Click and touch release problems Illustrator CC 2018 Mac High Sierra - cause dictation software
Illustrator v 22.0.1, Mac OS High Sierra on Macbook Pro 2016, touch bar, 2.9GHz Intel core i7, 16GB 2133MHz LPDDR3
Clicking, tapping, with trackpad or wireless mouse (Kensington wireless Turbo Mouse trackball): click/tap does not release, so the object is highlighted or selected and stuck to the cursor as you move it around.
In the layers palette, (The new Properties/Layers) clicking/tapping a layer lock to unlock it may unlock it with a delay, or lock/relock it. The same goes for view/hide visibility for layers. The response is difficult to interpret, possibly because of delays. But it not possible to use the application at all, with trackpad or mouse. I do not have another mouse, but will try with one if I can acquire one.
Discussions in the community have noted this behavior with Illustrator CC 2018 and High Sierra, and some suggested turning off GPU in performance preferences. This does not solve the problem.
This kind of issue does not occur in any other application, Adobe or otherwise, in Mac OS High Sierra.

We are not hearing any more comments on this thread. If you still run into this problem due to Dictation software, please reach out to Support.
Anonymous commented
I am having the same issue. Every second or third movement, the system has to 'think' and then about every 5-10 minutes it automatically shuts my computer off. I always send the report. Dictation is turned off. I have run all updates. I am at the end of my college career and this is killing me! Fix it please.
Alan commented
Turning off dictation did NOT solve problem. Macbook Pro 2017, 3.1 GHz Intel Core i7, 16 GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3, OS 10.13.6, AI CC 22.0.1.
Appears this bug has been around a long time and is still not fixed. Anyone try Mojave?
Adobe Acrobat also slow - unusable, so I use Apple Preview instead.
Anonymous commented
I'm on MacOS Mojave 10.14 on a MacBookPro Retina 2014 and I'm still having this exact problem. Had to turn off dictation. Has it not been resolved yet?
Ian commented
Who would have thought?!
funkmasterfong commented
Holy s...t thank you!!! In a million billion years I would have never guessed to turn off dictate.
Claire Bellmonte commented
I do not have another mouse, but will try with one if I can acquire one. -
Anonymous commented
Thank you for the update. Finding out the trigger was dictation helps immensely. Illustrator was completely unusable. Glad to hear you're working with Apple to figure it out.
Anonymous commented
I had just turned on dictation and that's when the problem started... and didn't realize it until I read this thread... Now it's turned off and it works fine... Thanks! I have my life back!!
Ashutosh Gupta (Illustrator Team) commented
Hi Everyone,
We apologize for the issue. Some of you mentioned that issue resolved by turning off Dictation settings, but it didn't worked for you. We need help to reproduce this issue in-house.
• Can you please reply with some video of what and how you met the issue?
• Also provide your system info, if it is not “Mac OS High Sierra on Macbook Pro 2016, touch bar, 2.9GHz Intel core i7, 16GB 2133MHz LPDDR3”
• Mention version and subversion of MAC OS with issue. For eg. 10.13.3
• Does putting your fingers completely off the trackpad work fine i.e. click/tap released ?
• Are you having the same behavior with pen tool while creating anchors. Can you please try out and reply?Thanks for your support
Ashutosh Gupta
Illustrator Team -
kepsi commented
John Dennis commented
On My computer I found that the problem was related to 'dictation' settings that I had turned on. Turned it off and everything work great again.. ~ Hope this helps.
Toby Welles commented
if dictation is switched on user MacOS 10.13.5 (and perhaps other OS versions) the behavior of the cursors in selections and other tools becomes non functional and/or erratic. Illustrator becomes unresponsive. It requires a forced quit to escape illustrator.
Turning off dictation in the keyboard preferences fixes the problem, seems to be some issue with resource libraries??
at least it should be listed as a known issue with a workaround until fixed.
I have read of this in user forums so it is not unique to me. I attach my system profile
John Dennis commented
running macOS High Sierra
10.13.4illustrator CC . 22.01
Getting same weird stuff going on. Basically anything I select gets stuck to the curser.
The interface in general gets bogged down because it always thinks I am in the midst of a selection.
Just trying to help.. -
Adam Kerr commented
Additional information to my post below: I have already tried turning speech recognition off as suggested below and that didn't fix the issue I'm having.
Thanks for any help offered!
Adam Kerr commented
I'm having a similar problem. When a click to select a shape it follows my cursor even though I'm not clicking have to click again to release it. This is super annoying as I have to follow any selection with an undo to move the shape back where it belongs. Double clicking into groups also moves the shape if you mouse moves even 1 pixel during the double click. This seems to be a new Feature/Bug released in one of the latest versions.
I'm on a macbook pro running High Sierra and Illustrator 22.1
Co-workers are having the same issue so not an isolated issue.
Anonymous commented
Thanks @Meegs! Indeed, turning off speech recognition resolved odd mouse behavior issue for me also. Weird one Adobe, seems a couple months gone by without resolution of this bug via an update. ??
The Murk commented
I had the same issues...@Meegs you are a star! Fixed now.
Meegs commented
I am running Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.3 and Adobe Illustrator CC 22.0.1 on a Macbook Pro that I got in Fall 2017. I had this same problem and was able to fix it by turning off speech recognition.
I went to System Preferences - Keyboard - Dictation - Select the 'Off' Radio button. This will deactivate dictation but it fixed my issues with Adobe Illustrator CC -
Jordan Ferrer commented
Ok- I reinstalled the previous operating system and everything is back to normal. I’m nervous to update again - and may not. At least Illustrator is working.
Anonymous commented
same issue...can't find any boards with a fix