Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs
When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:
- Details of your operating system
- The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- Your expected result and the actual result
- Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)
280 results found
No search bar in Pantone swatch color books
When I go to search for Pantone colors, or and other colors, there is no search bar at the top of the swatch tool window
1 voteYou can have this field shown with Show Find Field option in a panel flyout menu. This works for Swatches and Pantone libraries and any other swatches library.
Saving always creates a .tmp file, can't see preview of the file and cannot import AI file to After Effects
as title says, my Illustrator 2020 (24.0.1) always creates a .tmp file whenever i save. I cant see a preview of the file when viewed on Finder. Lastly, I can't import the files i created using AI 2020 to After Effects - it only shows a blank artboard.
Files are saved with Create PDF compatible File ticked.
I have also tried resetting the Adobe PDF joboption settings.
So right now I have 2 AI's installed just so i can continue working with my files.
macOS High Sierra
version 10.13.621 votesRatchakrit Klongpayabal posted the below solution to fix this issue.
How to stop .tmp$$$ when export .png File from Avast Anti-virus
The cause of this annoying problem came from the ransomware shield function from Avast. This is an easy method to solve this problem.
1. Go to Avast Antivirus user interface.
2. Select the protection tab.
3. Select ransomware shied.
4. Protected folder by Avast Ransomware shield will appear.
5. Click the checkbox of the protected file location that you choose to export which shown for protection.(C:\USER\...\Pictures etc.)
6. When you select, the message of the selected folder and "Stop Protection" button will appear.
7. Click stop protection.after this procedure, you can export .png file or else and preview it as you please. Please try...
Pattern Swatches Shift when Copied & Pasted
Copying and pasting a pattern filled object or text, especially when pasting into a new document, should not shift the pattern. This causes many issues when passing files to others.
0 votesGenerally this behavior is controlled by the option, Preferences > General > Transform Pattern Tiles.
However the positioning of a pattern inside of an object is controlled by the origin point of a specific document, the 0,0 position on rulers, which may differ in different documents. Ai recalculates local coordinates on paste, preserving the look of the pattern, but if you change the origin later, the pattern will shift.
Please comment back if toggling this option does not work for you.
Effect 3D Rotate perspective error
With Effects/3D Rotate, Illustrator can't render a placed image using a high perspective value. The image is all distorted. See screenshots:
1 voteHi,
Thanks for reporting this issue, Illustrator Team really appreciate this.
To adjust the perspective, enter a value between 0 and 160 in the Perspective text box. A smaller angle is similar to a telephoto camera lens; a larger lens angle is similar to a wide-angle camera lens. A lens angle that is higher than 150 may result in objects extending beyond your point of view and appearing distorted
For more details please refer to link: and Regards
Ankit Goyal
Illustrator Team -
Remebering fractional values in Extrude & Bevel
You can type in fractional values in Extrude & Bevel and they work fine, although AI rounds them up immediately in fields, though applies to the art.
But when you try to save this appearance in Graphic style and then re-apply to another art, all fractional bits are gone, AI treats them as integers both ways.4 votesHi,
Sorry about the issue, but the feature works that ways.
1) On applying Effects in fractional values, it gets applied immediately. While saving this appearance in Graphic style and then re-apply to another art it will work the same (as with fractional values)
2) While trying to edit already applied effects, the input details get’s rounded off. As a result, you have to enter fractional values for the precision.
I hope this info will be helpful.
Incase you still face any issue get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –
Radiobox on the Symbol options behaves inverse to the expected using the keyboard arrow keys
See the attached image, notice that Symbol Type is set to Dynamic Symbol. If you wanted to change it to Static Symbol using the keyboard, you'd expect to press down on the arrow keys, correct?
That does not work, instead you need to press UP on the keyboard arrow keys, which is the exact opposite of what you'd expect.
1 voteDoesn’t seem to happen anymore, and the Down arrow toggles the option is expected.
If it still happens for you — please comment back.
SVGs: Objects with dashed lines are split up
I create an object (rectangle) in the AI with a dashed line (8px / 8px). Contour 2px and grey filling.
If I save this object as *.svg and then open the saved SVG again, the path of the rectangle is fragmented.
This denomination always occurs just before the corners. In other words, a rectangle is divided into 4 paths and becomes a group...Version: AI 23.1
Windows 10 Enterprise
Intel Core i7-6820IQ 2.70 Ghz
16 GB RAM1 voteSorry for a late answer. Basically it happens because of 'Align dashes to corners' option that is turned on for the object in Stroke panel. When it's on, Illustrator internally treats this stoke exactly like you have in the SVG — a group of normal dashed lines with recalculated gaps and dashes, and custom inserts where it's required.
SVG just can't handles this, so to preserve the look it applies this treatment, converting it from the 'live' to 'expanded'.
Try to disable the option and comment back if it helps.
'Fit to Artwork Bounds' doesn't work in action command
Illustrator 2020 won't crop the artboard to the illustration limit with an action.
I need to make an action which:
- Selects all
- Object > Artboards > Fit to Artwork Bounds
Not implemented.8 votesBoth 'Fit to Artwork Bounds' and 'Fit to Selected Art' commands can be inserted in an action using the 'Insert menu item...' command from the Actions panel’s flyout menu.
This approach can be used to insert other commands which Illustrator skips while recording. You can read more about it here:
Can't select multiple anchor points with direct selection tool
The Direct Selection Tool does not select anchor points. When the DS tool hovers over object, the outline appears, but no anchor points appear. Neither can be selected and activated. When DS tool hovers over an anchor point, I can move that one point only. DS tool behaves exactly same as Anchor Point Tool. I cannot select several anchor points at once, and move / align / delete / distribute / join them. Win 10.1903 AI 24.0
4 votesAs per the comment, this can happen due to the accidentally hiding the edges with Cmd/Ctrl + H hotkey (View > Show/Hide Edges).
Please check if this helps and comment back if it does not.
Big problem with 'Horizontal Align Center' bug fix
Windows 7 64bit professional service pack 1,
Illustrator CC 23.0.6.The recent fix for "The 'Horizontal Align Center' option does not align text with the center of object if text has tracking applied on it" in version 23.1 is causing all of our files, tens of thousands of documents, to display incorrectly when you open them, shifting text automatically. We need to be able to turn off this "fix" in settings or something please. We produce scale rules and navigational equipment etc. and almost every one of our files is incorrect if we upgrade to 23.1! We are stuck on…
1 voteThe issue is no longer reproducible in latest
Using the newest version of Illustrator won't let me use new files for older illustrator versions (ex: illustrator at school)
Opening Illustrator files created last night on the newer version on my home computer won't load at school on an older version of Illustrator. The files are completely missing artwork. You can see all the components on the recently opened page, but when you open the file. The artwork doesn't load.
1 voteHi Deborah,
We have bumped up the file format in AI 2020 so any file created in AI 2020 is not compatible in older versions. Please do a save as Illustrator CC version before sharing the file.
The older release should also be warning users that the file was created in a new version and will have some data loss.Best regards,
Ashutosh -
Make CMD+D to behave the same way in both Illustrator and InDesign
I like the CMD+D on Illustrator but want that on InDesign for duplicating things easier, and I also like the CMD+D on InDesign and I want that on Illustrator to relink photos easier. So maybe keep the CMD+D the same in both and create a new left hand command for the other?
I'm down1 voteYou can reassign these commands to new hotkeys manually to any combination you need, using Keyboard Shortcuts dialog.
If you think that all Adobe apps should have the same keyboard shortcuts anyway, you can try to upvote this general request.
Properties panel auto select field contents
Illustrator v24.0
Mac OS Mojave 10.14.6Since the Properties panel was introduced in Illustrator, it won't allow selecting an item, then click once on a field name, such as W for the width field, and automatically select the contents of the field so you can then just enter a new value or use the arrow keys to change the value.
It works fine in the Control bar and other panels, just not in Properties.
It works in the Properties panels of InDesign and Photoshop, as well.
Was hoping it would be fixed in Illustrator 2020, but still not.4 votesSeems to be fixed in recent version of Illustrator.
Clicking a caption of a filed in Properties (if the caption exists for a value) does select the whole value, like it does in other panels.
Please verify and reply back.
Expanding compound path causes a shift in the object shape
If I call Expand on a compound path, there is a shift in the width and height of the object. This seems to only be a problem when the stroke is in the center. If the stroke is inside or outside, there isn't a problem.
2 votesIllustrator can display width and height values respecting the width of strokes and effects, if you enable Use Preview Bounds option in Preferences > General. It also makes bounding box larger to fit them visually, hence the change in dimensions.
When it’s off, only geometric shape is taken into account, ignoring stroke width or effects.
When you expand the shape, the stroke is not a stroke anymore, but a filled path, that makes the overall group geometrically larger. -
Option + Enter (on keypad) doesn't work anymore to produce a copy
OS x 10.14.6
Illustrator 23.0.6
When using dialogue boxes for scale, rotate move etc, after inputting numbers i used to be able to hit option + enter (next to the keypad) and it would create a copy of whatever I element i was scaling, rotating, moving. This doesn't work anymore. nothing happens. I have to hit option + return for this to work. It used to work a few versions ago. Can you please change it back. it's super annoying inputting numbers on the keypad and not being able to hit the enter key next to the keypad to create…
1 voteNo longer happens in latest releases.
Please comment if it still does for you.
Some of AI file paths disappear when exporting to PNG or JPG
A simple AI file containing the logo and text (all outlined) is saved fine as AI or PDF, but if I try to export it to PNG or JPG, some of the paths contained within the image disappear and are not rendered in the resulting raster file. I am attaching the master AI file, and the rendered PNG file (created by going to File > Export As > PNG). As you will see, the rendered PNG file is missing the ALFRA name within the square white shape. FYI, I sent the file over to a friend of mine and he…
1 voteThank you Egor for helping out Anna
Double Tool Bars
My current build of Adobe Illustrator is displaying two toolbars, side by side, one minimized and one expanded. I'm assuming this is a bug. I reset the essentials tool bar and re-installed illustrator but the problem persists. See the left side of the attached screenshot
1 voteThere are multiple ways to resolve this
1. Reset workspace Essentials
2. Dragout the extra toolbar from dock and then close it
3. Reset preference (not recommended unless necessary)
4. Please get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – . -
White flickering screen: Illustrator 2019 gltches out video card in Macs with AMD Radeon R9 M390 2 GB graphics card...
it's an Apple & Adobe conflict with each other regarding the AMD graphic card driver(s) + Mojave OS 10.14. Rolling back to Illustrator 2018 doesn't fix it. I first thought it was a physical hardware problem (dying graphics card) until we experienced the problem on multiple Macs in the same way.
This issue didn't exist prior to updating to Mojave, however, I think Mojave and Adobe were fine together until updating to Adobe CC's 2019 products which had the initial conflict and, in turn, created the same conflict for the prior Adobe CC versions + Mojave.
I 100% believe there…
84 votesBased on feedback, this issue is fixed by upgrading to MacOS Catalina . We are closing this .Let us know if you are still observing this on MacOS Catalina and we will reopen this thread.
Ankit Goyal
Illustrator Team -
Illustrator Keeps Crashing
Illustrator crashes every time I use it. I could be drawing for two minutes and it will crash out of nowhere. It often lags as well. I have the newest update and have tried uninstalling and installing it and still it continues to crash. I am using Windows 10 Pro with illustrator.
18 votesWe have fixed the issues reported in this thread. Please create a new issue if you see a Illustrator Crash on latest builds.
Rotate tool dialogue box won't appear
After selecting the rotate tool, rotate dialogue box won't appear.
a dialogue box will appear only if I double click on the rotate tool but then I am not able to move the anchor point to the center of the object.
6 votesAs per the comment, the way to call the dialog and to define the arbitrary rotation pivot is to Opt/Alt+Click the desired position when the tool is picked.
However, this does not work well sometimes, especially with a pen and a tablet, and you can upvote the problem here:
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