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743 votesAn error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
Applied patch today. Worked several hours in illustrator with zero issues. Thank you!
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
Following up on Casey's comment about possible conflicts between open Apps while using Illustrator v23.0. I thought I would provide my information if it is helpful in trying to debug the issue.
While I have Illustrator open, I also have: Bridge, Photoshop (both 2019), iTunes, MacMail. Occasionally, I have Safari open or Transmit when I am uploading to an ftp, and Acrobat. These last three old remain open if I have to use them in the moment. I am on a iMac running 10.13.6
In the meanwhile I am using v22 with no issues. I may possibly try the fix. Hope this is helpful.
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
Uninstalled 2019 version v23 and went back to V22. Problem is Bridge 2019 won't recognize previous version. Have to open files through v22. I hope they fix this nonsense soon. Otherwise, v23 is useless for me. Must have gotten that preview warning like 6 times today.
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An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
same issue here on new iMac with 16 GB 2400 MHz DDR4/4.2 GHz Intel Core i7. Has happened repeatedly.
do we leave the beta version in place and just update 23.0.1 over it? thanks.