Kari Johnson
My feedback
1 result found
149 votes
Hi Everyone,
This has been completed, and has available since June 2020 release (version 24.2)
Please go to Illustrator preferences > General > and select “Show/Hide Rulers” (refer attached screenshot). After checking this, if you hit ‘Show Rulers (Ctrl/Cmd + R)’, then the rulers will appear in every document (new and old), even after relaunching Illustrator.
Please update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App: https://helpx.adobe.com/in/creative-cloud/help/creative-cloud-updates.html
Thank you for all the feedback.
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I know it's no big deal to Ctrl + R to show rulers, but I have to do it every single time I open a new document and try repeatedly to get to the place where Show Rulers would be a default. I see someone else remembers being able to set Show Rulers as a preference. It would see that most anything you want to do in a drawing format is going to be reliant on measurements, aka RULERS. SHOW RULERS should be at least a preference setting each user could choose, like "Smart Quotes," though don't get me started on Smart Quotes.