Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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60 results found
Align to artboard when only when item/group of items is selected.
Have aligning be dynamic depending on what is selected. If one item or group of items is selected auto select align to artboard rather than the last selected option.
If multiple items are selected but not group it would auto select align to selection.
This would reduce time having to check what you are aligning to since 99% of the time when you are trying to align a group it is to the artboard and the same with selecting multiple objects. It is a hassle having to constantly be checking and changing my align options.
78 votesHi Everyone,
Thanks for this feedback. This has been avialble since June 2020 release (version 24.2). Now, when you’ll select a single object/group, Align To setting will default to Align To Artboard.
Please update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback.
Full Alignment Center Option (both horizontally and vertically)
Instead of having two tools (Horizontal and Vertical Align Center), can we get a tool that does both in one called something like Fully Align Center. I've included an image of what the tool might look like.
71 votes -
「中央に整列」を実行したときに、座標の平均ではなく選択範囲の中央に揃えたい / Align to center of selection instead of average of coordinates when "Align Center" is executed
一方で、Illustrator iPad版で同じ操作を行うと異なる結果になります。iPad版の「中央に整列」では、座標の平均ではなく、選択範囲(バウンディングボックス)の中央でオブジェクトが揃うしくみです。
自分が確認した限りではPhotoshopやInDesignもこちらの仕様です。- 「選択範囲に整列」というオプションの名称からも、座標の平均で揃うことは推測しにくい
- iPad版のように、選択範囲の中央に揃うほうが直感的でイメージしやすい
- デスクトップ版とiPad版の同じ機能がそれぞれ違う動きをするのは避けるべき
- 選択範囲の中央に揃う仕様はその他のAdobe製品でも採用されている
---------(used the translation tool)---------
In Illustrator on desktop, select multiple objects, and in the "Align to Selection" setting, execute "Vertical ( or Horizontal ) Align Center".
The objects will then be aligned at the average of their respective center coordinates.
However, the same operation in Illustrator on iPad produces a different result. The iPad's "Align Center" aligns the object at the center of the selection (bounding box), rather than at the average of the coordinates.
As far as I have confirmed, Photoshop and InDesign also have this specification.- It is difficult…
40 votes -
Highlight an anchor point used as a key object
Keying an anchor point is a lesser known option for aligning and distributing.
Clicking an object in a selection to key it is a thing that can be learnt by a chance (that is how I learned it myself), but using the latest selected point as a key is not a behaviour that is easily noticed.
The change of the mode is marked only via the small icon in the corner of Align panel, and nothing else on the artboard tells about it — compare this to the fat edge a key object uses.
Can you try to make a…
25 votes -
Align to or by text baselines
- Align baselines from 2 different size texts in different boxes.
- Align something to a baseline of a text
- Align a text to something by its baseline
25 votes -
Center Pattern Command
Draw a vector shape and fill with a pattern, notice this is not centered. To do this is a long meticulous process prone to error.
Can we get an option in the Align panel to do this?
19 votes -
Aligning to a certain object
The Align tools in all Adobe programs is a wonderful feature. However, in Illustrator when you Align objects it changes the position of ALL of them. In other programs, it tends to be the last object you select takes the dominant position - aligning all others to it. In Illustrator it doesn't seem to matter the order you select, it just aligns it to the nearest center point (thus moving ALL the objects). The Lock feature doesn't help as you cannot select a locked object to align with/to.
17 votesYou can align to an object you choose to be the key one.. Click the object you want to use as a key the second time and Ai will use a bolder edge to highlight it.
More details here:
Align panel: Objects touch edges
I draw as well as design web layouts in Ai, and I spend a lot of time sliding objects around on a pasteboard and using Smart Guides to snap them next to each other so they're touching. I'd like to add a set of features to the align panel that allow you to select two objets, define the target object with a second click, and then define which edge of the objects you want them to touch on: top, bottom, left, right.
15 votes -
Allow to nudge or rotate individual elements along the path for Objects on Path
Objects on Path needs more options and in its current setup is very limited in its usefulness. This tool feels like it's still in beta. Whilst it's good at doing the one thing it's designed to do, it's missing a lot of useful capabilities.
One of missing bits is the ability to nudge or rotate individual elements along the path.
Other two requests are:
1. Objects on Path needs an ability to keep orientation of objects relative to page/path, similar to blends —
2. Add an option to measure gaps between objects in Objects on Path by their bounds,…10 votes -
Allow to use point-specific controls and functions when all points of a path are selected
There is a limitation in Adobe Illustrator with aligning anchor points.
When using the Direct Selection tool to highlight anchor points on a path the options to align anchor points disappears in the Align palette if all points on a path are selected.
That can be a problem if I'm trying to align two points on a simple two point path. I either have to add additional points or manually align the path using smart guides. It would be really nice if one anchor point could have key object like behavior and stay locked in place. Certain rival vector graphics…10 votes -
Alignment options to outside (top, bottom, left, right) of key object
I would really benefit from options to automatically align an object to the outside edge (top/bottom/left/right of its bounding box) of a key object. For example, "Align below" would put the top edge of the bounding box of the repositioned object flush with and below the bottom edge of the bounding box of the key object.
While I can try to achieve the same results by dragging the object around and using smart guides and snapping, that may require a lot of time (and a little luck) when there are several nearby objects that smart guides are being generated from,…
10 votes -
Add an option to make the bottommost object a Key Object
Please add an option to the Align Panel to allow the user to change the default behaviour of "Align to Key Object".
Currently, the default Key Object is the topmost object. However, it's very rare that I don't want the complete opposite – ie. to align an object to its underlying container. If users were able to "Align to Key Object (Bottommost)", it would save an enormous amount of time and effort.
10 votes -
Align to x-height / Cap height, align to effects' bounds
Hey! Illustrator rocks!! I am a professionnal user and I have to tell you that the software is really awesome!!!
As a graphic designer (specialized in UI) I have to align stuff all the time:
1- I would like to to be able to align the text to x-height inside a box rapidly. ( for instance the words inside a button )
2-It would be nice to be able to align the stuff that has been duplicated with the Transformation... tool
For now in both case I would have to decompose a duplicate of the transformed shape and manage to…10 votes -
Allow to Move All objects and adjust their Spacing from both ends in Objects on Path
Objects on Path construct has several on-canvas widgets, allowing us to quickly eyeball some parameters interactively.
One of these is the starting position of the array along the path.
If the length of the array is shorter then the path, we can grab the rhombus marker and move all the objects together along, keeping the gaps.Another one is Space widget, which is located above the construct.
We can grab and make all the gaps shorter or longer at once.For some reason both treat the array as directional.
We need an ability to be able to move the array…
8 votes -
Please add an ability to align points using the Align panel
Please add an ability to align individual points using the Align panel. This has always been an option, but it seems to have been removed.
8 votes -
Rotate with arrow keys. Hold R to turn nudge in to rotate.
I love being able to nudge the selected object with the arrow keys, I want a modifyer key that allows rotation in the same way. example: R key + arrow key rotates. Left and right arrows might be one degree increments. Up/ down could be 15 degree - which quickly gets people to the super common angles 30, 45, 60
8 votes -
Add an option to measure gaps between objects in Objects on Path by their bounds, not between centers
Objects on Path needs more options and in its current setup is very limited in its usefulness. This tool feels like it's still in beta. Whilst it's good at doing the one thing it's designed to do, it's missing a lot of useful capabilities.
If the objects are different sizes it doesn't space them evenly. Spacing currently is determined only by the center points of the objects rather than its bounding box. At least make it an option.
- Objects on Path needs an ability to keep orientation of objects relative to page/path, similar to blends —
- Allow to nudge…
7 votes -
Objects on Path needs an ability to keep orientation of objects relative to page/path, similar to blends
Objects on Path needs more options and in its current setup is very limited in its usefulness. This tool feels like it's still in beta. Whilst it's good at doing the one thing it's designed to do, it's missing a lot of useful capabilities.
What's missing is the ability to keep the baseline of the objects i.e., keeping the objects horizontal. What it needs are the same options as Type on a Path (Rainbow, Skew, 3D Ribbon, Stair Step, Gravity).
Other two requests are:
1. Allow to nudge or rotate individual elements along the path for Objects on Path — …7 votes -
Align/distribute to angle
It would be so cool if you could align/distribute objects on an angle. Say for example I want to align objects to a 45 degree angle, instead of aligning to the highest/lowest point, or to the left or right.
7 votes -
Objects on Path needs a way to control spacing / gaps precisely, with a value
At the moment we can’t control spacing (gaps) between objects on path ion the new Objects on Path type of object (what a beautiful sentence).
We can only eyeball it with a slider, which is incrementing by points (despite me having set millimeters as my ruler units).
There is no field I can type something like 0.125 mm, or at least a modifier key (like Cmd/Ctrl) to make the slider go slower ×10 (or any other value I choose somewhere in Preferences or at least in Adobe Prefs file, buried in Ai’s folders).
Perhaps yo should also allow us to…
6 votes
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