Illustrator (iPad) Feature Requests
24 results found
Do Not Change/Select Random Colors When Creating Gradients
When switching from a Solid color to a Gradient, the app will choose a (seemingly) random secondary color in order to visually show the gradient effect.
I would prefer that all points of the gradient maintain the singular ‘Solid’ color.
This is because I very often want to create a subtle gradient between a darker and lighter shade of the originally chosen color. More often than not, I need to copy the original color back into the new gradient point and then go from there - which can be frustrating because the app is making decisions for me that I…
4 votes -
CMYKOGV colormode support in Adobe tools
We would like that Adobe tools like Illustrator, Photoshop and Adobe PDF support a new color mode CMYK-OGV. Today Both support CMYK and colorconversion to CMYK-OGV Extended Gamma is not easy. You need special tools and plug-ins. There is no color mode in any Adobe Tool that allows CMYK-OGV. It will improve print quality in the hole graphic industry. Also It alllows easy conversion from RGB to CMYK-OGV if there is a color mode option. Same also for Adobe Camera Raw that allows to chose CMYK icc print profiles.
1 vote -
Overprint fill attribute to do Spot color prints.
Option to make spot color with Overprint fill to print as a Spot color
2 votes -
Make Generative Recolor (using AI) available on iPad
Make Generative Recolor (using AI) available on iPad
11 votes -
An eyedropper like the desktop that samples swatches, can apply appearances
If you apply global swatches to your artwork on the iPad, you can't use the eyedropper to accurately sample those colors/swatches to other objects. The eyedropper reads the color, but the formula numbers are slightly off, and it applies this to the object, rather than applying the swatch. Also, when I create a swatch on the iPad using whole numbers, when I open the file on the desktop, the swatch has decimal numbers. You can't type in any decimals on the iPad, and yet they are there on the desktop. Designers need accurate swatch functionality and a better eyedropper on…
4 votes -
Pick color not working.
Color picker does not detect any color all of a sudden and it makes my shapes strokes transparent black or white.
1 vote -
Make Recent Color section as in Photoshop
It would be nice to have a thing similar to Photoshop strip of recently used colors, with an ability to quickly convert one or several into proper swatches.
Probably a function that just add all used color into swatches automatically can be useful also, with a clear signaling it is active, to prevent accidental swatches bloating.16 votes -
Select all color swatches to delete at once.
Since I almost always want to delete the standard color swatches in a new document, it would be nice to be able to select all at once to delete, or at least multiples, instead of having to delete one at a time, very inefficient.
5 votes -
Recolour Artwork
Can we please get the same feature as the desktop app for the ipad?
11 votes -
Allow to add multiple swatches at once, similar to Color Groups in Desktop
If one wants to add a color swatch, they can tap Plus button in Swatches section.
However there is no wat to add all colors from selected objects, you have to do it one by one, which is tedious.
Please make a way to adding selected colors into a color group or at least as an ungrouped set, just like Ai on desktop can do.10 votes -
Save Colour Swatches Permanently
Every time I open a new document my colour swatches that I had saved previously are gone.
Let us keep and have a way to save and organise our colour palettes (like procreate) please. Thank you!24 votes -
Pattern Tool Options
I am a surface pattern designer, so please expand the pattern options tile types to include those available in AI desktop: brick by row, brick by column, and the hex options as well.
219 votes -
Neon pastel color book
Is it me or you removed the neon pastel color in the color book ? I really need to use these colors so bring back them please
1 vote -
Can’t open my patterns :-( I am officially designing, illustrating, and animating on iPadOS only
iPadOS only designer here
1 vote -
30 votes
Pattern Swatches
Added from Libraries or created in the Capture app.
68 votes -
Make Illustrator for iPad and Adobe Library more pattern-friendly
Editing and scaling patterns on the iPad is nearly impossible. Ist would be great if the options would be similar as in the desktop version, where scaling, editing, changing the colour of patterns etc. is with the swatches easily done.
Also if patterns could be saved to the adobe library it would simplify the working process immensely.12 votes -
Ability to see, add, change, assign, convert Color Profiles
Color profile settings are not visible The color is so different from the PC version that I need to set the color profile.
16 votes -
13 votes
Ability to create seamless patterns on iPad version
An easy way to create seamless patterns out of the user’s drawings or creations on the iPad version.
10 votes
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