Dynamic link between Illustrator and After Effects
Please make it easier to make to have changes made to illustrator files reflected automatically in after effects instead of having to re-import.

Yago bertolino commented
Se o illustrator tivesse uma conexão desse tipo com o after effects de forma nativa, salvaria muito tempo entre ficar salvando arquivo e abrindo no after, separando camada, recolocando camadas de texto e muito mais segue o anexo ou o link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTFW94703qA
Anonymous commented
Yess i need it to its realy important
Andrew Hainen commented
I just hate how unintuitive and cobbled the Illustrator --> After Effects flow is. It's like the teams had one phone call years ago and then never improved on the process. I NEVER use Layers in Illustrator (just sublayers). So to prep a file to go to AE is just convoluted and really trashes the organization I usually do in .ai files. Also, copying and pasting paths from AI to AE: pathetic. So complicated, so many steps, good luck explaining. Also, 2018 and I still can't bring an .svg into AE? I love AE, but so much of my time is spent trying to find a more modern tool that's as powerful under the hood.