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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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53 results found

  1. Rearrange Artboards feature does not align to pixel grid

    As per title, Rearrange Artboards feature does not align to pixel grid. First Artboard is aligned correctly to a whole number for both x and y. Run process and all artboards are then misaligned.

    I found a workaround: select all artboards and then Object > Make Pixel Perfect but workarounds do not equal function.

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  2. Align to key object doesn't work properly

    Mac Studio 2022 Apple M1 Max - 64Gb memory
    Mac OS Sequoia 15.1
    Illustrator (Middle East) 29.2.1

    Alignment to key object SOMETIMES doesn't work as expected. I cannot figure out which are the specific cases.
    When dealing with text boxes there is no difference between Roman Hanging punctuation ON or OFF.
    I numbered the screenshots according to the issue.

      I'm right aligning my text box to another text box. It right-aligns it to the right border of the selected text box with small margin (in this case 0,26mm). The right border of the text box is shifted…

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  3. Sometimes Align panel has no Align To options enabled, even with a selection present

    Occasionally I have an object selected, hit a hotkey assigned to an Align command, but nothing happens, even though Ai should automatically enable Align To Artboard with the only object selected.

    I open the Align panel (in these cases it’s usually collapsed) and realize none of three Align To option buttons is pressed! I click Align To Artboard one manually, and then it works, and it doesn’t happen anymore... until the next time it misfires like this.

    Probably it happens at least one per Ai session, I can’t tell yet.

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  4. Object Transform / Arrange unavailable after editing Graph values

    Illustrator 28.6 on Mac Ventura 13.5.2 (but this has been going on for several version of Illustrator)

    Every time I edit the values of a Graph (pie chart), the Transform and Arrange menus (in Object) are greyed out and I can't use them (nor the Transform Again) unless I first click on the Object menu.

    This is slightly annoying (most of the time I don't realize the transformation hasn't been done until much later and I have to move things again).

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  5. Aligning doesn’t work for groups with strange empty unselectable objects inside, imported from SVGs (originally made with Illustrator)

    Several objects were made in Illustrator and exported to SVGs.
    Later they were imported back into Illustrator.
    Please take a look at both the GIF and the file atached.

    When one tries to select all the top-level groups and align them to left — it doesn’t work.
    Aligning to center and to right works, but once these get aligned to right — aligning to center stops working too.

    When exploring layers, it’s clear that these groups have something else inside besides rectangles — but only in Layers, not on canvas. These can’t be selected or changed, only rearranged, renamed, deleted.

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  6. Objects from CC library placed in document, then embedded, do not respond logically to alignment commands.

    I've encountered this on three different apple machines over 2 years. Currently:
    1. macOS Monterey 12.7.5
    2. Illustrator 28.5
    3. Create graphic (ex. a logo) and add it to a CC Library. Place the Object in a new document. Embed it. Use direct select tool to select bounding box and delete it (so logo can be selected to change fill color, for example). Try to align object to either key object or artboard. It's likely the logo will move errantly left or right.
    4. I expect align to work as with a normal (non library) object.
    5. Video attached.

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  7. Smart guides don't work

    My smart guide isn't working, I tried every single way. Still didn't work, so frustrating.

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  8. Align / Distribute ignores Constrain Angle

    The Align and Distribute options do not take into account the Constrain Angle setting when the Constrain Angle is not equal to zero. In simpler terms, the Constrain Angle for Align and Distribute is always set to zero.

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  9. Aligning issue

    Although I'm selecting "aligned to Artboard" the Illustration still jump away right when I click on Horizontal/vertical Aligned center"

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  10. 对齐字形边界对编组的文字不起作用


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  11. 不同位置,相同分布对齐,得到的结果不一样?


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  12. Snap to point

    Why not have snap to point regardless of what magnification you're at. I'm sick of having to waste my precious time zooming right in to make sure object lines and points are snapped together and aligned properly.

    This issue has been going on for a long time, and never gets fixed. I know others on forums have this issue as's universal, not just me!

    I do hope someone reads this and actually does something about this issue, but I'm not expecting anything to be honest, because you haven't bothered to fix it for a long time now.

    Robert Bell

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  13. Distribute Spacing options not available in keyboard shortcut list

    When the Distribute Spacing options were added to the Align panel, they were not added to the Keyboard Shortcuts panel. They remain unavailable in v28.0.x. This is an oversight, obviously, that should not be hard to remedy but will make life much easier for those of us who rely on kbscs and/or auxiliary devices like Stream Deck, Logitech G-keys, or Xencelabs' Quick Keys, etc.

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  14. Align to artboard can't change to Align selected objects

    The default Align Artboard button cannot be changed to Align selected objects.
    The version I am using is 28.0, mac system. I can't perform the point alignment operation, it will automatically perform the 'Align Artboard' function. 'Align' is a frequently used feature, so please fix it as soon as possible. Thanks

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  15. When a group of symbols is used as a key object, only one symbol gets the bold outline

    When you click an object to mark it as a key object for aligning, Ai draws a fat bold edge around it. Works fine, but not for a group of symbols. Need to be fixed.

    Similar to the problem with meshes, which don’t get any key outline at all:

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  16. When a group is set as a key object inside of the ungrouped isolation, Distribute Spacing treats some other groups as ungrouped

    1. Open the test file
    2. Isolate the group
    3. Select all
    4. Ungroup — now you have just <Objects> as the last step of isolation
    5. Click the leftmost group once with the Selection tool to make it the key
    6. Press Horizontal Distribute Space button in Align panel Ai will treat the last group as if it is ungrouped — but it is not!

    Why do I do this at all? To distribute all objects inside of a group.
    I can’t do this when it is grouped, so I select it first, then isolate (to avoid interaction with anything else on canvas), then ungroup…

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  17. The align tools don't work on rectangle in perspective plane

    In particular, the center align button in the align menu doesn't work correctly on a rectangle in a perspective plane. I notice that the bounding box does appear to be correct, but the shape is no longer align with its bounding box. Again, this problem only occurs with objects in a perspective plane. And yes, I am using the perspective selection tool to select the object.

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  18. Align on a selection not working - Illustrator 27.3.1

    When selecting the 2 points of a line, the "align to a selection" is not available.
    However, it worked yesterday, before upgrading to 27.3.1.
    What I want to do is select the first point of the line, then the second, and when I click "align horizontally to center", the first point should align with the second.
    Instead of that, the entire line is centered on the artboard.

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  19. Align to key object isn't working

    Align to key object not working. When I click to align the non-key object moves to a random but specific place on the file, it is not aligning to the art board but to a random half-way straddling the edge of the art board. Please fix this asap, I can't really use Illustrator without being able to align objects on the page. We pay a lot for this program!

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  20. Align to Selection & Align to Key Object not working

    Mac OS Ventura 13.0.1
    Illustrator 27.0.1 & Illustrator 26.5.2

    I am not able to select 'Align to Selection' nor 'Align to Key Object' in either the Properties panel or the Align panel. It seems stuck on 'Align to Artboard' whenever I select specific objects.

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