Select Fill or Stroke Does Not Make Selection Automatically Edit-Ready
For years I have been frustrated with how anytime I want to edit fills or strokes, Illustrator seems to ALWAYS have the wrong choice forward in the tools panel! It seems to always know when I want to edit strokes, because it always has fills ready to edit in the foreground swatch and vice-versa! All these years I just felt is was some sort of voodoo thing, but I finally realized why this happens to me the majority of the time. I use Select>Same>Fill Color, Select>Same>Stroke Color, Select>Same>Stroke Weight all the time. The main reason I make those selections by targeting them in that manner from the Select Menu is because that is what I am getting ready to change in the artwork. So, if I choose Select>Same>Fill for instance, it would really be nice if AI would automatically switch the active swatch to "Fill" as well... and so on. This is not always the case of course, but 90% of the time that is what I am wanting to do. So it would be nice to at least have a Preference setting to enable that option for those 3 selection commands and maybe hold down the Alt Key when choosing to give the opposite swatch priority. This would save a ton of clicks!

Related to this request:
Automatically focus stroke or fill based on the current appearance of selected object -
Micah commented
Fill should always be the default attribute when choosing a color as fills are by far more common to design than strokes.
The way Illustrator treats fills ans strokes as equally important is very inefficient and has NO benefit to the user. No other design software outside of Adobe forces their user to do this. It needs to be fixed for sure, though I have little hope for Adobe changing this. -
Anonymous commented
Without doubt the most annoying thing about Illustrator and InDesign. If I have a shape that has a single attribute applied to it i.e just a stoke colour or a just a fill colour, chances are that when I select it to edit it, I will want to change that single attribute only so AI should display that single attribute as the default. It always seems to the opposite attribute to what you need to change and it is very frustrating.