Can't finish previewing. Could not complete the requested operation.
I applied a pattern to a stroke by accident and received this error. I'm using v25.0.1 on a PC with 16 gb RAM and a dedicated graphics card.
Screen Shot 2020-11-15 at 1.54.07 PM.png 70 KB -
AI SS 02.jpg 308 KB -
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螢幕截圖 2018-10-24 上午11.31.13.png 157 KB -
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The_operation.png 68 KB -
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Screenshot 2018-10-18 22.16.41.png 19 KB -
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Anonymous commented
Cristobal Vila,
I use the programs around 8-12 hours non stop M-Sat and so far the hotfix that Ashutosh has provided has worked like a charm since Thursday. No preview crashes here to report so far. Thanks again Ashutosh!
Marcello Magnani commented
"When exporting using the Artboards the images are coming out scrambled"With 23.0.1 i have no issues about it.
Maybe it depends parameters selected for export.
Try with higher quality (8/10) and resolution (250/300dpi).
It should works. -
Anonymous commented
"Export as" when doing Artboard is not working. Anyone having issues with this? I am using the new build version 23.0.1. When exporting using the Artboards the images are coming out scrambled. NOT useable!!!
Cristobal Vila commented
To last anonymous comments: the problem is already fixed by Adobe. Please read the post by admin Ashutosh Chaturvedi where he shares a link to download a 23.0.1 hot fix
Anonymous commented
J'ai le même problème, quand allez vous remédier au bug ???
Martin Totev commented
I am pretty sure there is a major memory leak in the last update because Illustrator runs out of "memory" and i can't open any file. 16GB of RAM on a month old iMac is not really the problem because before the update the software worked quite fine. It is really discouraging to use a software that is not cheap and does not work properly after an update. It's not easy build such a complex tool, but pre-release QC should be a norm for a tech giant like Adobe...
Anonymous commented
Same. I'm still using the roll back of 2018, but since uninstalling and re-installing AI is not showing for system apps. Can't open svg and eps. There's no option in my system to choose Ai as the app.
Jon commented
I have the same issue as Cristobal, my cc apps is showing an illustrator update available but that update is the 23.0.0 version and not the beta 23.0.1 I'm currently using.
Any feedback is appreciated.
Cristobal Vila commented
@Ashutosh: I have a question/doubt about the Adobe CC automatic updater. Once I applied the 23.0.1 hotfix, now Illustrator goes fine.
But I see that my CC app is NOT detecting Illustrator as an app installed on my machine: it indicates that *I can install Illustrator*, as if it was not really installed!
Is this normal?
I want to believe that once Adobe launch a regular update, then this will change, reflexing that Illustrator (23.0.1) is already installed on my machine? Is that right?
Or what?
Thanks for your feedback! :-)
Kelvin commented
Applied patch today, can't preview error is fixed, but it will automatically end the program without any warning, and my work will be completely gone....
Anonymous commented
Applied patch today. Worked several hours in illustrator with zero issues. Thank you!
Anonymous commented
Applied patch, program seems much more stable. Still have 1 issue that is vexing,
working with live type the program is very slow to respond to highlighting text.
Sometimes the letter/word I want misses and ends up on a different word/letter
because the program is slow to respond. I would ask Adobe to look into how fonts
are handled in the latest update.OS: Mohave
Font Program: Font Agent latest build.Otherwise much easier to work with.
Matt Jones commented
ok, when try and turn of the new preference, illustrator crashes. applied the patch with no issue, other than that.
Jon commented
The update seems to have worked, 2 days of constant Illustrator usage and no error messages to report. Is there going to be an official download of this beta version made available?
Anonymous commented
Ran the update, Illustrator now works just fine. OSX 10.13.6, Chrome, Indesign, Photoshop, MS Word, FontExplorer X Pro.
Anonymous commented
Along with other issues with the Illustrator 23.0 , I think this one is the most annoying. Im installing older version. I hope it get fixed soon
Tom Holmes commented
Also here with this problem since the update. Even fairly simple files are jumping to outline mode or not opening, whereas in the past this was something that only happened if working on a ridiculously complicated file.
Casey Truelove commented
I'm running an iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2015)
Processor 3.3 GHz Intel Core i5
Memory: 32 GB 1867 Mhz DDR3
Graphics: AMD Radeon R9 M395X 4096 MBI usually have a number of apps running concurrently with AI: Chrome (with the following extensions: AdBlock, Amazon Assistant, Application Launcher, Boomerang, Calendly, Cisco Webex, Dropbox, Ebates, Google Docs Offline, Google Keep, GoToMeeting, GoToMeeting Pro Screensharing, Grammarly, Honey, Pinterest, Reader View, Save to Facebook, Search by Image, Soapbox, Fireshot, Wikibuy, Zoom Scheduler), Snagit, Harvest, Republic Anywhere, and occasionally Camtasia, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Pages, Numbers, Keynote, Firefox, and/or Safari.
I also have 2 peripheral monitors. (Incidentally, I've noticed that when I start AI, the startup screen loads on a side monitor while the rest of the app loads on my main screen--I don't know if there could be anything with AI trying to handle multiple screens.)
When I used 23.0, I would get the "Cannot finish previewing" error about every hour while working in AI. If I didn't quit soon thereafter, AI would crash. Thankfully, the auto-save worked the few times when I didn't save in time. It seemed that if I consistently saved the document, it would take longer between preview errors, but I couldn't say for sure.
23.0.1 seems to be working fine, but I haven't really had a need to push it much yet.
Anonymous commented
Following up on Casey's comment about possible conflicts between open Apps while using Illustrator v23.0. I thought I would provide my information if it is helpful in trying to debug the issue.
While I have Illustrator open, I also have: Bridge, Photoshop (both 2019), iTunes, MacMail. Occasionally, I have Safari open or Transmit when I am uploading to an ftp, and Acrobat. These last three old remain open if I have to use them in the moment. I am on a iMac running 10.13.6
In the meanwhile I am using v22 with no issues. I may possibly try the fix. Hope this is helpful.
Mark Follett commented
So far so good. Works a treat. Thanks