Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs
When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:
- Details of your operating system
- The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- Your expected result and the actual result
- Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)
160 results found
Plug-ins du Marché
Je n'arrive pas à installer ce (ou autres) plug-in pour Illustrator du Marché. Je clique sur le bouton «Free» une roue de progression apparaît puis disparaît sans que rien s'installe. J'utilise MacOS Catalina (10.15.7).
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CC Library funktioniert nicht mit MBP 13" Apple Silicon
Ai gibt die Fehlermeldung, dass Elemente aus der Library nicht gefunden werden können und neu verknüpft werden müssen. Diese Elemente sind aber vorhanden. Neu in ein Dokument gezogene Library-Elemente werden sofort nach dem Platzieren als fehlerhaft markiert. Das gleiche Dokument, gleiche Library, gleiche Illustrator-Version auf einem anderen Mac (Intel) unter Catalina funktioniert tadellos. Reproduzierbar nur auf dem M1 MBP unter Big Sur.
Ai 25.0.1, MBP 13" Apple Silicon, System und Adobe CC auf neusten Update
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Adding colors from Adobe Libraries to swatches creates duplicates
When I add a selection of colors from the adobe libraries panel to swatches, using the Ctrl+click and selecting 'add color to swatches' it adds them twice in the swatches panel. So if I select 5 colors and add, they show up in swatches as color1, color1,color2, color2,color3, color3,color4, color4,color5, color5
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Ipad Pro illustrator top layer select
Sometimes I have an issue selecting the top layer only on iPad Pro illustrator while selecting other layers flawlessly.. Noticed this when importing back from desktop illustrator app. Not sure if that matters but curious if anyone else has had issue?
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Creative cloud cannot load when opening a file
When I try to load a file from my creative cloud folder it says creative library cannot load error .
Happen with my iPad Pro only not only in illustrator but all Adobe apps .1 vote -
CC Bibiothek BUG / Nicht nutzbar
Schlicht nicht nutzbar kein Feld innerhalb des fensters in Illustartor ist anklickbar. Overlay ständig geöffnet!!!
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Creative Cloud Automatic Shut Down
This might not be a libraries issue.
My office is working off of Illustrator 24.1.3 and Photoshop 21.2.1. Recently Several of us has encountered an issue where all open CC programs will spontaneously decide to shut down. This isn't a catastrophic issue thanks to the fact that all files that have unsaved changes will ask if the user wants to save, similar to if they had used the short cut to quit. The difference here is there isn't a cancel option on the save prompt, and this happens to both Illustrator and Photoshop simultaneously, as though both programs have been…
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Library panel crashes and becomes black after selecting Next Object Above / Below
If you select an assets from the library window (e.g. click a colour to apply to your working artboard) and then use the keyboard shortcut for Next Object Above / Below, it causes the Libraries panel to go black and it won't re-appear until Illustrator is rebooted.
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Creative Cloud item linked to "old" item when moving to another CC Library
I have several Library on AI Creative Cloud (shared with a colleague). There is a "Final" Library where we store the design that will be used to print on final products, and there is a WIP (work in progress) library that we use for the yet to be released.
In Final Library there might be an item call "1234a" and we would be working on "1234b" in the WIP library (1234b usually would be made as a duplicate from 1234a and then renamed and edited)
Then we would place the 1234b on our artboard arrange several other items etc.
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Creative Cloud library assets make Illustrator Crash
version 10.14.6
Illlustrator CC 2019 and Illustrator CC2020I'm using a lot the creative cloud Libraries in Illustrator.
Many times, when I create an asset in the library by dragging and dropping it into a group, the asset crashes Illustrator when I try to open it to modify it.1 vote -
Opening a file within Bridge
The document “” could not be opened. AIRobin cannot open files in the “Adobe Illustrator document” format. IOS is 10.14.6 Version of Illustrator is Version 24.2.1
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Illustrator loses links to artwork that is renamed in library
When I rename a graphic I am reusing throughout my file, all links to that graphic are lost and when I try to copy layers containing those linked graphics, Illustrator reports the following errors:
- "the document contains pdf objects that have been reinterpreted"
- "an unknown imaging construct"
- "an unknown shading type"If I have many instances of that artwork in multiple layers, it takes a lot of time to have to find every single instance, delete it, drag the renamed graphic in, move it to the correct layer, resize and rotate, and reapply the styles I had…
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"Not Compatible"
I have a MacBook Pro, El Capitan 2015. The Adobe Suite is now saying all of my apps are "Not Compatible". I tried restarting my computer and the Adobe system multiple times. I was on the phone for over 3 hours with Adobe, no help, just said my computer is too old.
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Text fields not immediately active when renaming library items
Renaming library items takes several steps to ensure you are in the text field and any keyboard commands will not trigger tools/menu items.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Click on an object,
2. Drag to Library panel—often takes several times as noted in the video
(the libraries panel and new documents from libraries is flawed and not as efficient as Adobe Max presentations allude to, but that's another post)
3. After item successfully copied to Libraries, right click it in the libraries panel and click Rename
If you do not…1 vote -
Ai 2020 | Library chaos, lies, and the worst valentines day ever | sign out bug thing |F**K
i dont know what more i need to say... im so frustrated. literally wasting hours with this happening over and over and yall **** blocked the way cc2020 ai works with the previous versions. basically forcing us to us 2020 then it screws up.... i should of been a stripper.... thanks mom
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Adobe Stock to Illustrator?
Cannot load the Adobe stock images into any of the adobe suite apps.
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Library symbol
I add a graphic, like a rectangle, to the cloud library, and when I place it to my work it import all the work from the artboard.
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Can't preview new graphic assets in Libraries within Illustrator
When I add a new graphic asset to an existing Library, I cannot get a preview of it until I restart the program. Instead, I get the animated square indicating that the preview is being generated, but it never refreshes. I often have multiple CC programs open, and the graphic is always immediately reviewable in Photoshop and InDesign, so this is limited to Illustrator in my experience.
I am running Mac OS 10.15.1
Illustrator 23.1.11 vote -
CC Libraries panel doesn't respond when clicked
My CC Libraries opens, shows me everything but when I click on let's say a color to swap it does nothing. None of the libraries work. It's like the I'm clicking in a ghost swatch or something. I even reinstalled illustrator to see if it would help. Nothing. Bug or fixable?
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Copying graphics from CClibraries transforms paths.
CClibraries has a serious bug.
adobe's customer support acknowledged having bugs in CClibraries.Steps to reproduce
1) Set the profile to “WEB” when creating a document.
2) Text object is made an outline.
3) In the Libraries panel to add graphics
4) Right-click a graphic in the Libraries panel, and choose the Place Copy option from the context menu.Windows 10 , Illustrator CC2018 / CC2019
1 vote
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