garamond-Italic, Onyx. I try to find these fonts as if they were extensions from the official Adobe page but I couldn't find the Algerian font in this way either... Can anyone help me or give me advice? Thanks a lot!

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  15. Fonts not loading Illustrator 24 v28.6

    Running Windows 10, Illustrator 24 v 28.6
    I have been trying to upload fonts today... all day on 7 fonts! I have uploaded, installed, removed, updated, rebooted, and reinstalled and rebooted again trying to get the fonts to load.
    Of the 7 fonts I needed to install, 6 have uploaded properly. The final one, Bebas, has refused to be recognized. See attached photos. It shows that it is uploaded, installed and even gives an error showing there are duplicates, but the installed font will not open in illustrator 24 v28.6
    Help please!

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  16. Eyedropper set to pickup character style and color, changes text color.

    Can anyone please explain why this happens? It has bugged me for a long time. I have the eyedropper clearly set to pickup the color as well as character style. It always reverts to black.

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  17. The cursor is going to the opposite side while typing in Middle East world ready composer in Illustrator Hebrew / English Arabic language

    Typing in Hebrew Language in Illustrator installed In English Hebrew Language. Selected Middle Eastern Single Line composer and the cursor is going to the opposite direction in Illustrator 28.1

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  18. Paragraph Styles in Illustrator are Hot Garbage

    Adobe, fix this already. Don't waste any more time investing in AI **** until this kind of stuff is fixed.

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  19. テキストレイアウトの更新について


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    Please package the document with all the fonts used and send it to the team for investigation to

    Please also put the link to this report for tracking in the text:

  20. Pasting text within text box changes formatting to neighboring type

    I am trying to cut and paste type within an area type box. I have the type formatted with mixed attributes. But when I paste the type in its new location all formatting is lost and it assumes the format of the type next to where I paste it.

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