AdminEgor Chistyakov
(Admin, Adobe Illustrator)
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4 votes
AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment -
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment I guess it’s too late to ask for the file!
In case Ai still chokes up with importing lightweight PDFs, please send one to the team to dissect it: -
5 votes
AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
5 votes
AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment @grant — do you still have this problem? In case it’s still there — do you use Magnet app at all? If yes — does disabling or quitting it change anything?
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Steven, I wonder if you still can reproduce this problem with the modal dialogs messing up with input fields.
If you still do — would you mind recording a short video of the steps you do exactly to make it happen? -
6 votes
AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment It’d be hard to do, I bet... but simple at the same time :)
I understand the problem! I often need to grab an Eyedropper when editing text, and 'I' is obviously can’t be used, I have to click the tool... I wrote a small script to pick the tool and bound it to Alt+I with an external app, to be able to call it — not the most graceful solution. If you want Ai to allow this hotkey natively, please upvote this request:
But back to this one... Cmd/Ctrl is hardcoded to ALWAYS temporarily toggle the current tool to a Selection tool, even when working with text. And adding the Backquote key (the one with ` and ~ on it, if you are using US or similar layout) will toggle this tool mode between Selection and Direct Selection. Once you release Cmd/Ctrl — the tool falls back to the one you have used previously.
So you CAN use all selection tools while working with text (I must add the adding Opt/Alt for Direct Selection one makes it into the Group Selection also).
Anyway, Cmd/Ctrl+V and Cmd/Ctrl+A are used for Paste and Select All. Almost all of the Cmd/Ctrl keys are already in use! :) -
670 votes
We have done further updates to Dimension tool with recently released version - 28.3
You can create and use your custom scale for dimension, hide or show units on dimensions and dimensions are now sticky to the object - they transform as well when you transform the object.
An error occurred while saving the comment Phil, try to pick Dimension Tool, hold Opt/At and just click the object you want to add the bounding dimensions to — it should add some instantly.
Unfortunately, there is no way to customize the default offset of the dimension line... but there is a request to allow it you can upvote here: (actually I already added you as a voter there, based on your comment).
Please comment back if this is what you wanted (or not!)An error occurred while saving the comment Marcin, to convert font in dimension objects to outline, you would have to expand them first, with Object > Expand Appearance command. Does it work for you?
An error occurred while saving the comment Allesandro, yes, the block that allows us to set preferred sides for Opt/Alt has vanished for the Dimension Tool Options dialog. I don’t know yet why.
You can use other units for font size, line weights, and actual measurements, if you pick them in Preferences, but not for offsets and extensions — this is a known problem that is going to be addressed further. Here is a bug report for you to upvote:
The default distance of the extension line is another known thing. I made it into a request as well:
As for the registration Swatch — do you mind making it into a separate request?
An error occurred while saving the comment Jörg, the team plans to add presets in later releases. So far the re is a simple enough workaround we can use for that, but I admit presets are must have.
An error occurred while saving the comment Bobby, not at the moment. CADtools offer this, AFAIK.
If it ever happens, I think it would require some votes.
So (same as with the other reply!) — can you request it in a new entry now and share a link here?An error occurred while saving the comment @Jody,
many third-parties come up with their own solutions, some of which can be used in CS5:— Hot Door CADtools: — CADdimensions specifically, but it’s not available as a separate product
— BPT-Pro: — one of the most powerful ones
— JLG Tools: — both paid and free versions
— Specify:
— Dimensions script by O2 Creative:
— Dimensions script by Mars Premedia:
— Dynamic Measure by Astute Graphics: — more a measuring tool
— Specees: error occurred while saving the comment Richard, to me personally this center lines thing feels like it’s beyond the arsenal of the tool... If I needed something like this, I’d use graphics styles and just one line. Please check the file attached.
An error occurred while saving the comment Richard, thanks, these are exactly what I expected to see.
And the text below the line is a known bug, will be fixed (and allowed to be customized, I hope)An error occurred while saving the comment Alessandro, the advice Chris gave is for Acrobat, not Illustrator.
Thera are some scripts and plugins (like DynamicMeasure and CADDimensions) that can do that already.
Also, what do you mean by 'quotes and snap'?An error occurred while saving the comment Cool! I'd like to try your solution, Ivan. Is there a chance to test it out before buy?
An error occurred while saving the comment 'Butt shapes together' by setting key object (click it) and pressing 'Distribute space' buttons:
Or, still, you mean something different?
If it is exactly you were looking for, then I'm happy for you :) Keep learning and RTFMAn error occurred while saving the comment 'Butt shapes together' already exists in AI, if I got you right. It is called Distribute and located inside Align palette in expandable section. Or you mean other thing? Then please illustrate
2 votes
AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment I totally get it, I struggle from the same conflict — 'Screens' word pushes me away from even thinking about using it. I immediately think it’s going to compress it, optimize it, convert to RGB, resample to 72 ppi, ignore bleeds... everything I know 'screen people' don’t care about.
Perhaps I should make it a request, to alter the name, to make sure it’s not only meant for screens now...
But this very request, to be able to export PDFs as separate files for each artboards — using Export As! — is still very much valid. Upvoting it.An error occurred while saving the comment Illustrator allows this with Export for Screens dialog, not Export As.
This method treats artboards as assets, produces separate files, and the names of artboards are honored.
Please try it and comment back if it works (or not) for you. -
2 votes
AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Yes, converting modern 3D to vector wireframes is very imprecise... The only workaround so far is to use Classic 3D instead, which does much better job. Voted!
2 votes
AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
512 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Ah, got it now. You filed this request in the Desktop branch, not the iPad one. I am merging this with the existing one on the topic. Thanks!
An error occurred while saving the comment Sara, the video though gives a clear method how to do it, using Envelope Distort, both with presets and meshes, made from custom shapes... What is you request then, if this is something we can already do?
An error occurred while saving the comment Sara, can you please share some images to show what you mean exactly?
There are several things that can match your description and I want to be sure I’m getting the right one.An error occurred while saving the comment Ah, now I get it. This feature is called Envelope Distortion, and no, Charlie, at the moment there is no way to do the same on iPad version of Ai.
I am now trying to protect the iPad version, but as far as I know, the product was never advertised as a full replacement for the desktop app — because is surely is not, and many obvious tools are not there.
There is a general request to for this specific feature, a quite popular one:
Do you mind me merging your request with it, to add your vote?AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Charlie, can you provide some explanation on this?
What do you mean by 'text fill shapes in the same format'? Can you make a screenshot of it, maybe, or just explain? -
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment My bad. These are not actual CHANGES, these are comments!
I guess you can Print with Content Summary these as a PDF, using Adobe PDF Printer, from the Options menu of the Comments panel in Acrobat.Comments is not considered as art, it’s just your client used them as a tool to convey the changes :)
Does it solve the problem for you?An error occurred while saving the comment Ah, this PDF was NOT produced by Illustrator in the first place, it’s made with InDesign, according to the code! Explains some things, but not others.
AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Rupert, this is strange, but for a different reason...
When a document 'saved' as a PDF from Illustrator, it gets two parts in it: a PDF part any app that understands PDFs can view (and edit, in the case of Acrobat and other editors), and the second part, in PGF format, the actual native format of Illustrator files. These look the same, but the PDF part is a basically exported, converted, expanded and flattened copy, as much as the chosen standard allows.
When Ai handles the 'saving', it just sync the PDF part to match the PGF layer... But Acrobat cares not, since it can edit only the PDF part.
But when changes are made by the external app into the PDF... Ai usually gives a message when a file like this is read back, "This file has been modified outside of Illustrator. Do you want to continue?" — but not for this file for some reason... Do you see one?Illustrator values the original native data over the external changes, and there is no easy way to make only some data to be swapped from the PDF into PGF — these changes can be anything, not only a text change... There is a way to force Ai to completely ignore the native PGF block, by removing it in Acrobat (Save as other, Optimized PDF, and uncheck all options but the 'Discard private data of other applications' in the Discard User Data section of the PDF Optimizer dialog).
But this, or writing a PDF without the 'Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities' option checked with your client will ruin the editability and the original structure of the .ai file read back, making it the same as importing a PDF, without backwards compatibility...I definitely understand the problem myself, but I don’t see a simple solution to this.
More to it, I don’t understand why the changes made by your client into the PDF are not rendered when I place it as a link into a new document! And I can’t bake these changes with the Optimize method above — the year is still visible in the imported document, with no rectangle on top of it.
That is strange. Thanks for sharing this along with the file. -
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Justin, does this object you try to resize have a stroke applied, or an effect?
If yes — please open Preferences and make sure Use Preview Bounds option is disabled.
When this one is checked, Ai treats the strokes as expanded, and calculates the final width and height with their weight included — and these force the dimensions update when the object is scaled non-proportionaly.
Please comment back if it works and makes sense. -
3 votes
AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
2 votes
AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
5 votes
AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Hmm. Pressing 'Export 3D object...' button at the bottom of the 3D & Materials panel (in the Object tab) should do the same thing automatically: it adds the currently selected object (and it should be selected) as an asset to the Asset Export panel and immediately open that panel.
Ian, what happens exactly when you try this approach? What does not happen?An error occurred while saving the comment Can’t confirm on Windows.
All formats works when Export Assets is used for me.
Ian, can you tell more about how exactly it’s broken? Does it even try to create a file? Or the files don’t appear even? Or messed up? -
5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Ah, the flawed modern File > New...
As noted in a comment on forums, toggling it to the legacy one can be a workaround.
I can’t reproduce it, but when I watch the video in the other comment, I notice this happens when the assumed orientation changes, and this makes the buttons for it blink back and forth rapidly — as if Ai tries to swap the values from the height field to the width one and stops in the middle — and it looks as if it restores back the previous value!Brian, can you make several experiments to see if it’s what it is?
Try to start from a square artboard, but then try the same for an album and a portrait one, and see if behavior changes.
There is also an existing request to just make Add Anchor Points function better, here:
And I have to mention the plugin, PathScribe, which has a panel already offering this.
I like the Pen’s addition as well, but I’d love to have it as an option for it.