Spacebar not working as quick Pan / Hand tool
Spacebar has stopped working as hand tool as of 2018 update.

Thanks for the information provided to the Illustrator team.
We are able to reproduce this issue at our end and the engineering team is currently isolating this issue further to get to the root cause.
With Best Regards,
Illustrator Team
Anonymous commented
Have been working on projects all day and all of sudden this is happening .... I have deadlines!!!
Anonymous commented
Add me to the list. Some other similar occurrences in addition to getting stuck in the hand tool (when I'm using the selection tool:
+ Selection tool sticks to an object and won't let go.
+ Selection tool grabs the entire window (tab) and won't let go.These behaviors seem similar.
I've noticed that this happens more as my files get more complex or contain photos or even screen grabs. I'm on a current MacBook, but replicated the problem on my older machine. I'm also forced to use this version because everyone we work with (large global agency) is on the current version of Illustrator.
Anonymous commented
What is other options? I need my chrome while working, other browsers are to slow for me
Anonymous commented
Was having the same issue and quitting Chrome totally worked!
Anonymous commented
"Quit Chrome & Safari if opened and no need to restart Illustrator it should work fine. Unbelievable but true."
dexi fixi commented
Quit Chrome & Safari if opened and no need to restart Illustrator it should work fine. Unbelievable but true.
Patricia commented
Everything was working fine until yesterday, and just like that, the spacebar shortcut stoped working. I did no software update in the last few days and I don't use Safari or Siri at all. This must be one of the shortcuts I use the most... This is NOT OK!
Is this a problem with iOS/Adobe compatibility problem? -
Frank Carfora commented
hey Adobe team, wtf? spacebar doesn't work half the time, then you have all these idiotic "tool tips" that popup. we're pros. i don't want tool tips. i want to be able to work! been using adobe products since Illustrator '88 and you guys are trying my patience. FIX THE PROBLEM!
[Deleted User] commented
same issue :/ my spacebar stopped working
Anonymous commented
Same issue. Can't find a fix. I'm on a MAC. Don't ever have Safari open. Tried closing Chrome. Closed all manner of apps. Don't have Webroot. Wacom driver is latest update. So annoying. This needs to get fixed by Adobe.
LarkSL commented
To the Adobe Admin Team ... Is anyone working on this? Clearly there is an issue affecting many of us. Thank you!
Marat commented
I have the same issue, even with all browsers off. I'm on a Mac.
Taylor commented
I have had the same issue since fresh install CS (subscription) last spring. All the updates are kept current.
For me, this happens on WINDOWS (Win10, all updates from Feb 2018 forward).
I refuse to work while closing my browser (Chrome), which doesn't even seem to work for me anyway. This needs an ADOBE fix, not some lazy workaround. We all pay way too much for this software to have this little support.
Kristian Moors commented
I have the same issue. Not using Safari. Sometimes it works then sometimes it doesn't. Has Anyone (I'm looking at you Adobe!) solved this permanently?
Kristian Moors commented
Hand tool issue for me too
Nancy commented
Same thing has been happening to me since I updated my OS to Mojave. I tried restarting my computer, signing in and out of Adobe CC, closing my web browser, and resetting my preferences for Illustrator.
Finally found out what was causing the problem – Webroot SecureAnywhere.
If you look at your menu bar (the bar that runs across the top of your screen), you'll see a little green icon with a W inside of it. Click that icon and then click "Pause Secure Keyboard Entry". That should fix it right away. You'll have to click it again every time you shut down or restart your computer (I haven't figured out how to set it permanently yet). Hope that helps!
Amanda Ansell Wehunt commented
Had same problem. Saw a bunch of people say quitting safari worked.. I wasn't using safari but Chrome. Closed Chrome and my spacebar quick key worked again.
I must say since updating to Mojave, I have had NOTHING BUT PROBLEMS with my Adobe programs. Yall need to GET WITH THE PROGRAM AND FIX ALL THE BUGS. This is getting ridiculous that I have to troubleshoot DAILY due to Adobe/Mojave not meshing
Ross Hume commented
Hi there.
Operating System - Windows 10 Enterprise
Illustrator version - CC
Expected Result - Hand tool function to work using the shortcut
Actual Result - Hand tool function does not work using the shortcutThe shortcut for the hand tool is causing me problems. holding the space bar is displaying the hand icon, but clicking the mouse as normal wont activate the 'grab' ie the tool doesnt work. Its as if the function isnt there even though the hand icon appears.
normal hand tool function works fine by the way.
thanks, Ross Hume
Lisa Kristel commented
Greg Mote interesting. I'm beginning to think it occurs when I'm using too much RAM and it is in fact what looks like is happening when Illustrator is working exceedingly slowly. Maybe...
Anonymous commented
I've been having this problem for a week and going out of my mind!. I'm using CC 17 and Sierra.
Turns out it was the virus software Webroot SecureAnywhere what was blocking a few keyboard functions. Checking the "pause secure keyboard entry" worked like a charm!