AdminVarun Sharma
(Sr Product Manager, Adobe Illustrator)
My feedback
10 results found
40 votes
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34 votesCompleted (Comments Open) ·
AdminIllustrator Engineering (Software Engineer, Adobe Illustrator) responded
I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 26.4.1 which is available worldwide now.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
Rohit Jain
Illustrator Team
An error occurred while saving the comment Hey @TheoGschwind,
You can do that using the Adobe Creative Cloud desktop app. Please see the attached screenshots to go to older version.
184 votes
I am happy to share that we have shipped the Bullets and Numbering in 26.4 update for Illustrator. It’s a phased rollout so you may not see 26.4 update yet but it would rollout globally in a day or two.
You can read about this and other new features here ( ).
An error occurred while saving the comment Hey Gary, thanks for checking this out. Yes, we will be adding the dialog box with more settings (these will keep appearing in Beta in upcoming weeks). Also, we are checking on the .001 numbered list appearing outside the text frame.
1 vote
AdminVarun Sharma (Sr Product Manager, Adobe Illustrator) shared this idea ·
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks Hiroshi, very helpful.
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks Hiroshi for the feedback.
Regarding accessing psdc and aic from FInder and Explorer: This is currently not in plans, but it's a great point for us to discuss.
Regarding ability to convert documents with existing psd files linked to them to aic and psdc: There will be an option to upload ai file as aic. If that file has a psd linked, psd won't be uploaded to cloud (at least not yet). Do you expect that when you upload an ai file which has a psd linked, psd should also get uploaded to cloud. If yes, how would you like for that psd to be stored (in the same folder as you aic file or in some other folders or something else).
AdminVarun Sharma (Sr Product Manager, Adobe Illustrator) shared this idea ·
1 vote
AdminVarun Sharma (Sr Product Manager, Adobe Illustrator) shared this idea ·
129 votesCompleted (Comments Open) · 74 comments · Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests » File Save, Import and Export · Admin →
An error occurred while saving the comment @Felix: Thanks. Yes, this is also in plans. We'll start work on this soon.
An error occurred while saving the comment @Philip King: Thanks, we are looking into these requests as well. In particular, Ability to create custom presets is on the to-do list, and will soon be picked.
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks Drew and Felix.
@Felix: Yes, the path for the second file will not be the same as first file.
An error occurred while saving the comment @Felix and Andrew: The way we are planning to implement is: When you hit export, the path shown will be that of the folder in which path resides. If you change this path to some other folder, then it will remember this path, and for your subsequent export, this new path will be shown. And this will work at file level.
Is this what you have in mind? Or did I misinterpret?
24 votes
If tweaking the Preferences > User Interface > UI Scaling slider does not help to solve this problem, please make some screenshots or a short video of the problem, and post in a reply, along with your exact specs for the OS and the monitor used, for the team to try to reproduce it.
An error occurred while saving the comment @Ben Ellenbroek: This functionality(UI Scaling) was added in CC 2019. CS6 will not have this.
91 votes
Illustrator allows option to Simulate Color Paper, whereby user can pick any color as the background. (This is accessible from File -> Document Setup)
Does this help solve the described concerns?
AdminVarun Sharma (Sr Product Manager, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
416 votes
Thanks for the information provided to the Illustrator team.
We are able to reproduce this issue at our end and the engineering team is currently isolating this issue further to get to the root cause.With Best Regards,
Illustrator TeamAdminVarun Sharma (Sr Product Manager, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
@Lee Thanks for your comments. Web version currently does not work on Chromebook. Web version is in beta phase (testing with users), and slowly we'll roll it out it on Chromebook too. Since Chromebook are low on processing power, we are working on optimizing the code to make Illustrator web run on these devices smoothly.