Automatically focus stroke or fill based on the current appearance of selected object
It would be great if AI took into account the attributes of an object and flipped the stoke and fill palette default accordingly automatically. If I have a circle that is filled blue and I want to change it, I would like AI to recognise the blue fill on selection and switch the fill palette to the default and vice versa for a stroke only object as it is more likely that I want to change that attribute than anything else. I find this very frustrating.

Related to this request:
Select Fill or Stroke Does Not Make Selection Automatically Edit-Ready -
onenower commented
当对象只有描边时,选择该对象,填色/描边的默认值应为“描边在前”; -
Rebecca Bailey commented
Yes! I love this idea, I'm accidentally adding strokes or fills to objects that don't need them because I didn't check whether stroke or fill is fronted in the tool bar. And if the item already has both a stroke and fill, then you don't have switch anything.
Graham commented
I have used illustrator for 15+ years and gained numerous grey hairs because of it. One thing that has constantly driven me insane is this:
You have in your illustration some elements that are fill only. Other elements that are strokes only.
You are busy with the eyedropper tool. Recolouring your artwork, trying out ideas.
If I select a stroke only item, that has no fill, please use a couple simple lines of code to switch the tool bar swatch thingy to focus on stroke. Similar to pressing X on the keyboard. And vice verse with a fill only item.
Why would I select a stoke only item and then want to add a fill to it?! Especially if it's a two point straight line!!!! Why not add a tiny line of code to recognise item selected has no fill, item has stroke, item has no closed path = switch swatch focus to stroke so user doesn't go insane.
Same with filled objects. If I wanted to add a stroke to it, I would do so manually with stroke menu. I wouldn't expect to add a stroke when using the eyedropper tool to change the fills colour.
It is so so annoying. Does no one at Adobe use illustrator all day long? It has contributed to my stress over the past 15 years.
Yes I can press X, shift X or /.... but it slows things down and I often to forget.
Also the recolour tool... make it for the year 2020. Give us curves to adjust artwork tones. When working in RGB, for artwork that will be later animated in afterEffects, we're less interested in individual swatch spot/process colours and more interested in being able to adjust colours with precision: levels, curves etc. Please I beg you.
Anonymous commented
Yes exactly. I feel that the probability that you will want to change the one attribute that is already applied is a lot higher than if you where to add a second attribute. If you did want to add a second attribute then you would need to flip the fill and stroke selector as you would normally. I find myself doing this about 80% of the time currently.
I don't get it. You propose that AI would automatically switch to setting fill (from stroke if it was active before), when you select object with fill, but no stroke? So you can change fill to other fill?
If so — then no.
AI can't guess your intentions. And if it would try — it will ruin other people's workflows, switching fill/stroke when they don't want to. What if I intend to set stroke, for example?But I think this switch should automatically change to fill if 'Select same fill' is executed and same for stroke.
There is a request for this: