The bounding box for lines and narrow objects doesn’t have center handles
Missing the center handles for all lines, unable to extend lines properly (without scaling them) unless I switch to direct selection tool, which is a pain.

So it’s obviously not fixed, and we all know it.
While the cursor gets changes into the horizontal/vertical two-headed arrow, the center handles for the bounding box indeed don’t appear, if the width/height of the art (here just an orthogonal line) is small enough.
Please continue to share you thought, screenshots, GIFs. It’s time to re-review this again.
Stuart commented
C'mon Adobe - you can do better than this - please fix this ASAP. Can you give us an update on when it will be done?
Someone75 commented
Unbelievable - new Update and still no fix. What a software company...
[Deleted User] commented
Yes please fix the missing part of the bounding box! It played a big role in helping me to make efficient technical drawings/diagrams.
brian stokes commented
I used to love Illustrator, now, I HATE it. Since the switch to CC, it's been problematic and buggy and nothing ever seems to get fixed. In fact, the entire program has gotten worse over time and it's obvious that Adobe doesn't give a **** about its customers.
The overall lack of precision and the issues with the selection tools are driving me insane. I have to repeat movements numerous times and/or have to zoom in hundreds or thousands of percent to do complete the simplest of scaling or adjusting width/height. Illustrator wants to rotate the shape instead, or randomly switches the selection tool to the direct selection tool when attempting to manipulate the object.
And what happened to all 9 of the selection points on objects??? Say I have a skinny, horizontal rectangle and I want to adjust the width. The middle selection point has vanished and I have to zoom in, interrupting my work flow, to do the simple task. I've been using this program since the 90s. This has been this way the past few versions of Illustrator.
I hate using this program now. It literally makes me angry because it has become such a frustrating cluster*ck. And these few issues are just the tip of the frustration iceberg.
I'm paying a premium for an inferior product/service because Adobe has a virtual monopoly. As soon as any real competitor comes along, I'm out.
Please do something about this piece of ****. Stop adding bells and whistles and fix the issues that have been plaguing the program for years. The type tool, for one glaring example, has been terrible for a decade.
Thanks for nothing,
Brian Stokes
Please, feel free to contact me.
Feek commented
As far as I know, regarding the communication I've had with the support (remote control, chat and more), this issue is marked as a bug and not as intentional removed!
So Adobe please fix this issue. Still stucked to Ai CC2018
melissa commented
When will this be fixed? Makes no sense that it was removed. Since I have upgraded in December, I have probably reported a half dozen functions of this program that have gone missing. NOT a happy customer.
Whoever is making your feature decisions does not understand your long-term subscribers or user experience. You can add new features – awesome, but there should be an option to "use this program the way I always have" when an upgrade happens so EXISTING features and program behavior can be maintained.
Muscle memory is everything when it comes to using a mouse and keyboard as an extension of yourself to create something. I couldn't tell you what buttons I press to make things happen in these programs, but I know how to move my hands – just like someone playing a musical instrument.
When I think Adobe update, I think time suck and productivity setback.
Malik Thomas commented
According to Adobe remote support, the missing centre handles were requested in the current version of Illustrator CC 2019 (23.0.2).
I really don't understand why they would do this! Why would you remove a core functionality for long term users.
Anne Keith commented
I draw technical diagrams for clients and need to extend or shorten lines regularly. Why would you change such an obvious action - fundamental to drawing? I need the centre handles! I've been using Adobe Illustrator for 15 years. My old version of illustrator was fine! I upgrade my PC - I upgrade Windows 10 - I upgrade illustrator by investing in a new monthly plan - only it feels like it's a downgrade because it now lacks in my view what is a main feature. Please Adobe give me my money's worth and sort the centre handle problem!
Someone75 commented
Investigating for years! Great Adobe.... Move slow and break things... and never fix it.
Riccardo commented
This bug is really annoying! Fix it!!!
Someone75 commented
How long do you need to fix thsi basic bug? Adobe support is no support....
Someone75 commented
How long do you need to fix this basic issue? Adobe support is no support...
Feek commented
Not fixed in the update of today (v.23.0.2). Why? Adobe Care told me a fix was on the way?
Yasm commented
Yes, a thousand times yes, this is causing me a great deal of trouble.
M Tutrone commented
How can they STILL not have fixed this bug? I guess I didn't wait long enough to upgrade to 2019. Perhaps I should've waited until 2020?
Dian Costadinov commented
Obviously this is a bug. So, fix it, please! How could Adobe release an update to Illustrator like this, where one of the most commonly used features, is broken?
Anonymous commented
I uninstalled, then installed Illustrator 2017 - back to work!
Feek commented
This a bug, spend 3 hours with Remote care.... Finally they confirmed it is bug......
See: -
kkirwan commented
How could Adobe release an update to Illustrator like this, where one of the most commonly used features, is broken? It is basically unusable the way it is.
Someone75 commented
This problem will affect all objects with one really small value for heigth OR width, too. As soon as one dimension gets "too" small the center handle will vanish! What a mess...