Click-drag fails... snaps back
Click-drag, click-opt (copy) drag, click-shift (constrained) drag fails... snaps back.
Click on object to drag it either with or without option and/or shift and sometimes it will fail and snap back to its original position.
Mac mini M1
MacOS 12.2.1 Monterey
Apple Magic Mouse (no Wacom or other third party drivers)
Same behavior on two identical machines.
Works fine with v26.0.3.
Application frame bug.mp4 1601 KB -
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error 35278 KB - 367 KB -
Screen Recording 2022-03-14 at 12.19.04 642 KB -
Illustrator 15227 KB -
Specs.png 53 KB -
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Yenn commented
I can't move an objects with a mouse, but can nudge them with arrow keys. This happens in existing and new Illustrator files.
Darrin Michelson commented
Currently using Illustrator v24.3
Issue is the selection tools won't move objects by clicking and dragging. They can still:
- Highlight and select objects
- Selected objects can be moved by clicking their center point
- Selected objects WILL move when using the arrow keys
- The bounding box can be scaled and rotated without issue
- Individual anchors CAN be moved by the Direct Selection Tool
- Multiple selected anchors CANNOT.Object Selection by Path Only is not turned on, and I've hit the escape key a bunch to be sure that some hidden prompt isn't interfering with anything.
The only solution I've found is to quit out of the program and restart it.
Josh commented
Working Illustrator for 3hrs. Suddenly can't move anything. Can only select objects. No windows open. No warning.
Bug happened across 4 tabs. Was still present after restarting Illustrator. Had to restart Macbook in order to fix.
Really getting tired of the 'futuristic CC'. So many bugs. So unreliable.
Anonymous commented
I consistently get a bug with the 2 newest updates where objects in illustrator stop being moveable, I can scale but I can't move anything around. I fix it by saving and closing all projects open and restarting Illustrator. This happens maybe once a day. Im on newest Mac OS and windows 10.
Anonymous commented
I'm using an iMac with High Sierra, Illustrator version 24.2.3
When I paste or draw an object Illustrator intermittently doesn't allow me to move the item. I can select it and can see the bounding box and anchor points, but can't move it. I've tried selecting different parts of the object but still can't move it.
The solution I have found it to restart Illustrator.
Fernando Zamora commented
this is the most obnoxious and persistent bug in illustrator by far. please fix this. i end up doing things over and over and over again because of this. i work in really precise drawings and when moving a handle, anchor or line carefully to to the precise location, it just goes back.
i can't stress enough how frustrating this long running bug is.
Anonymous commented
I am experiencing since last few updates, the nodes if we want to move after converting type to outlines or any object, snaps back to its original position. Seems to be a bug and annoying as it is not allowing to move the node to desired position.
Anyone having this issues and any solution to this?
Mac OS 10.15.6
Illustrator Version 24.2.1 -
clive smith commented
After updating latest CC Illustrator update my mouse no longer can drag objects i can only use the arrow keys to do this. It was working fine yesterday. Work fine in any other programme such PS, Ms PPT.
Does it happen in one document or any other too?
Does it persist when you relaunch Ai?
What version are you using?
Does the Move dialogue work (hit Enter when any selection tool is active to launch it). -
Anonymous commented
I don't know why I'm not able to move any object on artboard.
No error message is popping..
Katie commented
I can't move objects with the select tool. The only way to fix the issue is to restart the whole program, but then it happens again 10 minutes later. I've uninstalled and reinstalled as well as updated my computer to the latest version.
I am using a 27" Mac with 16 GB of memory and am updated to macOS Catalina 10.15.4.
I cannot do my job right now because of the issue and I have tried to seek help multiple times, but nothing has fixed the issue. There is definitely a bug with Illustrator that needs to be fixed. -
Shaun Hensher commented
I'm having this issue with build 24.0.2 on Win 10. I can select the object, move it with arrow keys, rotate it with the mouse, but when I try to drag it, I get an error sound and no movement.
ALI JEE commented
Ashutosh Gupta (Illustrator Team) thank you so much for saving my life for this issue
Becky commented
After a couple hours of work in Illustrator CC, the click and drag feature stops working. This applies when using the all select and direct select tools when dragging anything from objects to corner points. The object (or point) highlights to show it's selected, but won't budge when dragged.
This started happening after the most recent CC update to Illustrator this week (~08.26.19). Haven't figured out what triggers it yet. Restarting the program fixes the issue, for now.
jake commented
I open a document and I cannot move any object I can resize objects I just cannot move anything from its current position. Objects are not locked.
Hugo commented
Also having this issue very frequently. When trying to drag objects (have this issue most often with stroked lines), Illustrator will try and marquee select instead of moving the object (even though AI shows the free transform icon next to the cursor).
Anonymous commented
I have come across this several times now. Unable to reproduce, but periodically you lose the ability to drag objects in Illustrator. You can rotate, nudge and use manual transform tools, but can't left-click + drag. The only way to resolve it is to restart the machine (not just Illustrator). A nuisance! Build 23.0.2 Win 10 64.
Anonymous commented
I can't move elements, I can't select or move text???
I am trying to work..This isn't okay.
Ashutosh Gupta (Illustrator Team) commented
Hi Brandon ,
Can you pleases check in the Preferences ( Windows: Edit -> Preferences -> Selection & Anchor Display / MAC: Illustrator CC -> Preferences -> Selection & Anchor Display ).
If the Object Selection by Path only is enabled., then disable it and observe if you are able to work smoothly.If the issue still persists then please zip and send illustrator preferences folder to us @ analyze ( Windows : "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator 23 Settings" and MAC : "~/Library/Preferences/Adobe Illustrator 23 Settings".
Thanks and Regards
Ashutosh Gupta
Illustrator Team -
Brandon Graham commented
Whether I'm creating a new shape or drawing a line, I cannot move to alter their respective shapes, location or sizing.
Because I'm on a PC, I'm consistently getting an annoying alert sound (with no dialogue box displaying) implying that there's an error.
What is going on?