Can't finish previewing. Could not complete the requested operation.
I applied a pattern to a stroke by accident and received this error. I'm using v25.0.1 on a PC with 16 gb RAM and a dedicated graphics card.
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Chris Phillips commented
Same issue here and posted it as a separate bug report. Oops.
I wonder if the 'Can't finish previewing' bug is related to the GPU acceleration rather than memory. -
Chris Phillips commented
Since updating to Illustrator CC 2019 (V 23.0) I've been getting a program crashing bug where all of a sudden a pop up dialog appears with 'Can't finish previewing', the canvas/pasteboard goes grey and the program crashes. It's currently unusable in this state for me.
I'm on:
• macOS High Sierra
• iMac 5K 2017
• 4.2Ghz Core i7
• 64gb RAM
• Radeon Pro 580 8192mb
Chris -
Russ commented
Note: having GPU Performance on or off in the settings does not help.
Anonymous commented
samer, need this fixed asap please
Russ commented
I'll add myself here too. Windows 10. Illustrator v23 (2019)
Crashes very frequently with same 'preview' error. -
Kyle commented
You know Adobe won't refund money. However, I'm sure they're working on it. Issue is still occurring for me. Still waiting for an update.
Anon commented
Installed V23.0 TODAY (17 October 2018) and got this error with three tabs open. Only other program running is Mail.
MacOS High Sierra
Mac Pro (late 2013)
16GB 1866 MHz DDR3
HDD has 172.8GB of space (out of 250GB) -
Anonymous commented
Same here... 23.0 is halting my productivity with "Can't finish previewing".
paul commented
when will there be a fix? and how do you go back to the old version? and will adobe refund the money for the lost productivity over the last few days??
Anonymous commented
Do you still need more info on this? I can give you a log every half hour or so if you like.
David Langley commented
I'm having the same issues! Pain!
Phil Heroux commented
Same here. Went back to V22.1
Kyle commented
Da Aldana, we don't know yet. Adobe devs are (I assume) trying to address the issue. I'm still dealing with it as well.
Da Aldana commented
Hi, I've been having the exact same problem since I upgraded to Illustrator CC 2019. What should I do to fix it?
Kyle commented
Thanks, Henrik. I'm also in communication with Anish Kumar and Ashutosh Gupta about it. Hopefully we can get this resolved and get Illustrator working tip-top sooner than later. Otherwise, I just have to work with quitting, and re-opening files in 10-15 minute increments before it crashes again.
Thalion Graff commented
macOS Mojave 10.14
27in, late 2013 iMac
3.4GHz intel core i5
16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3Illustrator V23
Getting "Can't finish previewing." Message, everything goes to outlines can't make new document or open any files says out of ram.
Only program running is illustrator. Happens about ever 15 to 20 minutes. I have submitted numerous error reports.
Maarten M. commented
Same issue. Illustrator 23.0, masOS Mojave version 10.14, iMac Retina 5K, 27-inch late 2015.
Randomly, about once every few hours the preview stops with the error "Can't finish previewing.".
Anonymous commented
Win10 user... after AI23 update, constant AI freezes and crashes. I can't get 3-5 minutes through working on a file where this doesn't continue to reoccur. Same issues as everyone else has been reporting. weird screen redraw stuff happens, then AI flips to wireframe mode and locks up. Usually followed by a crash, sometimes, it;s hung up in a process that never resolves. I've turned GPU rendering OFF in my preferences, still experiencing it. PLEASE RESOLVE ASAP, it's killing my work productivity.
Henrik Smeds commented
Hello everyone. I will have a connected meeting with Adobe staff to try reproduce the crash. Later this afternoon or maybe tomorrow morning (CET). I'll keep you posted ...
Anonymous commented
I've been experiencing the exact same things as well after updating.