I would like Adobe to change the live paint bucket tool to the paint bucket tool in Adobe Illustrator CC so people do not have to change their artwork to live paint group(s) before being able to paint with what is called the live paint bucket tool and/or the live paint selection tool anymore. It is so much easier to paint different sections of artwork in Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 using the paint bucket tool without having to change the artwork into a live paint group. Hope this is taking into consideration for the next big version of the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite.
I would like Adobe to change the live paint bucket tool to the paint bucket tool in Adobe Illustrator CC so people do not have to change their artwork to live paint group(s) before being able to paint with what is called the live paint bucket tool and/or the live paint selection tool anymore. It is so much easier to paint different sections of artwork in Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 using the paint bucket tool without having to change the artwork into a live paint group. Hope this is taking into consideration for the next big version of the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite.