Assets Export - Good but could be better
The assets exporter is a good idea but:
1 - As name it takes the top-layer/group name. I have everything sorted in groups and what I need is in the 3rd level, thats the name and the layers I want to export as an assets, but is imposible right now.
2- Why it works only dragging from the canvas? It would be SO good if we could drag them from the Layer tab, more handy.
3- Why the asset preview hide if you hide the layer/group? Makes no sense and makes it more confusing.
Those are so common sense things, don't know who takes the decisions about this kind of stuff but come on... Anything I try doesn't work, always fighting with the program about how to do things that should be normal. I still wasting a lot of time with Illustrator to make thing that should be so easy to do.