The bounding box for lines and narrow objects doesn’t have center handles
Missing the center handles for all lines, unable to extend lines properly (without scaling them) unless I switch to direct selection tool, which is a pain.

So it’s obviously not fixed, and we all know it.
While the cursor gets changes into the horizontal/vertical two-headed arrow, the center handles for the bounding box indeed don’t appear, if the width/height of the art (here just an orthogonal line) is small enough.
Please continue to share you thought, screenshots, GIFs. It’s time to re-review this again.
Feek commented
Strange I’am running Ai v23.1 . But now I see this version not in the release notes:
In v23.1 it is fixed not in v23.0.6In Dutch version of the release notes it is visible: -
brian stokes commented
When was it fixed? Mine sure as hell isn't. I'm running 23.0.6.
This is just one of dozens of unresolved bugs that did not exist prior to CC.
God, I hate Adobe. Using illustrator makes me want to punch someone in the face. Precision has disappeared. Selection tools are garbage.
The type tool has been problematic for a decade and never gets addressed.
And don't get me started on the way Adobe fonts work, or don't work, in the programs.
I long for the days when Adobe didn't suck.
"Fuck you, pay me" seems to be the current Adobe business model.
Riccardo commented
What did we pay for?
It's passed a year, we don't want new features, we want that Adobe solves this annoying bug! It's a shame that it took almost 12 months to fix! -
Doug Raphael commented
I still have this issue. It is visible when zooming very close in but that is only useful for very short lines. I would love to know if this is a bug or if it was done purposely.
Riccardo commented
Guys is not fixed at all!
Mariska van Reijn commented
Yes!! It is fixed! Finally!
Riccardo commented
No way! One year and no solution of this bug. Where is a tech support? We paid this suite for what?!
Feek commented
Finally fixed in the new release of today Ai v23.1
Carl commented
This is not just the case with lines. Small objects only show the corner handles for the bounding box as well. And for some reason you can only rotate when you try and grab the corner handles, not resize. Unless you zoom in until you see all bounding box handles.
Anonymous commented
I see this is still an issue in 23.0.6 unfortunately. I don't know if Adobe understands the severity of this bug. Not that everyone uses this feature as much as me, but I know that I personally use it hundreds of times a day. For now I'm struggling with using free transform or direct selecting the anchor and stretching.
The workaround is multiple tool changes where it used to be NONE. Just an extra several hundred clicks a day on my already tired hands. No big deal.
Carl commented
I'm using 23.0.6.
I don't even see the bounding box on lines created with the line tool. So the line tool is pretty useless at the moment.
If I use the pen tool to create a straight line (just two anchor points, at the start and end) I get a normal bounding box.
Fascinating how with every version of Illustrator, one bug is fixed and five new ones are added...
Guess I have to go back to CS6.
Feek commented
OMG, am I finally using Ai 2019, It seems like AI 2019 suffers an enormous Memory Leak! Same file in CC2018 uses about 300 MB, Ai CC2019 uses multiple GB .........
Someone75 commented
... and no update ... and no bugfix ... only taking cash from people for buggy software.
LucOlivier commented
"Middle side handles always shown"
I would like the same behavior as box resizing in OmniGraffle: the middle side handles are always present.
In illustrator you must spend your time to zoom and unzoom to reach these midsize handles which are only present when size of object is enough large on screen.
Under Omnigraffle, no need to zoom. The cursor change its symbol to indicate what handle your hover on. -
Riccardo commented
8 month and I don't know why I have to pay the full price of a product when I'm the beta tester, this is a fraud.
Feek commented
OK, seems like the behavior has changed a bit. Still no center handle, but when using the corner selector, scaling is only inline (similar to the old center handle). Not a consistent behavior, but a step in the good direction. Think I can now use CC2019 after about 8 months after release date....
Feek commented
23.0.6 and..... a lot of Drawing & Editing Tools fixes... but again not this one :(
@Feek - This couldn't make it to 23.0.5 but we plan will ship it in next release soon. Our intent is to do frequent releases to ship long-standing asks faster.
Feek commented
Still not fixed in update of today 23.0.5
Michael Reilly commented
There is a weird set of forums... this one actually has direct access to, and feedback from the development team. They have periodic webcasts showing new features, and the last one showed their priority list/schedule. They also have pre-release versions of the software available for testing and feedback. It's open to all users, but you're not to disclose the details outside of that space since they aren't final.