Spacebar not working as quick Pan / Hand tool
Spacebar has stopped working as hand tool as of 2018 update.

Thanks for the information provided to the Illustrator team.
We are able to reproduce this issue at our end and the engineering team is currently isolating this issue further to get to the root cause.
With Best Regards,
Illustrator Team
Anonymous commented
mine spacebar hand tool doesnt work for no reason, pls fix
Anonymous commented
This is the most frequently used feature of the Adobe suite, I can't get my head round how this could happen.
Anonymous commented
Any fix for this yet????
Anonymous commented
Not working for me! Is there a fix for this? Thanks
Lisa commented
It's stopped here too! Sooooooooo frustrating please sort a fix.
Anonymous commented
Space bar is also not working for me. Please fix.
Todd Mucurio commented
Zoom ± correction(?): Maybe it's Shift+Cmd+Spacebar (+), Sh+C+Sp+Option (–). It's reflexive so my recall is suspect. Either way, the beloved shortcut is missing.
Todd Mucurio commented
Thanks for the reply. Hoped latest release would do the trick but it hasn't. Already running 24.2.1
Known bug. 99% fixed in latest 24.2.1 release. Please update and check if it works for you.
Anonymous commented
Mine isn't working too. Please bring this back asap
Anonymous commented
damnright this is BUAHHHH I need the space bar functionality it back!
Guillermo Marloco commented
Hi Adobe team, we are paying for a service that is not fulfilled without this tool. Maybe you should review your pricing until this tool is not fully functional.
Robert commented
Can't work at all. Please, fix it!
Joshua Cooper commented
This has been happening for over a year. Something triggers it and then it's like another application is fighting for control of the spacebar. Sometimes you can see it flashing back and forth between the cursor and the zoom loop. It locks out all keyboard shortcuts involving the spacebar including pan, zoom in, zoom out. The only way to fix it is to reboot completely.
Jake Weiss commented
I'm experiencing this issue constantly. A simple restart does not resolve the problem.
Anonymous commented
Mine isn't working either. Address this, please.
Matt commented
Has this been under review for over a year? Unbelievable.
Beatrice commented
spacebar not working as hand tool. ??????
Ryan Keeney commented
Having the same issue today with the spacebar not working as the Hand tool. Beyond frustrating.
CG commented
Hello Adobe folks. I would like to point out there are over 400 comments on this thread and the spacebar hand tool is a necessity for using Illustrator. Please drop whatever projects you are working on for future updates and fix this first. Love ya'll.