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Illustrator (Desktop) SDK/Scripting Issues

69 results found

  1. Please update "Planet X" in backend to "Live Paint"

    Actions read from API are named "Planet X".
    In AI menu, they are "Live Paint"

    Additionally, there is one typo: "Marge Planet X" = "Merge Live Paint"

    When Loupedeck reads the actions from API, they appear with outdated names in Loupedeck UI.

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  2. Update the VSCode ExtendScript Debugger

    This is an essential tool.

    Too many issues to mention here - and that's just on a PC. It doesn't work at all on ARMx64

    The community needs this kept up to date!

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  3. Commands from Special characters / Whitespace section gives an error

    A simple script:
    gives an error 1200: 1346458189 ('PARM')

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  4. Fails to retrieve file creation date | AI 2020, MacOS Catalina

    This issue appears only on MacOS Catalina.

    Steps to reproduce:


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  5. Using method duplicate() on a group of threaded text frame items will lose threading

    Hi together,
    if we duplicate a group of threaded text frame items to a different Illustrator document the story's threaded text frame items will not be threaded anymore in the target document.

    If you duplicate the group in the same document the threaded text frame items remain threaded.

    All details here at Adobe Illustrator Scripting Forum:

    [BUG] copying threaded text-frames.
    Silly-V Mar 22, 2019 9:30 AM

    One has to rethread the text frame items in the target document.
    That should not be necessary.

    No issue if we copy and paste grouped and threaded text frame items using the menu…

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  6. Last frame in a story: textFrameItem.nextFrame is not null

    Hi together,
    the value of nextFrame of the last textFrameItem in a story should always be null. Otherwise you could thread the outport of a text frame item with the inport of the same text frame item.

    And indeed that's the case!

    See details in this thread at the Adobe Illustrator Scripting Forum:

    1. Re: [BUG] copying threaded text-frames. Laubender Mar 30, 2019 7:42 PM (in response to Laubender)

    Since this IS POSSIBLE it creates a rather strange text composition in the affected story. So my suggestion: nextFrame of the last threaded text frame item in a story should always…

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  7. Export jpg using script to specific dpi

    Export jpeg using script to specific dpi.

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  8. [BUG] Error during evaluation of conditional (ternary) operator

    The script in the Illustrator produces an error during evaluation of a conditional expression that includes a nested conditional expression without parenthesis.

    This breaks JavaScript optimization tools e.g. Google Closure Compiler.

    alert(true ? true ? 1 : 2 : 3);

    Standard dialog with message: "1".

    Dialog with message "Error 25: Expected: :."

    alert(true ? (true ? 1 : 2) : 3);

    System info:
    Illustrator Version: 23.0.1
    OS: OS X
    Version: 10.14
    System Architecture: x64

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  9. Add Javascript API for swatches functionalities

    There are many missing feature that we can not handle using javascript scripting, also may be apple script.

    1. Merge swatches via script
    2. Suppress merge swatch conflict dialog via script or do it in the background by default value.
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  10. Javascript erroneously reports stroke color in paragraphStyles.characterAttributes if it has been changed from a color to noColor

    AI 21.0.0 2017 Release

    ---------------------------------------- to reproduce

    New Document (defaults: print, letter)

    T for text tool, click in document, type "test text"

    cmd-return to exit

    in Color palette click anywhere in color bar to change text color

    in Paragraph Styles palette, click the new style icon to create "Paragraph Style 1"

    ---------------------------------------- 1st run

    run script "bugreport"

    fillColor: [CMYKColor]
    strokeColor: [NoColor]

    ---------------------------------------- 2nd run

    select the "test text" text

    press "X" to change the color palette from fill to stroke

    click anywhere in the color bar to give the text a colored stroke

    in Paragraph Styles palette, select "Redefine…

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  11. DocumentRasterResolution - How do we set HighResolution? Please give an example of how to set and how to read document resolution. Thanks

    DocumentRasterResolution - How do we set HighResolution? Please give an example of how to set and how to read document resolution. Thanks.
    DocumentRasterResolution.HighResolution; //Does nothing So how to do? Why is this not an app.documents.add() function or method to begin with? Why is the app.document.add so limited in parameters? I would think there would be a huge parameter list but there is not.

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  12. DocumentArtboardLayout under app.documents.add is broken

    var aDoc = app.documents.add(DocumentColorSpace.CMYK, 612.0, 792.0, 3, DocumentArtboardLayout.GridByCol, 40.0, 1);

    Running the above script.jsx GridByCol broken. I get two rows, should be a single column. Changed GridByCol to GridByRows and also outputs 2 rows of artboards. DocumentArtboardLayout is broken.

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  13. [BUG] exportFile() changes spaces to hyphens in file name

    //how to reproduce:
    app.activeDocument.exportFile(new File("~/desktop/test test"), ExportType.GIF);

    //types affected -  ExportType.PNG24,  .PNG8,  .JPEG, .GIF
    //types exporting with no unwanted hyphen - .TIFF, .SVG

    //persists on win and mac

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  14. 2 votes

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  15. settings raster effects value visible main screen

    I need to view somewhere in the Illustrator interface, the value set in the "raster effects settings" panel.

    Is there a scripted way to implement this?

    I've created actions that set this value to 72ppi / 300ppi so that I can change it when the document becomes heavy and unmanageable (thanks to using only 1 CPU CORE, thanks Adobe ❤).
    The problem is that if I save the file, I will probably save it at 72ppi, but for printing the effects are poor and you have to set them to 300ppi.
    So having the value always visible on the screen,…

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  16. exportFile doesn't work with NoUI document

    trying to create a "NoUI" document and export as SVG like this:

    opendoc = app.documents.addDocumentNoUI();
    opendoc.exportFile(file, ExportType.SVG);

    I get the attached error in AI

    I can't think of any other way to export an SVG via script. Obviously there are scripting things that don't work with NoUI documents, but it seems like this one should. Am I doing something wrong?

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  17. .duplicate() does not update selection, crashing Illustrator

    // redraw()

    when running this script in Illustrator, you will see that both the original selection plus its duplicate will be selected, but the alert will display 1. Running this script in debug shows that selection only contains one object despite .duplicate() being used. This causes a corruption(?) issue where in reality there are now two objects selected but selection only shows one to be selected unless you do redraw(). This discrepancy will cause Illustrator to crash when trying to set the selection (in specific circumstances) on another line after the .duplicate().

    In other situations, whether one or…

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  18. placedItem name property doesn't work


    I'm trying to get placedItem name, but it is empty

    //Get active document
    var activeDocument = app.activeDocument;

    //Get all links (or placed items)
    for (var i = 0; i < activeDocument.placedItems.length; i++) {
    var imageName = activeDocument.placedItems[i].name;
    alert("imageName = " + imageName);

    activeDocument.placedItems[i].name returns empty string

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  19. Unable to create file or folder object in Illustrator CC2020

    I tried to create a file or folder object with a slash (colon) in its name in Illustrator CC2020, but I couldn't.
    Also, I was not able to get the file object from PlacedItem.
    The same thing happens with AppleScript.

    In Photoshop CC2020 and InDesign CC2020,I was able to create.

    NG Case(JSX)

    [File location] desktop > 2020/01 > 01/01Image01.jpg ==> [Full path] /Users/***/desktop/2020:01/01:01Image.jpg

    var fObj = File('/Users/***/desktop/2020:01/01:01_Image.jpg'); ==> invalid object
    fObj.exists ==> false ==> none

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  20. retrieve transformation matrix of a symbol instance

    there seems to be no way to retrieve a symbol instance's transformation matrix (neither javascript nor SDK).
    It is only possible to compare the bounding box to the expected one

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Illustrator (Desktop) SDK/Scripting Issues


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