Spacebar not working as quick Pan / Hand tool
Spacebar has stopped working as hand tool as of 2018 update.
Thanks for the information provided to the Illustrator team.
We are able to reproduce this issue at our end and the engineering team is currently isolating this issue further to get to the root cause.
With Best Regards,
Illustrator Team
Fersen commented
The shortcut for scale (spacebar + command) are gone too.
[Deleted User] commented
I'm having the same problem too over and over in illustrator and photoshop!! Isn't there anything we can do? :/
Gary commented
Are you kidding me?
You acknowledged this issue June 2019 and you still not fixed it yet?
Isn't that long enough Adobe?
Clara Lucia Acevedo commented
I had this problem a while ago, and it just stopped.. also I was having trouble when saving a pdf as "save as" the document will not open right away, instead it kept open the original pdf. This last one was an ongoing issue.... I just had my tech department completely erase McAffee and install the newest version, and I'm finally able to save as with no problem, and hopefully the space bar issue doesn't happen again.
Not sure McAffee is the real issue behind .. but it certainly worked for me..
Hope you guys get to the bottom of it.
Anonymous commented
Same problem! :(
Anonymous commented
has anyone found a solution - i've been searching but nothing yet! grrrrr! why in the world would they remove such a VALUABLE shortcut tool?!?! such an inconvenience!
TH commented
It's February 2020... Have you gotten to the root cause yet? Unbelievable...
Anonymous commented
Frustrated! Spacebar not working as quick hand tool. Illustrator 2020
Felipe de Castro commented
It is happening for me too
Anonymous commented
Come on Adobe, what are you playing at! This sort of bug should not b allowed to persist. Please sort this. I'm running cc2018.
Anonymous commented
Space bar, hand tool isn't working Ai 2020 on MAC
Anonymous commented
Same here. Did someone got it fixed?
Hi Illustrator team, are you on this one?
toni commented
my spacebar shortcut has stopped working!! how do I fix this ?
pawan commented
space bar hand tool not working
Claire commented
I've rebooted and it works fine again now...
Doc Fret commented
Come on Adobe fix this **** issue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We pay good money to use an application that should work. This is really messing up my workflow.
Anonymous commented
Whats going on, will this be fixed? This is highly inconvenient.
Karen commented
I too find this very annoying!!!! Please rectify or tell what what I need to do to make this work.
Anonymous commented
How is it possible? One of the most used shortcut doesn't work anymore in AI 2020?
Scuba Steve commented
I was having the same problem where command+spacebar pulled up Siri instead of zooming in.
I changed the commands for Siri (as well as spotlight) in system preferences and its working fine now.