Please update "Planet X" in backend to "Live Paint"
Actions read from API are named "Planet X".
In AI menu, they are "Live Paint"
Additionally, there is one typo: "Marge Planet X" = "Merge Live Paint"
When Loupedeck reads the actions from API, they appear with outdated names in Loupedeck UI.

Karo Holmberg (Loupedeck) commented
Loupedeck UI uses DisplayName-function for the action/adjustment names user sees-> all functions can be renamed despite what is the API-ID.
Renaming is currently ongoing process for multiple plugins - Illustrator being one of those. Lot of the plugins actually have legacy-names which need to be updated every now-and-then :)
Updating PlanetX's displayname to a correct one is much more easier process than to break the API: All functionality all over the world using this API needs to be renamed if PlanetX is renamed on API level. Second option would be, that Adobe-team creates new identical API-function with the correct name and leaves Planet X as it is -> and removes it from documents, so that no one would use it anymore).