Illustrator CC 2019 is very slow and laggy
I'm using a Mac OS 10.13 Intel Core i7 16 GB. Ever since I updated to the CC 2019, illustrator became laggy and slow. The other adobe apps worked fine after the update. I saw here that I should try turning the dictation off but that didn't help.
Everything in illustrator is slow now. And if I use the blend tool a lot in one document the eyedropper option in the gradient window becomes unavailable. Everything even if it's as simple as moving from one art board to the next or zooming in/out is lagging

Hi All,
Thanks for reporting this issue. We understand your problem, but need some more information to get to the root cause of the problem areas. We’d require information about the specific workflows, tools, features with which you’re noticing performance degradation in Illustrator.
Here are some performance-related issues that are already reported in Illustrator User Voice. If you too are facing a similar issue, kindly add your vote on the relevant threads. If your issue is not listed here, please feel free to open up a new thread. We’re marking this thread as closed for now.
1.Overprint Preview / CPU Previews in 5k→
2.Performance issues in basic operations Zoom / Pan
3.Performance issues in Specific features
Shape Builder→
Thanks for your patience and support!
Ankit Goyal
Illustrator Team
hk commented
Guys I think I found a solution!
In OSX go to the setting screen and click privacy, under privacy you should see a small lock icon, click that. After entering your password a new icon displays that looks a bit like a pentagram.
If you click that a icon a new screen displays with some instructions as follows:
“For Illustrator users on the $20 per month plan. If you are finding our software slow, please gather the following ingredients:
Green candle.
Your favorite incense associated with good luck.This spell works best on a Thursday, with a green candle an incense burning, chant the following incantation:
''All of the luck that I might own
Running with marrow in my bones
I borrow Freeehands energy that I may use
Only in good fortune, not to abuse
Always in mind, the law of three
As I will it, make Illustrator more speedy!”You might also try focusing this energy into a charm bag freshly made. This will fix Illustrator and return it to normal speed. “
Edu Couchez commented
Sooo... I think I've found the solution (at least in 2 mac and 1 pc in my office) Well, really not an Illustrator solution, but invest more money updating all my computer's hard drive with a SSD.
In fact, it was not Illustrator alone that were unusable, Dropbox also was terrible, needing sometimes two hours to start and sync. So after lose months of work fighting against software, I decided to replace the HD of an old MacBook Pro from the late 10's, with a SSD drive. My MacBook started to fly... and became an ultra-powerful machine for Adobe CC. I did the same with the rest of computers. Now I can work faster than ever before.
I'm not a conspiranoic... but, why suddenly, software that worked smooth in our fast computers, start to slow down? Why seems that the only way to solve it is to pay for a new SSD hard disk?
Catalin commented
I had this issue too, slow loading and slow moving... It seems that unchecking 'Show The Home Screen When No Documents Are Open' seemed to fix the issue for now.
sarah commented
I can't do my job!!! I have tried all the suggestions, I've lost hours working on a 3MB file that is acting like it's a 300MB file.
Anonymous commented
2019 is unusable. WHy not consider making your product work with updates instead of more features. Just make it work. Every year every update we go through slow lagging flow and experience and you act like there is no problem. I avoid updated as long as I can and a crash forced me too. Know I can't even find 2017 which actually seemed to work. You denote versions by little numbers which is very clear to the customer as to which year they are downloading.
Fedde commented
Is Adobe working on this?
Benoît commented
On my side, about super slow file opening / saving, I noticed that this happens when there is a slow internet connexion on the computer. If I cut WiFi off, the file will open much faster.
Niky commented
Okay Further to my comment from last month.
I absolutely do not have dictation on I have checked multiple times.Illustrator has started to freeze & not respond rather than just be super slow when I go to save things, it is also sometimes not even able to open up a new art board without freezing & needing to be force quit then reopened. Usually just restarting Illustrator is not enough to resolve the issue either it will continue to do this until I restart my computer. I have uninstalled & reinstalled the program several times having to delete all my preferences as it turns out for no reason. How are creative professionals supposed to run a business when one of our core programs is so broken?
I am running a late 2015 iMac with a 3.2 GHz Intel Core i5 & 8GB of Ram with the current iOS Mojave version 10.14.5
Most of my files are not large they're usually just text & perhaps one simple image this machine should have ample computing power to run Illustrator.
Anonymous commented
MY illustrator cc 2019 is keep crashing and slow..i dont kno why its happening.i am working on light file,still its crashing .Resoleve the problem ASAPPP!!!!
Andre Balestrini commented
Yes, it's a conflict with Dictations Services and latest OSX build turn off Dictation.
Solution for me - turn off Dictation. I had the same unusably slow performance in Illustrator. I turn off dictation under keyboard in Apple system preferences and the problem was completely solved. Apple Menu - System Preferences - Keyboard - Dictation tab - Dictation OFF -
spacemango commented
How the **** does adobe get away with this?
Ai is already enough of a nightmare to use as it is, now it won't even run. Were still paying every month.I pray for the day someone does it right and steals the monopoly to adobe, this is absolutely ridiculous.
The biggest company in the field of digital creation does literally nothing more than selling copies of the same program for 20 years, instead of working on meaningful changes and optimizations.I'm off buying afinity for the time being.
Ocala Website Designs commented
I have the latest version as well, can't work. Slow, all tool windows blink on and off, mouse lags, can't click on menus most of the time, usually crashes. I have 96gb of ram, ssd, intel core i7-6850k 3.60ghz and it still has issues on my windows 10. I have a client that does a local magazine and all of their 5 graphic artists on macs are having the same issue and it makes it difficult to work when the main tool we use is broken.
Anonymous commented
Ha! The title of this page asks 'What can we fix in Illustrator?'
- my answer has to be "a **** of a lot" based on my own experiences and those related by others who have contributed to this page already. I am SO DARN FED UP with Illustrator crashing and freezing ALL the time. Especially with the cost of it. The issues with Illustrator sucking all available RAM just to get the program opened, let alone actually do anything within the program, are just ridiculous. I have 16GB of RAM which should be more than enough to run the program. I have sent crash report after crash report after crash report. The issues are seriously affecting my work and workflow and I am sure this would be the case for many other users. WHEN IS THIS GOING TO BE FIXED? -
Zbychu commented
I have Windows version, runnig on high i7, and 32GB RAM - can't work properly on anything - selecting even a single path is laggy, and drawing with wacom intus pro is impossible - I move the pen, and drawing appears after a second, or even more :/
CB commented
Solution for me - turn off Dictation. I had the same unusably slow performance in Illustrator. I turn off dictation under keyboard in Apple system preferences and the problem was completely solved. Apple Menu - System Preferences - Keyboard - Dictation tab - Dictation OFF
Anonymous commented
It was fine about a month ago, but now it's practically unusable. Updated version, most recent operating system, scratch-disks properly set, clean uninstall and re-install 3 times. This is hopeless, and I have a deadline.
Kitty commented
Illustrator is relatively slow these days.... I updated it a day ago and it is still performing poorly. I can't even work on a file under 10mb
properly. How can we resolve this? -
Edu Couchez commented
Freezing, spinning beach ball, mouse doubleclicking by itself and absolutely useless tools. 3 hours to redesign a thing that was done in 2017 in minutes. Ah!... and constantly speeding fan... never stops. I'm working on a 2016 iMac with Mojave
hackLAB commented
Yes, it's a conflict with Dictations Services and latest OSX build turn off Dictation.
hackLAB commented
Very Slow, unresponsive at times. It is somehow connected to user input very slow, actually slows system down , mouse input all slow. OSX 10.14.5