Pls allow for bulleted and numbered lists to include fully customizable coloring, size, font, and shape of the bullets/numbers.
Given the inflexibility of this feature at present, I have to make the bullets invisible and then add perfectly aligned reformatted objects over them in order to visually format their appearance as bullets, which opens up the door for the kinds of layout errors I'm trying to avoid by using automatically formatted bulleted/numbered lists to begin with.
This becomes especially problematic/impractical in the event of including multiple bulleted lists in a given doc...
Pls allow for bulleted and numbered lists to include fully customizable coloring, size, font, and shape of the bullets/numbers.
Given the inflexibility of this feature at present, I have to make the bullets invisible and then add perfectly aligned reformatted objects over them in order to visually format their appearance as bullets, which opens up the door for the kinds of layout errors I'm trying to avoid by using automatically formatted bulleted/numbered lists to begin with.
This becomes especially problematic/impractical in the event of including multiple bulleted lists in a given doc...