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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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710 results found

  1. Tracking of the first character shifts the alignment of the next tab stop


    When tracking is applied to the first character of a text frame, the alignment of the next tab stop will be shifted from the correct position depending on the amount of tracking.

    Only the tracking of the first character and the next tabstop are affected, not if kerning or akiRight is applied. After the target tab stop, the position will be correct.

    This bug seems to have occurred in Illustrator 2020, as it is not reproduced in Illustrator CC2019(23.1.1).


    • macOS 12.7.3(Apple Silicon)
    • Illustrator 2020(24.3.0)〜2024(28.5.0)

    Steps to reproduce

    1. Open the attached file in Illustrator 2020 or…
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  2. Paragraph Styles in Illustrator are Hot Garbage

    Adobe, fix this already. Don't waste any more time investing in AI **** until this kind of stuff is fixed.

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  3. Text gets launched into the ether

    When moving text in any sort of way (keyboard, click and drag), it would completely disappear from the artboard and launch itself either to the top left corner of the boundary or way outside to the light grey area. Screenshot of the latter is attached. The text outline/boundary box shows up where it is supposed to be on the artboard, but it is untouchable and out of bounds.

    Copying and pasting the text seems to have temporality fixed the issue. It's not the biggest problem, just kind of funny and a little annoying after the 5th time.

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  4. Japanese text converted to broken words.

    When type text and convert to Chinese letters, it's made to broken words like pic.

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  5. Text change when I copy and paste

    When I copy and past text from one project to another, it change the text randomly and I can't change it, I need to rewrite it.

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  6. Incomplete Bug Fix on Legacy Text Disappearing in v28

    Illustrator CC 2018.(No problem before 2017)
    Updated text disappears when opening a file of old data such as version 10 or lower by a specific operation and updating the text portion.

    ・Prepare and open files of version 10 or lower
    ・To confirm whether to update the legacy text on the warning screen, click [OK] to not update
    ・Save immediately
    ・Open the saved file
    ・Click on the legacy text part with the mouse
    ・On the warning screen, click [Update]
    → The text that should have been updated disappears

    Reported in the thread of Japan Forum.

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  7. Letter "N" symbol instead of hyphen when hyphenation is activated


    We have a problem with a certain file. After first auto activation of a font, the hyphen character is replaced by a "N". When we then close the file, not Illustrator, so fonts stay active and simply reopen the file, the hyphen is displayed correctly.

    We use Connect Fonts for fontmanagement, but apparently the problem is on the Adobe side (according to Extensis)

    OS: Windows 11 and MacOS Sonoma (latest version)
    Most recent version of Illustrator

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  8. Superscript number bug

    Whenever I start typing a number in a text box it ALWAYS automatically makes the number SUPERSCRIPT by default.

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  9. All Text is not visible and Can't move the objects. The requested transformation would make some objects too large issue.

    I opened a project I was working on last week this morning and encountered this issue. All my text is not visible and I cannot move any text boxes without an error message coming up stating: Can't move the objects. The requested transformation would make some objects too large. I tried all the other solutions listed that could be found on Google and this forum. It happens for every project I open. I attached images of what I see and the error message.

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  10. オプティカルカーニングのテキストにタブを設定しても揃わない - Optical kerning text does not align when tabs are set


    MacOS Monterey(12.7.4) + Illustrator 2024(28.4.1)

    1. テキストオブジェクトに文字パネルで「文字間のカーニング:オプティカル」を設定する
    2. 「タブ」パネルで「タブ揃え」、「タブ位置」、「リーダー」を設定する





    ---Use translation tools---

    When "Tab" and "Leader" are set on optical kerning texts, texts are not aligned at the tab position.

    Steps to reproduce:
    1. set optical kerning to the text.
    2. set tab alignment, tab position, and leader in the "Tabs" panel.

    Expected result
    Text is aligned at the specified position.

    Actual result:.
    Text is not aligned at the specified position.

    - Set kerning other than "optical" only for tabs in text.
    - Use kerning other than…

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  11. Opacity for list objects (bulleted or numbered) lost after closing a file

    When you reduce the opacity of a text object that contains a list - either just a list or a list plus "normal" text, that opacity gets deleted once you have saved the file. It's not even saved into the PDF part of the file.
    If you apply the opacity at the Character level or if you create an additional fill for the text object and then apply reduced opacity, it works.

    Version 28.3
    MacOS Monterey 12.7.1

    Please see also:

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  12. "Load paragraph styles" or "Load all styles" doesn't overwrite styles with same name

    I have a set of 9 template files that I need to update. Each file contains an identical set of about a dozen paragraph styles. I want to update all the paragraph styles in all of the files.
    I updated the styles in the first file ( and changed kerning from Auto to Optical. When I open the next file, (e.g., I use "Load Para Styles" and choose the first file ( When I check the style definitions, kerning is still set to Auto. The kerning value should have changed to Optical to match the style from…

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  13. Pasting text from Microsoft Office does not work on Mac but works on PC

    This has been an issue for quite a while on many different machines Mac OS version, and Illustrator versions over the years and is consistent. When copying text or vectors containing text like graphs from a Microsoft Office app like Excel, PowerPoint, or Word. Then pasting into Illustrator, the graphics and vectors are correct but the text is illegible in that it is corrupted in some way so it looks like symbols.

    I know it works on Windows as this is my usual workaround in the past, but my main machine is a Mac and this is a very annoying…

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    Eyedropper tool between two text boxes with mixed color letters. How to copy ONLY text attributes leaving the colors unchanged.
    Even by deselecting fill color and stroke color in the eyedropper detection and eyedropper application boxes, the color of the destination text becomes unique depending on which is pressed as the source and the letters do not remain colored differently.
    Please resolve!

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  15. 字号调大后,移动字符框(区域文字)还保持最初的大小


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  16. ドキュメントのラスタライズ効果設定が300ppiの場合でもApple Color Emojiが低い解像度でラスタライズされる

    macOS Ventura / iMac27inch i5/32GB/1TB
    Illustrator ver.28.3(カラーフォントに対応したバージョン全てで同様の挙動だと思われます。)

    1. テキストツールを使いアートボード上をクリックしテキスト入力モードに
    2. 字形パレット上で任意の絵文字をダブルクリック
    3. アートボード上のポイントテキストに絵文字が入力されるので、サイズを15pt程度に設定する。
    4. メニューより「書式→アウトラインを作成」を実行する。
    5. ビットマップ系のカラーグリフのフォントなのでビットマップに変換されるが、アウトライン前の表示に対して著しい解像度低下が起きる。




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  17. Illustrator Freezes when trying to scroll fonts

    When text is highlighted, and I go to change the font and use the scroll bar on the right to scroll down, the program freezes indefinitely.

    No custom fonts installed.

    2021 Macbook Pro M1 running Sonoma MacOs 14.3.1 (23D60). No other applications open.

    I used the MacOs Screenshot App to record the bug in action. However - when recording my screen, the bug does NOT happen. I tested this multiple times. Talk about the observer effect...

    In order to capture the bug, I used my phone to record. I tested this multiple times. I'm attaching both videos below.

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  18. Thin space and hair space have wrong widths, compared to InDesign

    In Indesign a hair space is a twenty fourth of an em-dash independent of the font size.
    In Illustrator a hair space depends on the font size.
    6pt font -> hair space is a sixth of em-dash
    10pt font -> hair space is a tenth of em-dash
    20pt font -> hair space is a twentieth of em-dash
    40pt font -> hair space is a fortieth of em-dash
    in other words: a hair space in Illustrator is always 1pt

    In Indesign a thin space is an eighth of an em-dash.
    In Illustrator a thin space is a fifth of an em-dash.

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  19. Line Graph Tool not supporting Indian language KANNADA

    I am working for Indian language KANNADA new paper as Chief graphic Artist since 2007. Now I am using Illustator cc 28.2 version. Where if I import the Kannada content text will junking. And it is not supporting.

    Please help me use easily..

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  20. Modifying paragraph / character style doesn't trigger the unsaved changes flag

    Illustrator doesn't prompt to save changes to paragraph styles if no other changes are made to a document.

    To reproduce:
    1. Create a document, add a paragraph style, save and close.
    2. Reopen document, modify the paragraph style, close document.

    At the end of step 2, when closing the document, Illustrator should ask if I want to save my changes, but it does not. After modifying the paragraph style, I can also see that the asterisk (*) does not appear next to the filename on the current tab, which normally indicates unsaved changes.

    28.2 on macOS 12.6.5

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