Hand tool is getting stuck in 29.1, massive performance issues
Since yesterday Illustrator has virtually become unusable to me and I have no idea what happened. I didn't install any new apps.
The issue is seems to be focused around using spacebar to pan around my document. It gets stuck on the hand tool and the pan itself is laggy. When using the middle button on my mouse, the pan works perfectly though.
Left clicking on elements and manipulating them is an unsurmountable task with these issues, effectively making Illustrator unusable to me now...
I really hope someone else is also experiencing this, but I haven't been able to find any resources.
I tried everything. Restart my Mac. Reinstall Illustrator. Tried older versions. All the same...

It seems like using Magnet app together with Illustrator breaks something. Try to disable it for now (sadly, it is reported Ignore option does not do it).
yuichiro ozasa commented
> Egor Chistyakov
感謝感激雨嵐です!!!(←翻訳でどう表示されるか分かりませんが、感情がとても昂っているということをお伝えしたかったです) -
Abdelrahman, do you have Magnet app installed?
Can you please try to shut it down and see if anything changes? -
Abdelrahman Hamza commented
When selecting any object there is a noticeable lag and crazy moving, specially when selecting multiple objects. More lag and moving the selected objects randomly with the mouse cursor even when not selecting with mouse!
I tried to downgrade from Illustrator v 29.1 way back through many versions to v 28.7.3 same problem.
I tried switching CPU/GPU preview and disabling the GPU but the same problem happens.
I'm using M2 pro Mac Mini with macOS 15.1.1 (24B91)
Justin commented
I had this issue too. I quit Magnet and it works perfectly.
Now its time for Adobe to fix the issue because Ive been running Magnet and Illustrator for nearly decade without an issue. -
Wilson Semilio commented
Thank you SO MUCH Egor!! It was indeed the Magnet app that I had installed. I quit it and now everything seems to be working perfectly! You're a life saver! I do hope that Adobe will look into this though, as one should be able to run a simple windows management app alongside Illustrator. Seems like Illustrator is very fragile software overall. Needs a big revamp if you aks me...
Do you have Magnet app installed?
If yes, try to close it and see if anything changes. Please comment back! -
yuichiro ozasa commented
Illustrator ver:2025
プロセッサ:2.9 GHz 6コアIntel Core i9
メモリ:32 GB 2400 MHz DDR4
MacBook Pro -
So far it’s not clear who spoils the party, the Magnet’s implementation or the quirkiness of the Adobe’s platform...
At least it’s a solution we can all use for now. -
Bois Ju commented
It was that! When I quit Magnet it works fine, I can use the new feature in Macos but it's not as good. Maybe some functions have to be deactivated in Magnet to let Illustrator go right?
Thanks Egor!! -
Do you have the Magnet app installed?
Bois Ju commented
Exactly the same issue as Wilson Semilio.
It works well for me when I turn on the CPU mode (Cmd+E) or Trim view too.
On a MacBookPro 16" M1 Max. -
Wilson Semilio commented
I've recorded a video now demonstrating the above issues.
UPDATE: I just noticed that when enabling "Trim View", pan and zoom works perfectly and without any lagging. But the double click to enter text mode and group mode still don't work.
Wilson Semilio commented
Using spacebar to pan around but the hand tool is still selected even thought I release the space bar. And when panning around while pressing space bar the panning itself is laggy. Furthermore, when left clicking objects on the canvas, there’s a 1 second delay before they’re selected. And I can’t double click to enter groups or edit text etc. What in the world is going on here? I tried restarting in Safe Mode and then everything worked perfectly - and super fast. But for obvious reasons I can’t work in Safe Mode.
Charlie, do you mean the Hand tool gets stuck as soon as you pick it, and selecting another tool won’t drop the hand cursor?
Charlie Monarrez commented
Hand tool does not deselect. Even while selecting another tool, the hand tool will not deselect. also while using the handtool it will not let go of the board. I have re installed the program and still having the problem.
AdminMIE (PCM, Adobe Illustrator) commented
トラブルの解決やアイデアを投稿できる『アドビサポートコミュニティIllustratorフォーラム』 (https://community.adobe.com/t5/illustrator%E3%83%95%E3%82%A9%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A9%E3%83%A0/ct-p/ct-illustrator-jp を宜しければご活用くださいませ。
AdminMIE (PCM, Adobe Illustrator) commented
tan commented
Mac OS 15.0.1
Illustrator 2024のバージョン使用中のこの1か月にエラーが起こるようになり、
よろしくお願いいたします。 -
AdminMIE (PCM, Adobe Illustrator) commented
ご報告いただきました内容につきまして検証を行いたいと思いますのでお使いのオペレーティングシステム(マシンスペック)および Adobe Illustrator (デスクトップ版) のバージョン(いつのバージョン以降から発生するかなど詳細もお伝えいただけると助かります。)をお伝えいただけますか?
tan commented