Javascript erroneously reports stroke color in paragraphStyles.characterAttributes if it has been changed from a color to noColor
AI 21.0.0 2017 Release
---------------------------------------- to reproduce
New Document (defaults: print, letter)
T for text tool, click in document, type "test text"
cmd-return to exit
in Color palette click anywhere in color bar to change text color
in Paragraph Styles palette, click the new style icon to create "Paragraph Style 1"
---------------------------------------- 1st run
run script "bugreport"
fillColor: [CMYKColor]
strokeColor: [NoColor]
---------------------------------------- 2nd run
select the "test text" text
press "X" to change the color palette from fill to stroke
click anywhere in the color bar to give the text a colored stroke
in Paragraph Styles palette, select "Redefine Paragraph Style" from the menu
run script "bugreport"
fillColor: [CMYKColor]
strokeColor: [CMYKColor]
---------------------------------------- 3rd run
double click on "Paragraph Style 1" in the Paragraph Styles palette to modify it
under Character Color, change the stroke to [None], and click OK
run script "bugreport"
fillColor: [CMYKColor]
strokeColor: [CMYKColor]
The results are erroneous: the strokeColor should be [noColor] as it was in the first run.
---------------------------------------- fin