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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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  2. The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop) 
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710 results found

  1. 縦書きで縦横中を指定するとクラッシュする


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  2. Variable Fonts with a Width axis don’t work in Illustrator unless the "space" glyph changes width

    Operating system:
    macOS Sonoma 14.1.1 (23B81)

    The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop):
    Adobe Illustrator 2024 (28.2)

    The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues:
    I created a variable font with a width axis. The font works well in environments like web browsers, but the variable axis slider has no effect in Illustrator. This also affects variable fonts with a Width axis and other axes – none of the shaping changes of any axes are rendered in Illustrator.

    After some debugging and experimentation, I finally learned that the "space" glyph must change in its character width, and only then…

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  3. Turning off hinting does nothing.

    I have a font with poor hinting where the alignment of several letters isn't working properly. When I select 'none' from the drop-down menu for hinting in the character panel, nothing changes. In previous versions of Illustrator, this is used to treat the letters as standard vectors.

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  4. Create text larger than 12pt when zoomed out! (Plus wacom type tool error)

    When I'm putting together a HD storyboard, i.e zoomed out to view a range of 1920x1020 artboards, clicking on the document with the text tool just makes a tiny cross symbol and doesn't allow me to type.

    NOTE - Wacom tablet seems to create the cross. Laptop track pad does create text but at 12pt which is crazy small to edit when zoomed out.

    It would be great if Illustrator acknowledged my zoom level and didn't default to giving me text so small that I can't highlight it or easily edit. Constantly zooming in and out every time I want…

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  5. 文字が消える時がある。


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  6. Illustrator font bug

    1. Windows 11 Home
    2. Illustrator 28.1
    3. Installed font from Adobe Fonts, doesn't show up in Illustrator (but shows up in other Adobe programs)
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  7. Character colors set for character/paragraph styles loaded from another document are lost when the file is saved and reopened.


    1. macOS & Windows OS, Illustrator all versions

    2. 再現手順
      ① ドキュメント上で段落スタイルを新規作成し,文字カラーを設定後,保存する。
      ② 別のドキュメントの段落スタイルパネル「段落スタイルの読み込み…」より,①.ai を読み込む。
      ③ 読み込んだ段落スタイルを適用したテキストオブジェクトを作成し,保存する。
      ④ ③のドキュメントを再度開く。

    3. 望む結果:  ①で設定した文字の色が,段落スタイルの「文字カラー」に設定されている。

    4. 実際の結果:  段落スタイルの「文字カラー」は「なし」になっている。

    読み込んだスタイルを適用したテキストオブジェクトの見た目は黒くなり(カラースペースがDevice Grayになり),カラーパネルの表示は「?」になります。


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  8. The cursor is going to the opposite side while typing in Middle East world ready composer in Illustrator Hebrew / English Arabic language

    Typing in Hebrew Language in Illustrator installed In English Hebrew Language. Selected Middle Eastern Single Line composer and the cursor is going to the opposite direction in Illustrator 28.1

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  9. テキストボックス内での強制改行

    Adobe Illustrator 28.1、OS13.6.3、OS11.7.10

    テキストボックスで均等配置(最終行左揃え)を使用。テキストにtabを挿入しsift + 改行 (強制改行)すると落ちます。

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  10. Bug with the ' touch on AZERTY keyboard on AI 2024

    Hi ! I recently came upon a but while typing text with a French AZERTY keyboard. Indeed touching the ' (apostrophe) symbol instead writes a < or > when entered. I thought at first it was a font problem, but after trying a few different ones wondered if if wasn't a keyboard language problem, but then i tried on AI 2023 and had no problem typing my text correctly.

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  11. Leading (line spacing) not shown, blank, in Character panel

    Various Mac OS versions and hardware, including M2 Mac Studio and M3 MacBook Pro. Confirmed in screenshots on:
    Mac Sonoma 14.1
    Apple M3 Pro
    36GB of RAM

    Various versions. Confirmed on Adobe Illustrator 2024 v28.0 (used for screenshots). This happens across computers and OS and Illustrator versions.

    Opened file and clicked on text.

    Selecting text should show leading in Character Panel.

    Leading field is blank in Character Panel.

    Leading (line spacing) is sometimes not shown in the Character Panel. The field is blank. This can occur when selecting many characters, which…

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  12. Text is uneditable.

    I have large text files in my illustrator artboards and when I try to edit the copy, it only allows me to select a singular letter rather than being able to simply click the text and edit it.

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  13. Single line text temporarily breaks to two lines when being moved or adjusted

    This issue has been discussed in the Adobe Community forums, and other people have been able to replicate it.

    This is the current 28.1 version of Illustrator as of Dec. 21st 2023.

    If I have text that is close to the edge of the text box, and I try to make kerning between two characters tighter/smaller, Illustrator temporarily shows the text breaking into two lines, as if it won't fit on one, before readjusting to one line again. It's making it very difficult to fine-tune kerning, as I can't see the progress I'm making. The kerning information in the Character…

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  14. PDF live text strings are broken into individual character groups

    Operating system: Windows 10
    Version: Illustrator 28

    When importing PDF files into Illustrator, some live text strings are broken up into individual characters inside group layers.

    The same text strings are not broken if the PDF is opened in Adobe Acrobat.

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  15. SVG files with tabular-lining opened in Illustrator doesn't work properly

    Problem decription:

    An SVG file with tabular-lining text property applied to text doesn't work properly when opened in Illustrator (text is not aligned).

    Use the following steps to reproduce the issue:

    download attached BarlowCondTabularLining.txt file
    replace .txt with.svg (unable to load an SVG file)
    import the file to Adobe Illustrator
    open this file in Google Chrome (or any other browser) to visually see the difference
    Actuall result: Google Chrome: Values are alined on decimal point. Adobe Illustrator: Values are not aligned

    Expected result: Google Chrome: Values are alined on decimal point. Adobe Illustrator: Values are alined on decimal point.

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  16. Font menu blank

    Drop down font menu has stopped working in all illustrator docs.

    Turned all fonts on / off in Creative Cloud, no change, it's also showing all fonts are installed on the CC app.
    Creative Cloud is working fine
    Illustrator is up to date (28.0)
    Internet connection is fine.

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  17. Find and Replace text results in unwanted repeated characters

    Illustrator v 28.0
    Mac OS Ventura 13.4.1

    Using the Edit > Find and Replace... function to search for and remove text results in the first character after the removed text to be repeated. For example:

    Old text: Lorem Singapore / Lorem Hong Kong / Lorem Australia
    Find "Lorem " and replace with nothing
    Result: SSingapore / HHong Kong / AAustralia

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  18. Cursor indicator jumps from linked text boxes

    When I try to move the cursor between text in linked text boxes, the cursor instead jumps to the first text box. This is seen particularly when selecting a space in the text, or when trying to move the cursor to the front of a text line within a linked text box.

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  19. 文字組みアキ量設定で保存ボタンを押しても修正内容が保存されない

    mac Ventura13.6
    Ai 28.0


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  20. accent change fonts

    When we use Variable Concepr Fonts if I write text that contain letters with accents, the style of the typography changes. It's quite annoying.
    OSX Ventura 13.6
    Illustrator CC2024
    (See image)

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