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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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  1. Details of your operating system
  2. The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop) 
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5 results found

  1. Wrong Dimensions When working with large canvas

    Illustrator 28.1

    Windows 11
    Ryzen 7
    64GB Ram
    RTX 3060

    Dimensions for objects in an artboard above 227 inches x 227 Inches gets divided by 10. So a square of 1000mm will show as 100mm when you pull out the dimension.

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  2. 「中マド」を使用した際に謎の現象が起こる



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    Illustrator チーム

  3. Negative alignment value using key object

    In previous versions you would be able to assign a negative value when setting a distribute value using a key object.

    When using this feature currently it reverts to a positive value. If you hold shift and click it will go to -1p0 but once you click up or down it changes to a positive. A clear bug.

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  4. Rotate dialog box should have value highlighted by default, or be highlighted by Tab

    When you press R then Return on the keyboard to pull up the Rotate dialog box, the value of the angle should be highlighted by default like it used to be.

    Formerly when I wanted to rotate an object at a specific angle, like 122°, I would type R - <Return> - 122 - <Return>

    Now to do the same thing I have to type R - <Return> - <Tab> - <Shift-Tab> - 122 - Return – a much more cumbersome keystroke combination.

    At the very least, the first Tab should highlight the value, NOT the Preview checkbox.

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  5. Illustrator plays a <ding> sound when trying to move objects

    I am attempting to move a vector object from one side to the next using my mouse. While selected, I attempt to move the object with my mouse and I am hearing a "ding" (as if there is a message pop up) and nothing. The object will not move (The layer is not locked), and there is no error message. The object will only move with the keyboard keys. Please help! I recently upgraded to CC2018.

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