Illustrator CC 2019 is very slow and laggy
I'm using a Mac OS 10.13 Intel Core i7 16 GB. Ever since I updated to the CC 2019, illustrator became laggy and slow. The other adobe apps worked fine after the update. I saw here that I should try turning the dictation off but that didn't help.
Everything in illustrator is slow now. And if I use the blend tool a lot in one document the eyedropper option in the gradient window becomes unavailable. Everything even if it's as simple as moving from one art board to the next or zooming in/out is lagging

Hi All,
Thanks for reporting this issue. We understand your problem, but need some more information to get to the root cause of the problem areas. We’d require information about the specific workflows, tools, features with which you’re noticing performance degradation in Illustrator.
Here are some performance-related issues that are already reported in Illustrator User Voice. If you too are facing a similar issue, kindly add your vote on the relevant threads. If your issue is not listed here, please feel free to open up a new thread. We’re marking this thread as closed for now.
1.Overprint Preview / CPU Previews in 5k→
2.Performance issues in basic operations Zoom / Pan
3.Performance issues in Specific features
Shape Builder→
Thanks for your patience and support!
Ankit Goyal
Illustrator Team
Susan Strampel commented
What a mess this!
Illustrator is NOT running like it should and it is soooo frustrating!!!
I cannot even do my job now! We pay a LOT of money for a programme that is NOT working.
How is this possible?! -
Anonymous commented
This is very frustrating - Illustrator is so slow and buggy that I can't and don't want to use this program anymore. I've already looked at all the forums and help topics and none has been helpful. Meanwhile, I'm looking for an alternative program that allows me to create accurate icons...
Software - Adobe Illustrator 23.0.6 / Mas OS Mojave 10.14.6
Hardware - MacBook Pro 2018, 2,7 GHz Intel Core i7, 16 GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3, Intel Iris Plus Graphics 655 1536 MB -
Thomas Alexander commented
I think I e already said it, but for those of you who didn’t see it, try going to View > View as CPU (rather than the View as GPU default).
Doing this has at least alleviated a lot of my problems. -
Frenchie commented
I'm "glad" to see I'm not the only one with illustrator issues. I just bought a 15" Macbook Pro last week thinking I would never have to deal with lagging again, but working on just a simple logo I got the wheel of death. I cannot work on this logo anymore, I don't get it! We spend so much money on Apple and Adobe and we get the freakin WHEEL OF DEATH! Life's a joke
jamie stead commented
I have just purchased a New iMac & i am discovering that the illustrator is laggy & slow even on the smallest of files. Any ideas?
André commented
Just working on a business card design and Ai just gives me blank panels after going full screen to show client. Couldn't get it to recover without restarting.
- see attached.Urg.. :(
Got a email from Aishwarya G Gadodia, a software engineer from the Illustrator team. Replied.. haven't heard from her again. Jeepers..
I've been trying to attach a screenshot to this comment for 30minutes now and it's just not working.. bummer
Neil Martin commented
Add me to the list of laggy Illustrator users.
Ryzen 7, 3.6 GHz
32mb RAM
Win 7.Been laggy for at least 18 months. Things just aren't responsive anymore in Illustrator. Not only that, but bounding boxes will randomly disappear. After 18 months, I think it might be time to switch to Affinity as these issues aren't being resolved quick enough.
Thomas Alexander commented
Found a mini-solution/improvement:
Go to: View > View Using CPU (NOT GPU).Improves performance a bit, but still not perfect.
Thomas Alexander commented
This is so messed up. I've tried a number of options, use Clean My Mac to free up space continually, but still Illustrator lags worse than a tortoise in a sack race...what the **** is going on Adobe? We fork out so much cash for your products to be professional and reliable and we get...this.
Detlef commented
Just realized, software seems to have a big bug... so many complaining about it... maybe need to switch to other software... unacceptable.
Detlef commented
Same here... Illustrator cc on MBP 32GB RAM i7, 3D artwork rendering is extreme slow.
Tea commented
To the question below..
The rest is unusable because Adobe has a memory leak, your whole computer slows down. Frequent reboots help a bit, but it's unforgivable how little Adobe cares about its customers.
Ronald Smith commented
I will be downgrading to Illustrator CS3 until you get your act together. Illustrator is unusable.
Anonymous commented
Where is the Adobe presence to give some insight on what is going on with this issue and what's being done to resolve it? Hello? Adobe?? Anyone....anyone?
André commented
Definitely something up with Illustrator cc'19.
Just bought a new Macbook Pro 2019 for some speed and wow, Illustrators performance is still so terrible.
Made my heart sink with disappointment. Just glad it's not my machine - hopefully.Need a bug fix or something. A business card design takes longer to save than to scale food truck graphics. Urg... Turning off the 'create pdf compatible file' works... but in doing so you lose that feature which isn't right. Come on let's fix this Adobe, please..
Also, ai files seem to bomb out, making everything freeze, have to close doc and open again :(
Am I the only one with these issues??
DSQISE commented
Both illustartor and photoshop cc on the latest update are laggy as **** when starting up, creating a new file, or just even sitting there loading. I don't know what happened but it's like I am running windows 2000 with photoshop
Michael commented
Working in a file less than 1MB and can't get text to populate. The Bounding Box disappears at will, text boxes can't be moved or edited. I've tried every possible solution posted to Adobe forums in the last two years, even had Adobe look 'under my hood' and nothing has fixed my illustrator issues. THIS IS EXTREMELY STRESSFUL.
I've begun switching over to Affinity. I'll be continuing to phase out Adobe. Maybe I can come back one day? Let me know when your programs work.
Curtis commented
unreal that this is a thing -- I have a 64GB ram, 2TB SSD, and i7 6700k cpu. When im using pen tool it lags, when i drag shapes it lags... never had this problem before and i had 32GB ram and a 256GB SSD before i upgraded recently. Expected it to work lightning fast and now its like the 90s
Anonymous commented
Hi! I kid you not - I have been having issues for MONTHS and have tried everything. Someone on another forum said to turn off Dictation on the Mac (System Preferences > Keyboard > Dictation) and I just tried it as a last resort before basically having to quit my job and IT WORKED. I am in utter shock.
Anonymous commented
I've just updated and it's unusable. God knows what i'm going to do as I can't afford £2k for new Mac. Really not impressed Adobe. All the rest of the CC suite works perfectly, but AI just freezes when you go to select anything. Did you not test it it on recent legacy machines before rolling-out the update? I've been loyally using your products since the very beginning, but will need to find an alternative for editing vectors. Or just do everything between ID and PS. Which is pretty poor considering I pay for the full CC suite. Very poor. Anyone got a copy of Freehand? ; )