Swap names for Reflect commands
Transform / reflect / horizontal-vertical
function is incorrect

colorline contact commented
Horizontal and vertical symmetry options do not match (between the property panel and the mirror transformation)
Matt commented
Maybe this has already been fixed, but it appears that the the words "horizontal" and "vertical" are transposed... see screengrab. Just thought you'd want to know
Dulce Maria Albarez commented
E aproveitando a oportunidade, a tradução para o português da ferramenta abaixo está errada e confusa:
MENU TIPO / CRIAR CONTORNOS >>> Tradução correta para a opção >> Converter em curvas. -
Dulce Maria Albarez commented
Prezados senhores,
os textos relativos a ferramenta REFLETIR na horizontal e vertical estão trocados. -
Elizabeth Brown commented
DRIVES ME CRAZY! In Illustrator when I choose the HORIZONTAL reflect tool, it doesn't make my object switch forwards to backwards, instead, it turns the object UPSIDE DOWN. HORIZONTAL GUYS MEANS RIGHT TO LEFT, NOT UO TO DOWN......
SECOND ISSUE - KEEP YOUR NAMES THE SAME - On the dropdown bar on top, you refer to "transparency" as "opacity" on the application frame, app bar says "Character", dropdown it's "type" - WHY CANT YOU CO-ORDINATE THIS!!!!!