Artboards with the same number / missing number
In the artboards menu, two have the same number, and so one cannot access or export one of those two artboards (see the attached photo, with two artboards labeled "9")
Screenshot 2024-10-01 at 1.22.49 PM.png 8 KB -
2024-09-13_144336.png 14 KB -
Снимок экрана 2024-07-08 в 12.21.39.png 78 KB -
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artboard missing no.png 171 KB -
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スクリーンショット 2023-06-29 15.37.47.png 43 KB -
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Screenshot 2023-05-15 at 11.26.46 AM.png 227 KB -
AutomaticNumberingArtboards.png 78 KB -
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Schermafbeelding 2022-12-15 om 22.10.01.png 44 KB -
Capture d’écran 2022-12-04 à 13.34.34.png 93 KB -
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Capture.jpg 432 KB -
截屏2022-07-18 17.56.32.png 1010 KB -
illust.png 979 KB -
prancheta duplicada22.png 173 KB -
スクリーンショット 2021-11-12 150754.jpg 67 KB -
スクリーンショット 2021-11-12 130021.jpg 77 KB -
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Captura de ecrã 2020-11-20 150253.png 4 KB -
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Artboards.jpg 116 KB -
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The team again asks for help with this issue, since there are not specific steps they can try to reproduce it — the nature of the bug is random.
If you are a Windows user, the next time you spot a missing or a duplicated number in Artboards panel, please follow these instructions below.
1. Open Task Manager
2. In Details tab, locate 'Illustrator.exe'
3. Right click it and choose 'Create dump file'
4. Wait until the dumping process is complete and click 'Open file location' button
5. Find 'Illustrator.dmp' (sorting files by date helps) and compress it with any archiving utility
6. Upload the archive to a file hosting service of your choice and sent the link for download to Please use the subject 'Artboards numbering bug dump'
This will help provide necessary clues to locate the source of the problem. If you are a Mac user — please ignore this message.
Design Work commented
Two artboards are numbered as artboard 12. This is not the artboard name- those can be changed and different - but the number that refers to the order. I can delete the second artboard 12, but then, what was 13 is another artboard 12. This is very inconvenient for saving and printing as it won't save or print both artboard 12s, just one of them.
ping wang commented
Artboard number duplication bug
Robin Mosterd commented
When creating artboards, after reaching artboard num. 49 the next artboard and the one after that will both be number 51, skipping 50. When exporting all artboards as images, only one of the arboards labelled '51' will get exported.
This happens on both the latest Windows and MacOS versions of Illustrator.
Clarissa Candrian commented
When I created a new artboard (either by clicking the button or duplicating) after Artboard #39, #40 is always skipped.
Daniel Shields commented
The artboard numbering is broken. Screenshot shows how artboard numbers go 5, 6, 8, 8, 10, 10, 11, 12, 14, 14, 15 etc.
平田みどり commented
自分で修正することは可能ですか? -
Jason Moody commented
When creating new artboards in a new file it is skipping Artboard # 69, and instead creating two Artboard #70's instead. This is on Windows 10 Enterprise (22H2) with version 27.6.1 (64bit)
Sa Ki commented
When I was duplicating a new artboard, the sequence number became 8 when the number of artboards reached 7. However, the sequence number remained 8 for the eighth artboard, and when I attempted to create a new document, it remained abnormal. The issue was resolved when I launched the official version of Illustrator. When exporting, there were missing artboards due to duplicate sequence numbers. After ten minutes, when I restarted Illustrator Beta, it displayed normally. The version of Illustrator I am using is 27.7 39 (64-bit).
Camila Oliveira commented
Since Illustrator's last update (I'm using Illustrator 27.5), when I create more than 8 artboards, it skips artboard 8 and goes straight to artboard 9. So when I export all artboards as PNG, it skips artboard 8 because there are two artboards 9 and Illustrator only recognizes one of them.
(I'm using a Macbook with OS 11.7)
- commented
I have Illustrator v 27.5 on an iMac with macOS 13.3.1 (a)
I have a file here with 67 artboards in it. I am able to rename the artboards just fine as expected, but there appears to be an issue with the actual number illustrator has assigned to artboard 57.
There is no Artboard 57, and instead the number 58 appears twice.
Please see the attached screenshot - specifically in the pink circle.
Sara Kristina Sjoedin Scolari commented
The automatic numbering of artboards is not correct.
21 does not exist, while 22 exists two times.
Though when testing to save the specific artboards, the "first 22" saves as 21, therefore the underlaying logic is working.
Same problem with 25/26, 27/28, 29/30
This time I only tested until 30. I don't know if I've seen it before. -
Chris Berge commented
There is a bug when creating multiple artboards or adding multiple artboards; causing the numbering to be off.
Illustrator 27.4.1
Mac OsX Monterey 12.4 -
Silvia commented
I automatically get 21, 22, 24, 24, 25…
instead of 21, 22, 23, 24, 25…
The artboard n23 is missing -
Абдулла Изиев commented
Today I noticed that if this error started, it affects all other files too. Restarting Illustrator fixes it
Please don't mind this user with the hateful speech below. I think we all share this pain because of this problem, and understand the rage it often invokes. Comments like this are not pretty, but they are good signals. But please restrain yourself from calling people 'losers'.
Blabla /// commented
You all losers think that adobe is going to fix this problem. This particular problem is glued in AI since 2019. They don't want to fix it. Wake up. We are all losers for paying this ''company''.
Абдулла Изиев commented
When I duplicate an artboard, it is duplicated with the same name as the previous one.
I have to change the name manually to export all the artboards otherwise it skips the duplicated artboards. When will it be fixed?
Marc commented
I may have find a way to replicate the bug : I just made two different files with large numbers of artboards, and I noticed that if I add artboards too fast, the bug happen. If I add some (with the "+" button) on a steady rythm, but not too fast, it doesn't occur.
Henk Stolker commented
When I copy artboards and make new artboards the automatic numbering of the artboards goes wrong. And when exporting an artboard you can't export the right artboard.
MacOS Ventura 13.0.1
Illustrator 26.5 -
Marc commented
When displaying a large number of artboards on the same screen, numbers don't follow (see screen capture, artboard 70 dos not appear, the 71 is doubled. When exporting by asrtboards, the first 71 does not get exported.