Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs
When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:
- Details of your operating system
- The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- Your expected result and the actual result
- Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)
161 results found
Images not appearing on shared link
When I create a shared link for review, the image do not appear on the link.
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Inability to add graphics in libraries
This is a bug. This is where Adobe informs me to report a bug. For the record this must be said right away.
I made a library and could initially add graphics to that library, but all of a sudden graphics wouldn't add itself whether I dragged or specifically selected "add ...".
It added an irrelevant fill color instead.
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Illustrator Version 25.4 and 25.41 not starting out of Adobe Cloud Control
Details of your operating system
- Windows 10 LTSC
The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- V25.4 and V25.41
The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- uninstalled C++ redistributable version 2015 and installed again
Your expected result and the actual result
- that it works --> but it didnt
Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)1 vote -
Aus Prozessfarbe wird eine Volltonfarbe, wenn sie aus Illustrator in der Adobe Creative Bibliothek angelegt wird
Hallo, wenn ich Farben aus Illustrator 2021 (Windows 10), aus den Farbfeldern, aus den Farbfeldoptionen, an die Adobe Cloud Bibliothek sende, wird aus einer Prozessfarbe in den Angaben eine Volltonfarbe.
Obwohl es eine Prozessfarbe ist. Nach der Überprüfung der Farbe auf Vollfarbe, wird die Farbe als Vollfarbe angegeben. Wie sich die Farbe später verhält kann ich nicht sagen. Wenn ich die Farbe manuell in der Adobe Cloud Bibliothek anlege (in Photoshop) bleibt eine Prozessfarbe eine Prozessfarbe. Das ist aber sehr aufwendig, dies so zu machen, da wir die Farbe mit einer Farbnummer und den RGB Werten beschriften müssen. Über eine…1 vote -
Opening recent cloud doc silently fails when connected to VPN
This should kick an error back to the user. There must be SOME trigger along the way that could generate it, even if it's just a network timeout error, right? Even a cancellable status pulser or something so you're not just throwing non-functional clicks at a button the UI suggests is functional.
MacOS 11.5.1
Illustrator 25.4.1Steps— Open illustrator, click on a cloud doc either through recent panel or file-> open recent files
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Capture not updating
It seems my Adobe Capture library is not updated in Illustrator (in order to access new Colors or gradient I recently captured (works fine in Fresco)…)
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Video showing BUG: CLOUD LIBRARY Panel from Adobe Stock does not open AI documents for editing.
Here is a VIDEO to show the problem: of problem: CLOUD LIBRARY Panel from Adobe Stock does not open AI documents for editing.
To reproduce problem:
Buy some VECTOR assets from Adobe Stock, open up illustrator, open up a new document, save it to the cloud. Open up the LIBRARIES panel, double click the assets you bought, click on the EDIT button, they wont open, instead AI just reopens the document you already have open. This was not a problem before the Libraries panel was updated, last version worked fine, I could just "double click" the asset, presto,…1 vote -
Stupid Cancellation Fee
It is ridiculous that you have to pay £109 to cancel a monthly subscription of Adobe Illustrator. I was not using it so decided to cancel my subscription, already £19 a month and then I was charged £109 as an early cancellation fee. This company just wants money and does not care about its customers
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Artwork from CC Libraries doesn't keep its name when placed into other apps
It used to be that when you added AI artwork into a CC library and gave it a name there, it kept its name when the artwork was placed into for example InDesign document. All my libraries have artwork with names, but when I place any of them into InDesign it simply shows up as "Artwork" in Links. However, this doesn't seem to be buggy for all artwork in the CC libraries, just new ones I created in the last few days.
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Color in Adobe CC Libraries Are Not Functioning As Expected?
I am using Adobe CC Design Apps, specifically the latest release, for Illustrator 25.2.3 (as of 5.14.21) on a 2017 MacBook Pro on BigSur 11.2.3. The issue that I am having is as follows:
I am building a library of 100+ illustrations that all use a custom library of CMYK colors. There are 10 colors in total.
I have created a CC library of my colors — each color has been set as a CMYK value and defined as a spot color with the global box checked. My documents are all set to the CMYK color space, and they are all…
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Issue with Adobe Libraries color swatches not the same in each file for Illustrator/InDesign
There is an issue with Adobe Libraries color swatches when added to illustrator or Indesign files are not the same in each file for Illustrator/InDesign.
I made a master Brand color palette for the Marketing team to use for all.
The issue is that when I add the a color swatch from the Master Color Swatch Library it changes the RGB numbers in the local illustrator or InDesign file.
Other team members have experienced the same issue.
The goal is to create one brand color swatch library that multiple departments and teams within each department can use. The design team…1 vote -
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Why am i getting image info when i click on an image in Libraries to open it??? I used to just click and open!!
I have to now add an extra click, just to open a licensed image. WHY? So frustrating! i want to double click on the dogs below and open the file, but i click as i always did, and it shows me image info. THEN I need to click on the pencil icon top left to finally open it! I don't want the image info!! I just want to open it! I've been using this for 20 years so don't know how on earth this suddenly started acting up. Any help appreciated.
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Fonts Won't Activate in Illustrator - Troubleshooting Tips Don't Work
I have no access to Adobe Fonts. I open a document, and the missing fonts dialog shows. I click to activate and they don't activate. It spins and then stops eventually.
When I go through ALL of the troubleshooting on the help forum, it doesn't help. I've done them... they don't work.
When I go online to activate the fonts, the message in my status bar says they are DE activated. It's frustrating!
For example, I just activated Gitan font from the font library, but I got a message saying the font(s) were DE activated. See the attached file for…
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Imported colors from Creative Cloud Library appear twice on the swatch panel
I am running on Windows 10 (intel i7 8565U, 16 GB RAM) and Adobe Illustrator 25.2.
Whenever I try to import colors from the CC library (select colors, right click, add colors to swatch), the colors then appear twice on the panel (see the attached video). I have tried to reset my illustrator preferences, but still experiencing a similar issue.
I checked my InDesign and Photoshop by doing similar steps, and they work just fine. Is there anyone experiencing related issue? What did you do to make this work? Thank you.
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Not possible to install Illustrator on M1
can't download the apps from my Creative Cloud. Error message 146.
I have granted all access rights to the necessary folders and subfolders, but still get the error message. Setting up a new user admin did not help either.
Can someone please help me! I need Illustrator urgently for my job!1 vote -
Swatches Turn to Spot Colours When You Add to CC Libraries.
Swatches turn to spot colours when you add them to CC Libraries. It would be preferred to change that to process colours as default. Please!
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Libraries panel will not scroll after computer sleep
Libraries panel will not scroll after computer sleep, need to restart illustrator to gain control of it again. MacOS 11.1 Big Sur, 2020 16" MacBook Pro Intel.
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Problem with dragging assets out of CC library
I have noticed that when I press opt + drag assets out of the library it will occasionally make all the objects of the assets scattered and misplaced. This also happens to most of my colleagues so I believe it might not be ai version issue.
My operating system is MacOS Catalina and my illustrator version is Illustrator 2021 25.0
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