Illustrator (iPad) Feature Requests
76 results found
Hand tool and scrolling with the mouse, horizontal scrolling as well (like a computer)
The shortcut H does not work on the ipad pro to access the hand tool, while this is the case on a computer. Scrolling up and sideways is also very important for my workflow. This is important for me to be able to pan around as I am using my iPad Pro as a laptop replacement.
3 votes -
Add Spiral Tool
Add a spiral tool like the desktop version.
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Spiral Tool Preview Checkbox
Outside of using the default values for the Spiral tool, it's always been difficult to get real precision with respect to altering the decay while dragging and holding CMD / CNTRL. It would be super flexible if the tool had a Preview check box. Turning it on would generate a wireframe of the shape with the default values. Then we could try different settings to get the shape we want and then click Ok to produce the shape.
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A must tools as like desktop version
Complete shape tool, width tool, transform tool, effect tools, smooth tool, fix/ pin contextual bar, stroke tool on contextual bar, if I use there it always changes edge and corner from the origin. Which is more work, than change it from properties.
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Liquifying tool - like on desktop illustrator.
Width tool - warp tool, twirl tool, and all the others you have on the desktop
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Vectorize Now button to apply chosen options instead of live update
I would like to recommend adding a "vectorize now" button and only have something vectorized when I press that button. Right now, vectorizing occurs every time I change an option, which is very time consuming. Thank you!!
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I hope to add the drawing mode to the iPadAI.
The function of drawing in graphics is missing, and the function of real-time coloring is also very needed. I hope the developer can take a closer look. It is very important. Thank you.2 votes -
Rotate bounding box only
The bounding box is forever fixed now, and we can’t reset it, the way it is possible in the desktop (and there is a separate request for that:
But it would be better to make it better— by giving a mode to freely rotate the bounding box the way we need, to zero or another angle.
One more button in the context panel, or a toggle we can get when hold the rotation handle (to display the rotation center) — either way will do.2 votes -
Background removal Tool
One Reason I keep my Canva subscription is because they offer a background removal tool for photos. Sometimes when I am designing on my iPad I need to perform a background removal. Canva has an amazing tool for this. If Adobe offered an equally effective background removal tool for photos in illustrator for iPad it would make my life easier and would render Canva unnessisary.
2 votes -
Rectangular grid
Please add a rectangular grid tool for all of us making pixel art or patterns for grid-based art
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Long press delay to delete point is too short
When using the direct selection or pen tool to move points the point is deleted too soon if the apple pencil is used to select it. Long press is supposed to delete the point but this happens if you hold the pencil on the point for a very short time. Please add a longer delay or even better allow the user to set the delay in preferences.
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2 votes
Erase up to intersection (Paths)
Illustrator on Ipad and the normal one really needs a tool to erase to intersection, like for example Clip studio has. It has a few workarounds, but this should just be a feature, not something to work around.
Erase up to intersection should be a simple tool/or a feature you can activate on the normal eraser, so you can just touch the lines you want to cut and they will be erased up to the closest path it connects too.
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Polygon tool
Hi, it would be great if — along with square, circle, triangle and star — there was a polygon option like on the desktop app.
Thanks2 votes -
Shape Builder tool. It’s the best!
You know what i mean, and you know how useful and versatile it will be. Imagine how powerful the AI app will be if it has a shape builder tool.
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Straight line
Creating straight line by shortcut (on 0, 45, 90 degees), like on desktop by holding shift button
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Knife tool needs to be like polygon tool or pen tool.
Knife tool needs to be like polygon tool or pen tool.
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1 vote
double tap the apple pencil to go back one step
For example, if you have made a mistake in what you are doing. That will be ideal if it can also be done with the pencil. (instead of tapping the screen with two fingers to go back one step.)
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Finger Draw
I want to draw with only my fingers or Magic Keyboard Touch not Apple Pencil or Mouse
1 vote
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