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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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945 results found

  1. Mouse cursor disappears on Windows 11 Insider Preview

    I opened Illustrator to work on a project and my mouse cursor disappears when I am in the workspace. I can't seem to get it back. It is just an illustrator issue since I can see my cursor fine in other programs.

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  2. Top Bar Menu Items Stop Responding

    Platform: macOS Sonoma 14.2.1 Illustrator: 28.1
    While operating and working on a drawing portions of the Title Bar Menu no longer respond to clicks (File, Edit, Object, Type, Select, Effect, View Window) however the Illustrator and Help still respond.

    It was necessary to use keyboard shortcuts to save work and was necessary to quit and reload Illustrator and then load the file I was working on and the menu items now respond.

    Has happened numerous times while working on recent drawings.

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    It seems like this problem happens only for Mac Sonoma users...

    Downgrading to a previous version of MacOS seems to be a viable workaround at the moment.

    This is not a proposed solution though.

    If this happens for you at earlier versions — please comment.

  3. Illustrator gets minimized when toolbars get touched at Mac Sonoma 14.1, with application frame disabled

    By updating to MacOS 14.1, In Illustrator 2024 28.00, as soon as you touch the toolbars, they disappear. Keeping the "Application Pane" active does not give the error. Can it be solved. A thousand thanks!

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  4. Generative Pop-ups causing file open click issues in MacOS Ventura

    The popups that push the generative AI features (which should be permantally dismissable, but that's another issue) cause a bug in the file open... menu. If the popup remains open, and you click File > Open... the file dialog opens, but you cannot click on any files. Closing Illustrator and re-opening will fix the issue.

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  5. The Generative AI Try It Box won't close after clicking on the "X" close button

    The Generative AI Try It Box won't close after clicking on the "X" close button

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  6. The small Generative AI marketing window won't close.

    When starting work this morning, a small marketing window popped up inviting me to try Generative AI. I click on the little X in the upper corner but it wouldn't close without restarting Illustrator. These marketing windows are interfering with production and are useless, please stop using them.

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  7. レイヤー名に改行コードが入っている場合、MacとWindowsでレイヤーパネルの表記が異なる。

    macOS Ventura 13.6.3、Windows10/11
    Illustrator ver.28.2(以前のバージョンも同様の挙動)

    3.レイヤー 1を選択しレイヤー名をダブルクリックするかダイアログを表示してレイヤー名にテキストエディター等でコピーした改行を含むテキストをペーストする。




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  8. The menu does not respond well right after Illustrator launches


    Immediately after starting Illustrator, the menu does not respond to clicks and only works once every two times. Also, the phenomenon occurs that opening a new document does not show up the first time. Focusing on another application and refocusing on Illustrator fixes the problem.

    While investigating the cause, it seems to be triggered by the presence of an invalid plugin or its warning screen. Without it, it worked fine.

    Steps to reproduce

    1. Put the invalid plugin into Illustrator's plugin folder
    2. Start Illustrator
    3. Click the File menu

    Expected result

    The File menu will open.

    Actual result

    Nothing happens. A…

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  9. Pressing Tab to Show All Palettes focuses a random third-party extension’s input on Windows

    Reported by Enisio:

    I use the Tab key a lot to hide/show panels, to instantly clear the panel clutter on the screen.
    Pressing Tab activates RANDOM extension.

    This is bad, because I work with shortcut keys: T is for writingS for Scale, R for rotation, etc.
    When an extension gets focused, I can’t call the tool I need and type something in the extension panel instead.

    Same thing with all the extensions below. I think all extensions behave this way. Has anyone ever paid attention?

    Console Panel

    Happens with Win 10 + AI 2024 — but…

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  10. カラーウィンドウの改善


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  11. Making adjustments to a value within a panel's field, either through a scroll wheel or a swipe up/down gesture, operates inversely.

    1) Click on a field with a certain value in a panel (e.g., "Keyboard Increment" value in the "Properties" panel).
    2) Scroll up or down to adjust its value.
    3) Scrolling up will result in decreasing the value.
    4) Scrolling down will now result in increasing the value.

    This is counter intuitive. It should work vice versa. Scrolling UP should INCREASE the value, and scrolling DOWN should DECREASE it.
    Please, fix it.

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  12. Home Screen shows incorrect data at start of month

    At the beginning of a month, the Home Screen reports inaccurate "last modified" dates on recently opened documents. For example, on 1st March, a document last opened on 28th February is reported as having been opened "1 month ago" instead of "1 day ago".

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  13. The windows I last opened are forgotten every boot up. Only the project window opens by default. (Switching Workspaces doesn't open windows)

    The windows I last opened are forgotten every bootup. Only the project window opens by default. (Switching Workspaces doesn't open the windows it normally opens either. The windows that were opened do not change when switching Workspaces.) I have to open each window manually every bootup.

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  14. Crash when clicking on options in … (More Options) popup in the Properties panel

    This one exist for at least a year: when object is selected and Properties panel docked to the right, click on the … (More Options) button in the Transform section. Then it either crashes immediately or when some option is modified (like "Scale Strokes and Effects").

    I remember I reported that while ago, but got no reply and obviously no attention from support team.

    Top of the crash report:

    Process: Adobe Illustrator [44604]
    Path: /Applications/Adobe Illustrator 2024/Adobe Illustrator
    Identifier: com.adobe.illustrator
    Version: 28.3.0 (28.3.0)
    Code Type: ARM-64 (Native)
    Parent Process: launchd [1]
    User ID: 501

    Date/Time: 2024-03-23 20:18:35.4441 +0200

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  15. New document screen doesn't close upon creating new document, locking me out of program

    The following issue has popped up a couple times now: I'll be working in Illustrator (Windows 10) and want to create another new document. I'll navigate to File>New and be faced with the New Document popup. I'll select my desired parameters and hit "create," and the document will be created behind the popup -- but the popup won't close, and I can no longer click the main Illustrator window to work behind it. I've had to use Ctrl-Alt-Del every time this happens; there's no opportunity to save work. (This has only ever happened when I've had Illustrator already open, never…

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  16. Paste in front places objects in a wrong position

    Just updated to Illustrator 28.3 on macOS Ventura 13.4 on iMac 19,1.
    Paste in front is fine on current artboard copied from. But paste in front does not land in corresponding location on another target artboard.
    i.e. - copy text or art from artboard A. Paste in front artboard A lands in exact same spot. Paste in front artboard B (same size, but to the right of A) lands at -6.568" @ 139.125° from artboard A location (up and to the left). Artboard C (2nd document) lands up and to the left -19.6735" @ 169.064° of expected location.

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  17. Shift + F puts screen in presentation mode.

    WIth version 28.2 Shift + F puts the screen in presentation mode even though there is no hotkey setting for it, it was blank in the keyboard shortcut menu.

    I added a hotkey command that i would never use to so it doesn't keep going into it when I accidentally hit those keys since ctrl + F i use a lot. and Shift + F still puts it in presentation mode. I have never had this issue before until today...

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  18. Scrollbar breaks using stylus (windows/wacom)

    While I'm using a stylus, if I use the scrollbar, illustrator acts as if I haven't released from the scroll bar and continues to wildly scroll, and all other features including closing the program are inaccessible. This continues even if I tab out of the program and doesn't stop until I force quit illustrator.

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  19. Menu and Tool UI text, sliders, buttons and fields should be easier to click. larger clickable area around each tool options.

    The clickable area of many UI elements are smaller than they appear making the process tedious an needlessly taxing

    . In my pic my cursor is clearly inside the opacity field but I cannot yet activate it. As it is currently design, I need to be unnecessarily precise. Makes no sense.

    The entire UI could stay the same size but clickable areas should become larger.
    Text based buttons like opacity should be treaded like buttons with a large clickable area ( opacity in a box with ample padding)

    There would only be improvements to the UX, no downsides.

    If anyone…

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    ADOBE IT IS 2024.


    Copy <Old Custom Workspace AND Keyboard Settings> to <New Version>

    Okay? It can't be that friggin' complicated. I'm trying to write a PowerShell VBA to do it, and I'm not a coder.


    This might be too much for UX, but golly gee gosheroonies,…

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