Illustrator (iPad) Feature Requests
16 results found
Ability to install purchased or custom made brushes
We need the ability to import custom made or purchased brushes directly into the iPad brush tool. This is a major issue and would solve several other issues I have with the iPad version of the software.
10 votes -
Make the blob brush feel like the desktop version of the blob brush.
The blob brush feels really sloppy on iPad. It should work exactly as it does on iPad. I experimented with all the different settings. Nothing made it feel or look anything like it does on desktop. This is the main thing keeping me from drawing on my iPad and instead still using clip studio. I like AI a lot more but the line work on my drawings are vital and the current form of the blob brush jus tisn’t it.
2 votes -
Being able to import Fresco iPad brushes to iPad illustrator and save them permanently to the illustrator brush library.
Fresco has a great set of brushes. It would improve Illustrator on the iPad immensely if they were interchangeable and could be added to the illustrator iPad brush menu permanently.
4 votes -
Why not make drawing as convenient as in animate
I really like that in anime you can draw on one layer working with lines and filling as in Photoshop. Why is everything so complicated and mute in the illustrator?
1 vote -
We need more brushes & pencils for Ai on iPad
Does anybody have any idea that you want to add here?
Korean users want Basic round brush without Taper control.6 votes -
Keep width profiles and stroke settings
Allow option to keep width profiles and stroke settings constantly active when drawing. So annoying that it reverts back to basic every time I make a new stroke with pencil or pen tools! It makes it hard to draw!
4 votes -
smaller brush size
Brush size has a limitation 1 point. It would be nice if it could get smaller into decimals.
10 votes -
15 votes
shortcut or gesture to rotate and resize calligraphy brush
shortcut or gesture to rotate and resize calligraphy brush
3 votes -
We need zipper brushes for fashion design
We need zippers and import symbols from our libraries
5 votes -
1 vote -
Disposer de plusieurs brush pour l’outil plume
J’aimerais avoir une bibliothèque de brush comme sur desktop, afin de pouvoir varier les style de tracées à la plume.
1 vote -
Real brush tool, not “Blob” tool — draw single and editable line
I don’t want an outline of my line. I want a line. And changeable strokes and brushes.. And a real pen tool. Call me crazy but it’s kind of hard to ILLUSTRATE without the proper tools.
6 votes -
Tapered brushes connected to pencil pressure
Artistic brushes with pressure variability with editable anchors
157 votesCompleted (Comments Open) ·AdminNeeraj Nandkeolyar (Sr. Product Manager, Adobe Illustrator) responded
Taper was added to the Blob Brush setting. This update is available in the latest version 1.3.
Blob brush pressure size on Illustrator for iPad
Would be good to have same options as for desktop version for blob brush on iPad. Especially pressure size variation.
11 votes -
Please make a brush stroke a path instead of a fill. So you don’t have to adjust the outlines from a line you just drawn.
Please make a brush stroke a path instead of a fill. So you don’t have to adjust the outlines from a line you just drawn. Or else this app shouldn’t be called illustrator. Thats the main thing of illustration using adobe illustrator. Apply a look to a line, and then be able to adjust the line instead of a fill which it now creates, not usable at all. It’s also useful for animation purposes to be able to use a path. And the pencil isn’t the same thing as a brush, you want to see the endresult of what you…
6 votes
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