Smooth animated zoom not working in Overprint or Outline Preview modes
When Overprint preview is off, magnify is from center point, and when Overprint preview is on, magnify is a area box. WTH?!

Шоалим Шоабзалов commented
(Google Translate) Based on the above, that the GPU in outline mode only works on monitors with a resolution of more than 2000 pixels in height or width, I tried to artificially bypass this ridiculous limitation. The only thing you need is to have more than 2000 pixels in width or height when entering the illustrator program, so that illustrator fixes that you have a suitable monitor, after that you can switch to your original / native resolution and continue working with any documents until the program is closed, in in my case it is 1920x1080 (only 80 pixels is not enough to 2000, seriously Adobe? 90% of the world's population uses this resolution, why not set this limit to 1920 pixels so that 90% of people do not suffer with this limitation, they couldn't think of anything smarter, except that everyone lacked 80 pixels to get rid of this misunderstanding, ingenious Adobe, ingenious). Resolution higher than native usually cannot be selected, but discrete GPUs have such a function in the driver settings. there is DSR (Dynamic Super Resolution) technology on the nvidia GPU, use it or an analogue from AMD, enable it in the driver settings and select resolutions of more than 2000 pixels, go to Illustrator, after entering you can return to the original resolution, animated scaling in outline mode will still work in Illustrator. This must be done before each entry into Illustrator, but after entry everything will work with any documents until you close the program.
I made a short video with instructions: -
Also relates to
Scrubby Zoom can still be used in pixel previews -
Fasih Khan commented
I don't know why this feature has been disabled. Under performance section if GPU is enabled. the smooth animated zoom does not work in outline preview mode. There must be some option so we can enable it or make it default. -
Dave commented
I'm very happy it's working again with latest update! 👏 My temp fix was: When error occurred I'd save then move something then F12 (Revert). When file opens it's all good again, at least this didn't require a restart of the app and it was a fast fix.
co commented
Issue solved. (for the moment). Update: V26.2.1, 2022-04-05 Thanks, Adobe-Developer Team. And please, keep it like this, concerning upcoming updates.
Markus Rossler commented
after restarting illustrator it works again. every time.
Markus Rossler commented
Animated Zoom stops working after switching to path preview. Reproducable every time. Win11, Illu 26.1 64-bit
Superpanic commented
Yes, this was an issue about a year ago. Now this bug is back. Very annoying.
co commented
ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR V 26.1 Animated zoom malfunction
After tipping Ctrl + Y (path view, wire frame view) and tipping ctrl. +y again the animated zoom is not working anymore. GPU Preview is disabled.
That is a big critical issue: The work flow is down to 30% of my normal work flow. The work will not only be interrupted and distrubed by just trying to get a proper view or to move the view quickly to the graphic elements I have to design,. it costs a lot of time and money, because I am at work and have to finish the projects in time. Nobody from Adobe got us informed about the critical malfunction..
Steps already done
- New installation of Adobe Illustrator 26.1
- New graphic driver installation
- trials by mouse, graphic tablet > same errorThe animated zoom has got a high priority of the work flow in graphic and cad software. It is easy to implement. It´s not rocket science. In Photoshop dynamic zoom is fine.
Our whole design department is forced to slow down the work load just because of this bug!- Windows Surface Studio 2, 28", 4500 x 3000 ppi currently using, Windows 10 Pro 64bit
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060, Version:
- Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7820HQ CPU @ 2.90GHz, 2904 MHz
- (RAM) 16,0 GB
- Graphic tablet: Wacom Intuos P S, Version: 6.3.34-3DATE: 2022-03-15
Please solve this malfunction and fix it! We are all paying customers (we are a big company and pay monthly a lot of money! But the deal is: We get a proper working software from Adobe!
co commented
ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR V26.1 Animated zoom / GPU preview disabled (although presets are conform)
By tipping Ctrl + y (path view) and back ctrl. +y the animated zoom / GPU preview function ithe animated zoom is disabled, A smooth zoom by sliding the pen or mouse is not possible anymore.
It´s a critical work flow issue, it cost´s a lot of time (and money, because I am at work and have to finish the projects in time!)Steps already done:
- New installation of Adobe Illustrator 26.1
- New graphic driver installation
- trials by mouse, graphic tablet > same errorNothing works! Just fix it, Adobe!!
- Windows Surface Studio 2, 28" (soon 34") Windows 10 Pro
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060, Version:
- Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7820HQ CPU @ 2.90GHz, 2904 MHz
- (RAM) 16,0 GB
- Graphic tablet: Wacom Intuos P S, Version: 6.3.34-3DATE: 2022-03-15
Dustin commented
The animated zoom stops working after I use preview. I've checked in the preferences, and it's still enabled. The only way to fix this that I have found is to restart the program.
Melina commented
Same issue! Also Windows 10 and latest Illustrator. Closing just the document window does work without having to shut down Illustrator completely, but is super annoying as it happens every time.
Martin commented
I have same issue here, i'm working on windows 10 (19042.746)
64bit with nividia GeForce GTX 1660 Superi only need to close document en reopen it. then the GPU view is working again.
It breakes everytime with outline view (ctrl+y)
view using GPU is then greyed out.Please solve this soon.
Matthew Roberts commented
When i switch to outline view then switch back to GPU preview, the animated zoom stops working
I'm on the latest illustrator build 25.1 on windows 10 latest build - GPU details as attached
The only way to fit this si to reboot illustrator
Justin commented
Illustrator should have the option to use Animated/Scrubby Zoom in Outline Mode to improve workflow and not have to switch to the inferior zoom to selection tool.
Răzvan Comache commented
Animated Zoom, while in Overprint Preview acts as Zoom to selected area wich is quite frustrating.
Same problem in Pixel Preview and View using CPU. -
Anonymous commented
same same, no difference, I am sorry for it is rude but it's truth, I need to pay every month to accept this incontinent bug over 2 years. Please fix it asap.
Anonymous commented
I'm also getting two different zoom behaviors depending on which mode I'm currently in (Preview or Outline). It's a very annoying bug that is definitely still present in Illustrator 24.2
Anonymous commented
Updated to Illustrator CC 2020 (24.0) two days ago and using scrubby zoom is not working in Outline mode. Normal mode is working just fine.
'GPU Performance' is enabled along with 'Animated Zoom'
Robert Ray commented
The marquee zoom tool is not working correctly in CC 2019. Previously you could turn "Zoom to selection" on or off. In CC 2019 this option is still available under preferences, but regardless if you turn it on or off, the marqee zoom feature only works if you're in overprint preview or wireframe. When in GPU Preview, only "Zoom to selection" works, even if you have it turned off.
MacOS Sierra 10.12.6
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