Direct Selection tool does not work on text anchors....
For some reason I can no longer select text by anchor using the direct selection tool. If I use the Regular selection tool it acts as it did before the update but the direct selection tool does not.

We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 23.0.2
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –
Warm Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience.
Ted Wichman commented
Thank you for attempting to fix the issue. The issue still exists.
I downloaded and installed the application using the version installer.
Although Illustrator launched after the application was installed, I quit and relaunched Illustrator 2019 from the Applications folder to ensure I was opening the updated version.
Action: Click and drag on a text object using select tool (solid arrow): OK
Action: Click and drag on a text object direct select tool (hollow arrow): OK
Action: Click and drag on a text anchor direct select tool (hollow arrow): Point appear to move. On mouse, object stays in it’s original location.
Action: Turned off Smart Guides
Action: Click and drag on a text anchor direct select tool (hollow arrow): Point appear to move. On mouse, object stays in it’s original location.
Note: Without Smart Guides, the text anchor box that appears on mouse hover, has a new appearance although the behavior is the same.
I tested clicking on a text anchor.
I created a Quicktime movie of the behavior that I would be more than happy to share.
Also, anyone from the dev or QA team is welcome to reach out to me (Support has already been engaged and viewed the issue via RDP) for more information or assistance. Being a developer myself, I understand the complexities of of creating software to run on a myriad of system configurations, so PLEASE feel free to contact me. I will be happy to assist in any way.
Ted Wichman
Director of Innovation and Development
Superior Communications, Inc. -
Anonymous commented
Thank you for attempting to fix the issue. The issue still exists.
I downloaded and installed the application using the version installer.
Although Illustrator launched after the application was installed, I quit and relaunched Illustrator 2019 from the Applications folder to ensure I was opening the updated version.
Action: Click and drag on a text object using select tool (solid arrow): OK
Action: Click and drag on a text object direct select tool (hollow arrow): OK
Action: Click and drag on a text anchor direct select tool (hollow arrow): Point appear to move. On mouse, object stays in it’s original location.
Action: Turned off Smart Guides
Action: Click and drag on a text anchor direct select tool (hollow arrow): Point appear to move. On mouse, object stays in it’s original location.
Note: Without Smart Guides, the text anchor box that appears on mouse hover, has a new appearance although the behavior is the same.
I tested clicking on a text anchor.
I created a Quicktime movie of the behavior that I would be more than happy to share.
Also, anyone from the dev or QA team is welcome to reach out to me (Support has already been engaged and viewed the issue via RDP) for more information or assistance. Being a developer myself, I understand the complexities of of creating software to run on a myriad of system configurations. You have my contact information, so PLEASE feel free to contact me. I will be happy to assist in any way.
Ted Wichman
Matthew Gosselin commented
So far the fix is working properly. Thank you.
ac-mori commented
>I had been doubting the value of still paying £50 a month
Exactly.I admire Adobe developing innovative features, but I have no intention whatever of paying for buggy software. -
Anonymous commented
Feels like the bean counters are running the show.
Adobe, get your house in order and sort this farce out.
Anonymous commented
Is this still on going? Had hoped a prefernces deletion would finally sort this out after 3 months of missery. I can't believe this still isn't resolved. I had been doubting the value of still paying £50 a month and luckily this gave me the excuse to learn Sketch. Can't belive it but think I will be canceling my renewal in May. Other programs are catching up and in somecases outdoing Adobe these days, at much better value and with propper customer support.
Anonymous commented
Very well said Rick. I too have used Illustrator since v88 and find the fact that this version made it out of Q/A disturbing. I remember going to the Adobe conference some time around 2002 and being told by the keynote, that in an attempt to make them more compatible, they decided to swap the Illustrator and Acrobat development teams. Not just some of the developers… all of them. They joked about the disorientation of the teams. No sh*t. This is also around the time I started noticing what used to be rock solid tool becoming… lethargic and buggy. My guess is that whatever software disaster any one of us would have expect from such a careless move, is still haunting the code base. At least it feels that way to me.
As a systems architect and programmer, I still use Illustrator to create wireframes (Xd... what a joke) and I am hearing a chorus of complaints from my peers and the companies I partner with about Adobe.
Adobe. do you know how many times I grab a center point or end point of a text path only to have it drag away to nothing? Do you know how much of my time you waste? It's a lot, and I am getting to the point where I am contemplating biting the bullet and swapping out my Creative Cloud subscription, except this time, it won’t have anything to do with Adobe. There is a growing wave of contempt for your disregard of your user base. It will catch up to you.
Rick Meikle commented
Illustrator user since 1989, when point text was the only kind of text. To move it, you click and drag the anchor point. Use the shift and/or option key to constrain and/or copy it. Can snap to other points in the art. Pure and beautiful! But now, clicking the anchor deselects the text path. It's like switching the gas pedal with the brake pedal. Please let it be a bug and not a conscious decision!
mathias commented
is adobe testing the apps seriously before releasing them?
don't feels like this… -
Nicole commented
This is not acceptable, it needs to be fixed ASAP. I cannot use illustrator in this state, I'm spending hours on workarounds, it is costing me too much. I think we all pay quite enough already. This must be fixed or revert to 2018 NOW
Anonymous commented
why would Adobe ever change this... I hope it's a bug and not an intentional change.
PLEASE FIX THIS ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jimmy commented
On October 20th, 2018 Ankit from the Illustrator team noted this issue was reproducible but there hasn't been any update/fix. Can we receive an ETA on a possible fix for this issue, or confirm if the tool can be reverted to the 2018 version this month?
John commented
Fed up. Goodbye Adobe. It appears you can’t read the writing on the walls. Say hi to Aldus Pagemaker when you get to where you’re headed.
Aatm commented
YEAH!!! I agree, the direct selection tool doesnt work on anchor anymore!! PLEASE FIX THE ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR CC 2019!!!
Jim Ozolins commented
YES! Glad I found this here, because I have this issue after recent upgrades. This bug derails my workflow constantly now. My workaround is to press "shift" and Command" while selecting the text at the point. This makes the direct selection tool work as before.
John commented
Same problem here. I've been Adobe Loyal since Illustrator 88. I now tell everyone DON'T get Adobe products! Look for alternative software and learn that. Nothing but problems since getting CC. I have to use it for work but will never get it for home.
N. Hallin commented
Same issue, very frustrating and I thought it was just me until I saw all these comments. Seriously finding a lot of bugs in both Illustrator and Photoshop and don't even get me started on InDesign. I've gone back to 2018 versions but haven't yet given up on Illustrator v23.0.1.
Jan Vork commented
Text Objects can not be moved bij dragging the Anchor Point. This should be possible. In earlier vesions we could move text by dragging the anchor point around.
Anonymous commented
Also... KILLING ME!!!!
Anonymous commented