Save as .ai can be interrupted by another save
Last frame in a story: textFrameItem.nextFrame is not null
Transparency on PNG not supported when imported or replaced
Can't copy, paste or delete data on graph tool
Option to "protect" Type when Scaling/Rotating/Mirroring etc
Ability to Designate Target Folder for Scratch Disk
Artboards and Smart guide heads up displays do not show data, just gray boxes
Mouse response too slow to use Illustrator. Clicking on the file menu causes a 5 second delay to open it.
AI 25.4.1 GPU performance still very slow, cannot easily editing previous version files
Cannot save data to cloud after folder creation
Stroke smaller than 1pt creating spikes/anomalies on the curve
Cannot Successfully Get Into Project
Not possible to see/read/agree with to the User Guidelines…
Misaligned patterns on SVG import
When resizing item Illustrator v27.3.1 crashes (no response)
Stop creating extra anchors
Ai 2021, Windows: Opened SVG image element with base64 data is not shown.
It's 2020. Why is it still impossible to scale a graph with the free transform tool.
không backup dữ liêu / Add data backup
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