Please update JavaScript engine to ES6

Sergey Osokin commented
I think some users haven't moved to Affinity yet because of the lack of scripting. As soon as it appears, they will leave Adobe Illustrator.
Sergei Turulin commented
Hey Adobe!
You need to update and fix bugs as soon as possible. Affinity started developing drawing scripts. If you do nothing, they will force you out of the market.
Abdulghaphor Hajjieh commented
I would like to suggest using ES2021 or a modern version of JavaScript for Scripting.
Jeremy commented
Please consider updating the ExtendScript engine to utilize current standards. at the very least, ES6 would be greatly appreciated.
王智永 commented
It only supports ES3 right now, which is very old, on the other hand,
AdobeXD supports ES5 above, which is very good.It will be wonderful if you have that feature support.
Thank you!