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Can't finish previewing. Could not complete the requested operation.
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743 votesAn error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Kyle commented
I couldn't take it anymore. I finally rolled back to v22. Just gonna hang tight until they fix this.
An error occurred while saving the comment Kyle commented
Anon, read the comments. I've been directly working with the Adobe team working on this. Sending them information and having screen sharing sessions for them to get to the bottom of it. They have posted, but it's not always clear when you first visit the page.
An error occurred while saving the comment Kyle commented
Got in touch with Raghuveer Singh, and he and the Adobe bug team are on it. I gave him a test file, along with display and system details so they can get further to the bottom of the issue.
I don't know how they let a bug like this pass through. The stranger thing is my co-workers aren't experiencing the bug. Only my machine is dealing with it, and we're a team of 8 designers. One of my co-workers claimed they experienced the bug, but after updating to Mojave, it went away. Not for me! Anyway, hoping they fix this sometime this week. Might be longer, though.
An error occurred while saving the comment Kyle commented
Ashutosh, as requested, I spent some time operating Illustrator with my WiFi / Internet turned off, and the error still occurred. I think it took about 30 minutes to occur. It's difficult to predict.
An error occurred while saving the comment Kyle commented
Newcomers, Adobe has emailed me. They are working on fixing this. Just commenting to all the new commenters that have voiced their concerns as well. Looking forward to the coming fix.
An error occurred while saving the comment Kyle commented
Hey everyone. I just received this message late last night (PST) from Anish Kumar from Adobe:
"Thanks everyone for the response and your willingness to help. We are able to reproduce the issue inhouse and are working on it.
I will get in touch with you in case we need any help from your side.
Anish"So we will be getting a fix soon. For now, I'm just going to hang tight and keep rapidly saving, quitting, and re-opening Illustrator to work around the issue.
An error occurred while saving the comment Kyle commented
You know Adobe won't refund money. However, I'm sure they're working on it. Issue is still occurring for me. Still waiting for an update.
An error occurred while saving the comment Kyle commented
Da Aldana, we don't know yet. Adobe devs are (I assume) trying to address the issue. I'm still dealing with it as well.
An error occurred while saving the comment Kyle commented
Thanks, Henrik. I'm also in communication with Anish Kumar and Ashutosh Gupta about it. Hopefully we can get this resolved and get Illustrator working tip-top sooner than later. Otherwise, I just have to work with quitting, and re-opening files in 10-15 minute increments before it crashes again.
An error occurred while saving the comment Kyle commented
Updated to Mojave. Still getting the error.
Kyle supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Kyle commented
This issue also may have something to do with server access. When I'm connected to my work server, the issue persisted. After I disconnected, I haven't had the error occur even once. I'm wondering if Illustrator is looking at network access for something.
Just now, however, the same error occurred. I can only say that it took much longer for the error to occur this go-around. Still persists, though.
An error occurred while saving the comment Kyle commented
Thanks, Anon. I'm not settling yet, we'll see if it fixes after installing Mojave. Thanks for letting me know it's still not working for you. I'll stay alert for the issue.
An error occurred while saving the comment Kyle commented
Apparently, this bug only occurs for High Sierra users. I didn't realize there was an OS update to Mojave. Fellow co-workers are telling me that error DOES NOT occur when using macOS Mojave. So I'm updating now.
An error occurred while saving the comment Kyle commented
I've sent an email to the team describing the issue.
An error occurred while saving the comment Kyle commented
It is not tied to a specific action. The error is recurring. I've managed to go over 40 minuted without the error, and then I'll go 5 minutes and it recurs two to three times in a row.
An error occurred while saving the comment Kyle commented
It is still crashing. Still making the same error. CPU reboot hasn't helped. I'll see if clearing the preferences cache or something fixes it.
An error occurred while saving the comment Kyle commented
I'm working on macOS High Sierra 10.13.6
3.5 HGz 6-Core Intel Xeon E5
Mem 64 GB
Graphics AMD FirePro D500 3072 MBSince updating this morning, Illustrator has consistently crashed. At a random point, it switches to outline mode, and then a dialog box opens and states, "Cannot finish previewing" –– and then every time I try to switch out of outline-mode, it fails, and brings up the same dialog box, and I have seconds before it crashes altogether.
I'm able to still save and close the file. But when I try to re-open it, it says it does not have enough memory and that I can't open the illustration. When I quit Illustrator, and re-open it, then it works. Then the outline mode issue occurs, and I have to restart again. I'll try a CPU reboot to see if that helps.
NOTE: This issue happens on Microsoft Windows as well
They aren't going to compensate you. Just roll back to v22. They are on it. I've been talking to the team. But it's apparently a terrible bug they completely overlooked. I don't know why or how, but it is what it is. Just roll your version back to v22 and you're good to go until they fix v23.