Illustrator CC 2018(Mac) Crashes every time I save
Every time I save Illustrator quits and creates a weird .tmp pdf file? forcing me to save as every time I need to save

We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 22.1.
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –
Warm Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience.
Leeland commented
I refuse to ever upgrade my illustrator program because you’re forcing users to rent it. My cs 5.5 Ai quits every time I attempt to switch my save destination. Ridiculous.
Fuck you commented
Fix your ******* **** Adobe. Hundreds of thousands of people rely on your programs for income; so next time your monkey-brained dipshit dev team tries to implement something maybe put in some safeguards.
saniac podcast commented
is there any solutions for this? it keeps happening to me and I can't get any work done. I do a lot of back and forth tweaks from illustrator to photoshop and having one crash constantly Is making these projects impossible. I'm using the latest version.
Ros Serrano commented
I updated to the last version of Illustrator CC 23.0.4 and it is very frustrating. I haven't been able to work at all. Every time I'm trying to save, it just crashes.
Cliff commented
This started happening to me on my home machine last night? My work machine is fine both running same iOS and same version of ai. 23.0.4. Very frustrating seem to have had more glitches/issues in the last 5 years of Adobe software than the previous 20.
This is sue needs to be reopened because the previous "fix" is years old now and doesn't resolve the issue.
Donna commented
I have CC and the most recent update but this is still happening. Twice in the last five minutes.
Dan Immel commented
I'm giving it a trial run here on June 30, 2019 on CC and on day 5 of the trial, and it's crashing like James Dean in a Spyder every time I try to save. Takes 10 minutes for it to wiggle it's way back on the track! VERY obnoxious. So...NOT completed. Any thoughts?
Had Enough commented
This needs to get fixed. I was about to buy a new computer before researching and found I'm not the only one.
[Deleted User] commented
I have the same issue, that's a pretty big one Adobe, it literally makes the product unusable.
df commented
It's still doing this ****. it's ******* updated. what in the absolute **** is adobe doing
Jenni Cubis commented
I've upgraded and same thing is happening. Did anyone ever find a solution without having to Force Quit Illustrator every time you save? Turning off Wifi doesn't work.
Anonymous commented
I've been having the same issue for weeks and today it's almost got me throwing my MBP (Mojave 10.14.3) out of the window.
EVERY TIME I try and save a file (less than 3MB) I get a spinning beachball and Illustrator freezes (not responding when I click on the dock icon). Have tried saving to my HD, iCloud Drive and even an SD card with no luck.
Opening an Ai asset file from Adobe Stock also gives the same result.
I literally cannot work while this issue persists. I've uninstalled, reinstalled, tried 3 past versions from CC (23.0, 23.0.1 and 23.0.2) with the same issues.
This is losing me business and costing me money. Please Adobe implement a fix for this. £400/year for a product I can't use is ludicrous.
Donna Dumaine commented
I have updated (as of yesterday) to the latest version. This has been happening for about two weeks now. I have sent more crash reports than i can count and no response and no fix. I am also having problems with printing in Id. I have sent dozens of crash reports begging for help with no response. I finally found a workaround for the printing issues but I shouldn't have to do that and if i forget to use it, it crashes again.
Halldór Valur Stefánsson commented
I'm also experiencing problems with opening files and saving. Keeps freezing/crashing.
Anonymous commented
Everytime I try to save or save as in illustrator it quits responding and feeezes?!
Keith Scharwath commented
I am also having this problem. Illustrator takes 5 minutes to open or save a file. Turning off internet does not help.
V 23.0.2
Mac O Mojave
MacBook Pro 2015 -
Anonymous commented
no change at all for me with v. 23
Anonymous commented
This is still an issue for me.... I've updated to version 23.0 and I still get a never ending beach ball when trying to save even the smallest of documents.
Anonymous commented
Hi Room, I've just discovered a workaround that all you frustrated file savers may like to try. Hope it works for you, it is working for me.
open a template as normal do some work, go to File >Scripts>SaveDocAsPDF. Bingo.. -
YD commented
that doesn't work.. seem to always answer with the same ridiculous response.
No, the problem has not been fixed in spite of what you keep repeating/copying-and-pasting as a response!