System compatibility report
Windows 10
Adobe Illustrator 25.2
While launching Adobe Illustrator, a window appears warning of an unsupported video driver although the exported report (txt-file) does not show any problem. All drivers are up-to-date.

I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 25.2.3 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
Yukino Joceyln commented
Hi, I also facing such issue. When I already updated my graphic drive and window update. I even check to see the system compatibility report which show no issue. Hope there is a way to solve this issue.
Emily H Konkle commented
Illustrator won't even open for me anymore. No one to answer the phone on the weekends and the "24/7" chat feature says that they are closed.
Di commented
Does the bug fix – 25.2.3 fix the unsupported video driver incompatibilities issues and Illustrator works fine now and we with the unsupported video drivers can continue to use illustrator moving forward or did it just fix the System Compatibilty Report dialog at launch?
Suresh Kalyanaraman commented
I am facing the same issue. I have done the steps outlined by Ankit Goyal. Moreover, illistrator crashes after this message as export report does not do anything and the screen freezes. I get a message Abode Illustrator has encountered a problem and needs to close.
So, I cannot even go to Edit->Preferences to uncheck the setting.
We need a good permanent solution for this. -
AshA commented
I am also have the exact same issue. Did all the updates needed and not working. Is this an error on Adobe??
cdmq commented
I cannot even get to preferences as when I launch AI it shows the driver error message and freezes. I can't even close the program.
Emilio Lara Fernandez commented
Hi there, I am encountering the same issue but with a step further which is I can no longer use illustrator.
Raya commented
I have similar problem too. I have Windows 10 and drivers are up to date; I have Intel(R) UHD 620.
Amanda Eliasson commented
I have had a similar problem for the last couple of days. After launching Illustrator the message of "System Compatibility Report" shows up, but only for a few seconds before going to BSOD (blue screen) with the stopcode "APC_INDEX_MISMATCH". No chance to export a report from illustrator before it all crashes. All drivers are updated, I've got NVIDIA Quadro K2100M.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Amanda -
Miguel Avila commented
Issue fixed for me after the fix suggested by Ankit Goyal. No compatibility error showing up anymore.
However I found that file under a different directory, please see attachment.Update: After Hibernating and re-opening Illustrator, error pops up again. System compatibility Report reads the following:
Video Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 v.
1. The current version of your Intel display driver may cause performance and stability issues. It is strongly recommended that you update to driver version 100.8476 or later. Drivers are provided by Intel or your computer's manufacturer.
URL: NVIDIA Quadro K2100M v.
1. NVIDIA has identified a bug which causes random crashes in your Adobe application and has provided a fix in driver version 451.77. This driver update is strongly recommended.
URL: -
Eunice commented
Having the same problem. Card is NVIDIA GeForce GT 470M
Joe Rumaker commented
I am having the same issue, I have done the suggested fix, but it doesn't work. Can I go back to Illustrator 2020? We pay a lot of money for this program (2 copies) and I can no longer open Illustrator by selecting the file that I want to open. Please let me know if there is a REAL fix or allow us to go back to Illustrator 2020. Thank you!
MDeering commented
Unsupported Video Driver while launching Illustrator on Windows 10 64-bit. I have the Intel HD Graphics 4600 v. driver and AMD Radeon R7 200 Series v. 27.20.12029.1000 graphics card. Both the graphics card and drivers are updated to the latest versions. I'm having the same issues when launching After Effects.
Truls-Magnus commented
I am getting the same issues.
Miguel Avila Monjaras commented
I'm getting this message as well. Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Already downloaded the latest drivers available for my system.
Valentina Brodin commented
I've updated the driver and still getting the warning message. I work on a PC Window 10 64bit . I have two GPU: Intel (R) HD Graphics 630 and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
Whitney commented
I work on a PC. I have had this same issue! I followed the instructions after clicking the "fix" button. Did everything it told me to. Same screen still pops up when I launch Illustrator. Today I had and error that popped up when I was resizing something in illustrator and told me I didn't have enough RAM to complete the action. Illustrator froze and I had to close it through my task manager.
Anonymous commented
Updated my onboard Intel 4600 card, still getting message. If it's because the card is old and "it is recommended to work on a later graphics card", maybe you can update the compatibility report to say so rather than directing us to turn it off (which negates the feature's value entirely, btw). It is confusing and inaccurate as it is.
Anonymous commented
I've updated the driver and still getting the warning message
IFM_Enseignes commented
I have the same issue with a Window 10 64bit and Nvidia Quadro 2000.
I've updated with the last drivers but the message is the same when I'm lauching Illustrator.Morever, the work on Illustrator is slowing down since the last Adobe Updated (probably due to the video problem).
Please find the systemreportfile below.
Could you help me please ?